New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-09-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #747 - Monday 29th September 2009

Hello, my darling tutu-loving darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple and oh my goodness, I am absolutely bursting with excitement to tell you all about it!

This weekend, New York City embraced me with open arms (and, if I’m honest, a couple of rather alarmingly large buses almost taking me out). As I skipped along Fifth Avenue in my blush pink tulle creation (a new addition from a rather lovely vintage store just off Broadway - you’ll see it in my outfit post later this week!), I felt a tangible, undeniable connection to the city. Perhaps it’s the infectious energy that radiates from every cobblestone and every street corner. Maybe it’s the countless artistic spirits that call this concrete jungle home, or the sheer volume of magnificent tutus that just seem to materialise at every turn (one day I’ll share the photos of the tutu shop that left me speechless!). Whatever it is, it's utterly intoxicating!

Before we dive into the glittery delights, let's rewind a little. As you know, I travel almost exclusively via the tube (yes, I know, you're supposed to call it the subway here, but I still find "tube" utterly charming, no matter where in the world I am), and I have to say, the NYC Metro experience is like nothing I’ve ever encountered. I wouldn’t say I had a particularly adventurous journey, mind you, it wasn’t anything as thrilling as an episode of The Commuter! But the sheer size of these subterranean stations and the relentless influx of fellow commuters was enough to get my pulse racing. I mean, honestly, some of these platforms are larger than my whole flat back in Derbyshire! It's just one of those fascinating little cultural differences that make travel so darn exciting, wouldn't you agree?

But of course, no trip to NYC is complete without indulging in its artistic heart and soul - its legendary ballet scene. On Saturday, I waltzed my way to the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. Imagine, if you will, an ornate grand hall, overflowing with people as beautiful and dazzling as the dancers on stage, and a sheer sense of elegance that hangs in the air like a veil of gossamer tulle. The entire experience felt like a scene straight out of Swan Lake! Oh, and don't even get me started on the costumes! They were truly exquisite, like walking masterpieces that flowed with every pirouette and plié. I dare say, it's probably one of the best performances I’ve ever witnessed - an absolute dream for any ballerina, and certainly one for the books!

After such an enthralling evening, my weekend continued to dance to a melodious tune. Sunday saw me embracing the joy of Broadway. After a leisurely afternoon strolling through Central Park (it was like walking through a movie set - so romantic!), I found myself on the front row of “Wicked”. And oh, darling, what a show! It was visually stunning, full of vibrant costumes and breathtaking choreography, but also brimming with so much heart and emotion. As the final curtain fell, I sat there, stunned by the sheer power and beauty of it all. My heart danced with the energy of a thousand prima ballerinas!

Let's not forget the vital sustenance of shopping, a necessary ritual to fuel my inner ballerina. Oh, the stores! Every street corner held a new fashion dream, beckoning me to step inside and delve into their wonderful treasures. You'll be happy to know I discovered a stunning vintage ballerina tutu (a delicate peachy-pink, perfect for next week's recital) and the most amazing pair of ballet flats with intricate beading that matched the tutu beautifully. And let's not forget a dazzling new sequined bag, bursting with enough sparkle to make the city lights dim in comparison. Talk about finding your happy place!

Speaking of happy places, my wanderings led me to a fantastic bakery on West 57th Street - the kind that could make a duchess forget her afternoon tea with all the glorious treats on offer! My afternoon pick-me-up was a delectable slice of raspberry meringue pie (just the right amount of sweet and tart, and the perfect complement to my afternoon ballet classes).

All in all, my trip was a breathtakingly beautiful whirlwind of artistic inspiration, fashionable discoveries, and delicious culinary treats. New York, you stole my heart and, I must confess, my shopping credit card! But honestly, who could resist such an enchanting city?

Before I leave you, darlings, I have an exciting announcement! My latest performance at the City Hall theatre is on Friday, 10th October. I’ll be dancing in a brand new tutu designed especially for me by a local seamstress. And wouldn't you know it? It's a shade of pink so radiant, it practically glows! I would love for you all to come and enjoy the show, so please check my website for more details.

So, until next week, stay twirling and never, ever stop believing in the magic of a pink tutu!

Emma xx

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the Pink Tutu website ( this week, where I'll be posting photos from my New York trip!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-09-28 she danced in New York City