New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-03-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #718 - New York, New York! 🩰🗽

Hello lovelies!

It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple, and oh, it was a beauty!

This week's adventure started with a sprinkle of New York magic. I woke up in my teeny tiny (but perfectly pink!) hotel room, excited for the day ahead. This city is always bursting with energy, and it's like the city's vibrant pulse beats right into my heart. I could hardly wait to hit the streets and soak it all in!

I grabbed my trusty tote bag - overflowing with a pink-themed shopping list, my trusty "On Point" ballerina journal (yes, I take copious notes on all the best bits of the shows and performances!), and a pink tutu, naturally. (Because you never know when the opportunity for a spontaneous twirl will present itself.)

After a quick but oh-so-delicious bagel breakfast, I was ready to embark on a day of New York exploration! And, naturally, my preferred mode of transportation? You guessed it! The majestic subway! It's such an iconic part of the New York experience, and I'm always fascinated by the bustling crowds, the constant flow, the sheer energy that it generates.

But before hopping on the train, I just had to snap a couple of selfies in front of the giant pink "PinkTutuBlogNYC" sign that's been popping up all over town! People always seem to think I'm mad, prancing around in my tutu, but who cares?! I mean, it's all about making memories, isn't it? And if that means wearing pink tutus and inspiring others to follow suit, then I'm on board. It's all about that je ne sais quoi of a well-placed tutu, right? 😉

My first stop was the grandest of all the grand, the legendary Metropolitan Museum of Art. As soon as you step inside, the incredible atmosphere wraps around you like a warm hug. Today I was particularly captivated by the Costume Institute. There's just something incredibly magical about the stories woven into each garment. Who wouldn't want to step into the pages of fashion history?

Of course, I had to spend some time exploring the American Wing, taking in the beautiful architecture and furniture. They say you can really tell what era something comes from based on how it makes you feel, and oh my, those grand old pieces spoke volumes to my soul! And I couldn't leave without taking a few (hundred!) snaps with the breathtaking cityscape backdrop behind me.

Then it was off to the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). It was time to get my fashion fix. It was absolute fashion heaven. Clothes are my lifeblood, after all! With the ever-changing trends, it's an incredible place to soak up all the latest inspiration, get lost in the fascinating history of design and marvel at the innovative creations of today. I found some inspiration in some amazing outfits! And maybe even started planning for my next "pinktutu outfit" blog post, too... ;)

Later that evening, the highlight of the weekend rolled into view! New York City Ballet was hosting a special performance. It was nothing short of perfection, each dancer was truly in their element, making the stage feel alive with energy and artistry. They danced with a beauty that brought tears to my eyes! The way the music swept me away, the sheer athleticism, the sheer artistry of it all. I came out of that theater filled with an immense appreciation for the sheer power and grace of ballet, and yes, I may have had a couple more selfies outside in my tutu...

But before wrapping up my day, I made my way to the legendary Grand Central Terminal - what an iconic piece of architecture! The sheer grandeur of it is simply breathtaking. I imagine that if that ceiling could talk, it would have a lifetime of stories to tell!

On my way out of Grand Central, a lovely group of students asked if they could have their picture taken with me! They thought my pink tutu was super cute and asked all about my blog. You see, this is what I love about spreading the Pink Tutu message – it truly unites people from all walks of life. Whether you're a fashionista, an art enthusiast or just looking to brighten someone's day with a burst of colour, tutus truly have a way of making everyone feel happy and a little bit magical!

With my day coming to an end, I went back to my hotel room for a good night’s sleep. Even if it was only a tiny pink space, it felt like my very own little New York haven, my comfy little ballet shoe where I could rest my feet and dream about my next adventure in the city.

This city never sleeps, and as I snuggled down for the night, I thought about all the wonderful things to come. Perhaps next week I'll take in a Broadway show, maybe indulge in a gourmet meal in Little Italy or even catch another ballet performance. Who knows what this city will throw at me next! One thing is certain, it’s always an adventure with Pink Tutu Blog NYC, and I can't wait to share every twirling, vibrant, pink-filled moment with you.

See you next week for more New York fun!

Until then, don't forget to follow me on all the social channels!

Your Pink Tutu-loving blogger, Emma xoxo

Monday 9th March 2009, Monday Edition!

That was a lovely bit of fun. As you all know I'm super into keeping my blog posts lighthearted and fun! So, this week's Monday Edition is going to be full of pretty pictures, fashion tips and maybe a little bit of inside gossip! Who wouldn't love a little bit of juicy information on what makes New York City tick? 😉

Remember that gorgeous dress I spotted in that window on 5th Avenue? You know, the one with the beautiful embroidered flowers? Well, I finally tracked it down! You know me, I'm all about supporting emerging designers and exploring their unique style! I ended up having a fab chat with the designer herself - such a delightful woman, her vision for fashion is just captivating. But she's also quite secretive! Let's just say, this could be my biggest scoop yet. The designer whispered about a new project they are working on - something quite spectacular with a big surprise at the end. I promised I'd keep her secret safe, but I do hope that'll she'll give me a little exclusive look behind the curtain soon! I can't wait to share the reveal with you! 🤫

Speaking of the biggest scoops - you have to see my new tutu. The colours are to die for - an explosion of sunshine yellow and a delicate sprinkle of baby blue - I even got a little sparkle on there too! What makes this tutu really special is that it’s inspired by my trip to The Frick Collection. It's one of those hidden gems you discover when you're exploring off the beaten track, so don't be shy and step off the main path every now and then! The art, the beauty and, of course, the fashion within these walls truly inspired the delicate flower embroidery that now adorns my brand new tutu. Oh, and that intricate little bow in the centre - just a subtle wink to the neoclassical styles I found so inspiring. Swoon! 😉

While I was wandering around The Frick Collection, I had to take a minute and indulge in the lovely teas at The Tea Room at The Frick Collection. The setting is just beautiful! Imagine: opulent gold accents, plush red armchairs, the air smelling like the sweetest roses… and an irresistible assortment of tea-infused pastries! A cup of Earl Grey, scones with a delicate layer of strawberry jam… I think I’m in heaven! It's almost as heavenly as wearing my pink tutu through Central Park while humming "Swan Lake". The Frick Collection is one of those special places that fills your soul with a bit of sunshine, doesn't it? I just hope they're hiring, as this place makes me want to live inside a beautiful painting.

Now, you might be asking: Emma, where can we see this incredible tutu that is inspiring you? I'm afraid it's a bit of a secret. Don’t worry though, I have big plans for a “pink tutu reveal” on this blog soon. The big question is... should I post my tutus on Etsy? Let me know what you think, loves! Your opinions matter!

Now, here are a couple more tips for a fabulous New York experience:

Food: * New York isn't all about hotdogs! If you are tired of fast food, L'Artusi offers the most divine pasta dishes, Joe's Pizza is an institution that makes the tastiest New York slices and, don’t even get me started on the incredible desserts! Dough Doughnut does some fantastic doughnuts and I could eat Ladurée’s macarons by the dozen. So much deliciousness in the Big Apple. You just have to explore!

Shopping: * I've got two tips here: one for fashion-forward shoppers, and one for those who love a bargain! * Trend-spotting? Don’t forget to head down to the trendy West Village - there are vintage boutiques and high-end independent designers galore, hidden gems just waiting to be discovered. But don't forget to make your way to SoHo, one of my favourite areas, a place where art meets fashion! The galleries there really capture the energy and creative flair of the city.
* Seeking bargains? Remember that New York is one of those places where thrift stores can really surprise you with incredible finds! So keep your eye out for Goodwill stores and explore their vintage gems – you'll find anything from retro glasses and chunky necklaces to classic vintage jackets and amazing footwear for a fraction of the cost! (It's definitely worth it - that's where I got my trusty tote bag!)

Nightlife: * As you know, a proper girly night out with the girls is an absolute must! This weekend, I had a fantastic time at the Metropolitan Room. They have amazing cabaret singers with stunning voices. It’s a super glam setting and you always get the most incredible show! Remember those photos I posted last week at the Metropolitan Room? They even have Pink Tuesdays (the ultimate Pink Tutu night out!) with fun cocktails and pink-hued snacks. Who says New York doesn't have fun for everyone? The city truly lives up to its "City that Never Sleeps" title!

But there’s another side to New York that I simply adore: the quiet side, the peaceful side that allows you to experience a touch of magic. This is my little secret that I can’t wait to share with you:

I discovered a beautiful sanctuary in the city, a real oasis of calm amidst the bustling crowds. Tucked away from the concrete jungle and the neon lights lies The Cloisters Museum and Gardens. This historical haven transports you to a peaceful and quiet side of New York that very few people know about! Here, amongst the rolling lawns and medieval structures, you find an atmosphere of pure serenity and history. I could wander through the stone cloisters, gaze up at the breathtaking tapestries, and listen to the soft murmur of the wind in the leaves all day long. If you’re looking to escape the New York chaos, this place is simply divine. The gardens themselves, a haven of lush blooms and manicured walkways, just complete the feeling of being completely away from it all! Oh, and remember, always, ALWAYS, take your tutu with you to places like this. Even if the city never sleeps, we all need a place where we can take off our dancing shoes, take a breath and dream.

What's your favourite part of New York? Where did you see a tutu recently? I'd love to know - and who knows, maybe one of these tips will inspire you to create your own NYC pink tutu adventure! Don't forget to leave a comment or send me a message!

Until next Monday, keep it bright, keep it pink and don’t forget to twirl!

Love, Emma xoxo

P.S. Did I tell you that you can actually meet a penguin on your trip to New York City?! They're over at the Central Park Zoo! Don't worry, my visit was purely for educational purposes and penguin selfies. 😊

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-03-09 she danced in New York City