
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-06-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 2008-06-16 - She Danced in New York City!

Post Number 680

Hello, darlings! Emma here, back from another magical adventure in the Big Apple! As you know, I'm here this week to follow my absolute dream, twirling around the greatest city on Earth, all whilst wearing my very special pink tutu, of course. It wouldn't be a trip without it! You can catch up with all my exciting NYC escapades on my weekly blog, www.pink-tutu.com, every Monday.

This week has been a whirl of tutus, sequins, and some truly incredible shows. I started the week at the legendary New York City Ballet, feeling that delightful pre-show excitement. There's simply nothing like the anticipation of being swept away by a captivating story told through dance, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. The sheer artistry, the costumes - all so spectacular, just perfect. The whole experience, a whirlwind of emotion, colour, and movement! I could have spent all week in the theatre!

But, dear readers, my journey is not just about the theatre. It's about embracing every inch of the city's vibrant culture! From my morning coffee, topped with the freshest cream, at the corner cafe (where I spied a young couple in matching tutus, oh how I wish I had a photograph of that, such inspiration!), to my afternoon spent browsing the vintage clothes shops, always hoping to find another vintage tutu to add to my collection! You can't imagine my glee when I found the most stunning pink tutu, completely handmade, just calling out my name - of course, I had to buy it!

My favourite part of my New York City adventure is always hopping on the Metro! Not only does it save me time and money, it's the ultimate window into the city's fascinating melting pot. There's something magical about observing the ebb and flow of everyday life - a student engrossed in a book, a young family escaping the city bustle, and even a mime in a full-length pink tutu - yes, he actually was! He didn't say a word, but with just a single, playful spin, he gave me the perfect excuse to bust out a few twirls myself. There's just no escaping the tutu, it's the unspoken language of joyful expression and New Yorkers just seemed to love it!

Now, this isn't just about fashion, it's about embracing life with the same unbridled passion as a dancer pirouetting on stage. My dream is to inspire everyone, in every corner of the world, to experience that same joy and freedom! Imagine a world where everyone wore a pink tutu, wouldn't it be an absolutely magical, sparkling vision? I say, it's possible, and with your support, dear readers, we can achieve just that! Spread the word! Let's make the world a little more tutu-ful!

But, enough about me! I simply have to share with you the exciting events taking place in NYC on June 16th. There's the always enchanting 'Summer Solstice Celebration' at Bryant Park! It's going to be an incredible celebration with live music, free dance workshops, and, of course, a whole lot of happy people! If that doesn't make you want to dust off your own pink tutu, nothing will. Just think about it! A park, in the sunshine, surrounded by laughter and twirling!

Then there is the New York International Antiquarian Book Fair. As an avid reader myself, I must say this event truly sparked my imagination. Itโ€™s like stepping into a literary treasure chest overflowing with centuries of knowledge! If you have an eye for vintage books, especially those beautiful antique ballet books - it's the perfect place for a true treasure hunt. You just never know what amazing stories and captivating narratives are waiting to be discovered!

Don't forget about the "Movies on the Green" series happening at the New York Hall of Science! Imagine relaxing on a lush green lawn with a movie under the stars. It's an excellent chance to enjoy some quality entertainment, relax, and take in the beautiful scenery! You never know, maybe you'll be inspired to wear your own tutu to the event - we've all got that one, don't we?

My adventures are just starting! But for now, I must bid you farewell and wish you a beautiful and magical week.

Don't forget, if you are inspired by the vibrant world of dance and tutus, head on over to www.pink-tutu.com and tell me all about it. You can also share your tutu pictures, tips on fashion, travel, and the ballet on my Instagram page: @EmmaPinkTutu I simply love connecting with you, my fellow dance enthusiasts!

Until next week, remember to always stay positive, embrace life's beauty, and never be afraid to twirl in your very own pink tutu!

With love and twirls, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-06-16 she danced in New York City