New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-03-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #719: Tutu-ing Around the Big Apple

Hey lovelies! It’s Emma here, and boy, oh boy, do I have a treat for you today! Monday's always a good day, but today, it's even more magical because it’s time to spill the tea on my recent New York City adventures, and I know you’re all eager to hear all about it!

Now, as many of you know, this fabulous pink-tutu-loving ballerina has been making her way across the world, fuelled by my passion for dance and the joy of sharing my adventures with you all! For the past couple of weeks, I've been living my best life in the heart of the Big Apple - New York City! I must admit, I haven't left Derbyshire very much, you know - proper "Darbyshire girl", but when you're a tutu-wearing ballerina, the whole world suddenly seems within reach. And NYC, well, it was just calling my name!

So, I packed my trusty travel bag full of my favourite pink tutu (it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu blog post without my signature look, would it!), a healthy dose of glitter, and my usual ballet class gear – you never know when inspiration will strike!

But let’s back up a bit - how did this whirlwind trip even come about, you ask? Well, it all started with an exciting opportunity to perform at a prestigious gala. The world of professional ballet can be competitive, but the more I danced, the more opportunities presented themselves, like this amazing chance to experience the dazzling world of Broadway.

Now, New York is known for its iconic landmarks, its vibrant street life, and of course, its incredible food scene – all of which were right up my alley. However, I have to admit, the main draw was the promise of "dancing with the stars." My performance in a gorgeous, contemporary ballet piece alongside world-renowned dancers in front of a packed house - my heart still skips a beat when I think about it!

Now, I know you're all curious to hear all the juicy details. So, let’s jump into it!

A Week of Magical Moments in NYC

Monday, March 16th - As soon as I stepped onto that famous yellow taxi, the city’s energy was contagious! And yes, my pink tutu got lots of admiring glances! I love New York – you can't be in a bad mood when you're surrounded by all this vibrancy. It feels like everything is possible in this city.

My first stop was my Airbnb - I scored a cute apartment in the West Village - I'm a real girly girl, so naturally I fell in love with all the cute little coffee shops and charming independent boutiques lining the streets. After I’d unpacked and admired the view from my window – I took a long walk through Central Park. I have to say, nothing compares to a crisp spring day in NYC, just perfect for soaking up all the beauty. As I admired the Central Park fountain and the blossoming trees, I spotted a cute little stand selling colourful tulips. The bright, happy flowers really got my creative juices flowing! That night, I explored Times Square for the first time – all those dazzling lights – and I felt that same energy that made me love ballet.

Tuesday, March 17th – Let’s be honest, I wouldn’t be me if I hadn’t squeezed in some serious shopping! A ballet performance wouldn’t be complete without the perfect wardrobe. For this show, I knew I needed the ultimate NYC fashion vibe. Think sleek lines, vibrant colours, and oh yes, plenty of glitter! So, I hopped on the metro, it's one of my favourite things about big cities – always a blast and so efficient, with all that bustle and chatter! - and found my way to Fifth Avenue, where my favourite brands awaited me. You guys wouldn’t believe my finds! - It’s all a bit much to mention here, but just trust me - it was fabulous! After an afternoon of finding my perfect performance look, I found a fantastic Broadway show that just screamed "pink tutu." It’s hard to pick a favourite, but the creativity of Broadway is second to none. There’s nothing like a night at the theatre. And oh, let's not forget, the energy - I can still feel the magic of that night when I look back at it.

Wednesday, March 18th – I made sure I made the most of my trip. There was a big ballet workshop I’d heard about. You know me, I just had to try it out! The whole experience was just amazing, not just the dance but meeting new people, exchanging ideas. I met the sweetest girl at that class – a ballerina called Olivia from California – she actually had a similar love for tutus like I did, we chatted and exchanged ideas for a while, maybe we’ll start a new blog collaboration, you'll have to see about that. In the afternoon, I went to explore SoHo - the cobbled streets, trendy art galleries and charming boutiques - everything felt like a postcard come to life. I finished the evening at The Met (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), feeling inspired by some beautiful fashion exhibits and iconic artwork, all before enjoying a fabulous Broadway show later in the evening.

Thursday, March 19th - Thursday in New York City started with an exciting experience – the chance to explore Brooklyn, crossing that iconic bridge with the breathtaking view of the cityscape. The feeling was pure magic. I can still feel the wind in my hair and that feeling of adventure - oh, I’m truly lucky to have such experiences, all while sharing them with you guys! Then, to continue the journey, I decided to make my way back to the East Village to catch a local street performance by the most wonderful breakdancing crew! That afternoon, I just had to indulge in a little bit of New York pampering – I had my hair styled at one of those cool, independent salons you always see in movies, which included, a perfectly styled bun and some subtle, delicate flowers - absolutely perfect for the grand performance the following day. In the evening, I was lucky enough to be invited to a wonderful gala performance hosted by the legendary New York City Ballet.

Friday, March 20th - This is the day! My biggest moment on the New York trip was approaching, I was ready for my debut performance, so naturally, I prepped my look! This show wasn’t like any I’d done before – it was in a whole new context. But as soon as the music started, I knew, with the bright spotlight shining, and hundreds of faces in the audience, I had to be bold and unapologetically me! I gave everything my heart had - the joy of dancing, my energy, my love for ballet. When I finally took my bow, the applause felt magical - there’s nothing like sharing the pure joy of dance, I can truly say my passion for dancing brings so much meaning to my life, even my trips!

Saturday, March 21st - I know a ballerina never rests - it's my life, right? I always try to squeeze in something special. This morning I decided to treat myself to a fabulous brunch at the very heart of New York's famous foodie culture, which turned out to be an adorable little cafe where I shared a plate of the most incredible avocado toast and bottomless mimosas with some fellow dancers. Afternoon – I discovered a wonderful hidden gem in Soho - a lovely little ballet boutique where I managed to find the most beautiful pointe shoes, a perfect souvenir for my ballerina friend back home - Olivia would be thrilled! We all deserve a little retail therapy after all. After shopping, I finally caught the metro and visited the amazing iconic building of New York City's ballet centre!

Sunday, March 22nd – As my adventure neared its end, I was grateful for this city – I’ll never forget all its bright lights, and of course, its inspiring atmosphere. Before leaving New York, I spent my last afternoon at a trendy little art cafe, grabbing some coffee and writing my thoughts in my journal (and of course snapping some Instagram pics for all you guys!) I reflected on how far I’ve come, from a ballerina girl from Derbyshire to sharing this wonderful experience with all of you – it’s truly a dream!

## Bringing New York City Back with me - In My Tutu

As I head back to England (where the sun isn’t always as bright but is always a comfort), it's the small things that I'll be carrying back – the city's vibrant energy, the warmth of its people, and that New York feeling – it’s like an elixir. I’m so lucky to be sharing these adventures with you guys, I’m a proud pink-tutu-loving, ballet-dancing girl who has the pleasure of seeing the world and sharing all my stories with you. And who knows, perhaps I’ll get some of you to step into a pink tutu as I go on my journey across the world!

It's truly magical to bring these little moments from New York City home and incorporate the things I learned and experienced into my performances when I get back! I feel like a whole new world has been unlocked and it’s a feeling I just want to keep sharing. There’s something so special about how the whole world comes alive through dancing - the music, the movement, and the emotion – you don’t need any special language or any explanation!

*Next stop… Rome! * Stay tuned for more pink tutu adventures, and don't forget, to join the pink-tutu-wearing club! We'd love to hear your thoughts! Until next week, keep dancing!

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-03-16 she danced in New York City