New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-10-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 5th October, 2009 (Post #748)

Oh, hello lovelies! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where pink tutus reign supreme and the city that never sleeps never fails to enchant! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina-turned-blogger, and as usual, I'm brimming with stories and adventures from my New York City escapades. This week's post is a little extra special because I'm not just writing about the dazzling ballet scene and the oh-so-stylish shopping sprees - I'm actually going to tell you all about my dance experience in the heart of New York City!

The Big Apple Dance: A Ballet Debut!

So, as you all know, I'm all about bringing the joy of ballet to everyone. From twirling in my pink tutu at local charity events back in Derbyshire to sharing my ballet journey on this very blog, it's something I'm deeply passionate about. And what better place to experience the magic of ballet than in New York City?

Last night, I took to the stage (albeit a small one!) in a local dance showcase at the fabulous New York City Ballet! Yep, that's right, your girl Emma danced in New York City! Let's just say, a bit of stage fright is perfectly normal for a ballerina debut, especially when you're sharing the space with some truly talented performers! But, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and embraced the feeling of the stage lights, the supportive audience, and the exhilarating thrill of moving my body to the music.

For a show, I did a little something called a 'pas de deux' (a fancy way of saying 'two-person dance'). And guess what? I got to perform with my wonderful friend, the super-talented Tom - an absolute star who I met at one of the ballet workshops. Together, we brought to life a charming, light-hearted routine that captured a bit of our Derbyshire spirit in the Big Apple.

Of course, my tutu had to be extra special for this momentous occasion. A soft, powdery pink tutu with a hint of shimmer, it twirled around me as I danced, echoing the sparkling cityscape lights of New York City.

My Big Apple Shopping Spree

The after-show celebrations called for a little shopping therapy, so naturally, I hit the streets in search of some fabulous fashion finds. The thrill of shopping in New York City is unparalleled - the stores, the designers, the atmosphere - it's pure magic!

This time, I was particularly drawn to a store called The Conservatory - a haven for vintage treasures and chic pieces that are simply begging to be incorporated into your wardrobe. It's a little bit boho chic, a touch of romantic vintage, and a whole lot of delightful! I couldn't resist a beautiful, flowy maxi dress, perfect for my evening adventures. And, naturally, I grabbed a pair of fabulous pink stilettos - because a girl's gotta wear her pink, right?

A Ballet Lover's Paradise: City of Dreams!

Every single day in this incredible city feels like a fairytale! The cobblestone streets, the iconic skyline, the energy - it's simply electric! I have the chance to take in amazing performances and meet some incredibly inspiring people, all while wearing my pink tutu and spreading joy wherever I go.

I even popped into the New York Public Library yesterday and devoured an inspiring book about the legendary ballerina Anna Pavlova (who inspired so many with her passion for ballet and beautiful artistry). The stories she shared in her memoir made me even more determined to chase my dreams and let my tutu lead the way.

Subway Adventures: Riding the Rails in Pink

No New York City experience is complete without a ride on the legendary Subway! And believe me, this is definitely one of my favourite things to do. I love the sheer vibrancy of this fast-paced, ever-moving mode of transport, with the sound of the tracks, the chatter of the crowds, and the glimpses of this diverse city. Of course, no subway journey is complete without my trusty pink tutu. It adds a touch of whimsical joy to the everyday hustle and bustle - and trust me, it makes for some fabulous pictures!

A Pinch of Inspiration:

One thing I absolutely adore about New York City is how it ignites my creative spirit and makes me want to keep chasing my dreams. The constant energy and vibrancy of this incredible metropolis encourages me to explore my love for ballet, dance, and the magic of the stage.

You never know what you're going to find on a corner or in a park here. It could be a hidden art gallery, a street performer showcasing their unique talents, or maybe even a friendly, colourful New Yorker who shares their inspiring story. New York City truly is a melting pot of creativity and passion, and it constantly pushes me to think bigger and bolder with my own creative expression.

What I’m Loving This Week

Besides my fabulous pink tutu, which always brings joy to my heart (and to anyone who sees me!), I'm especially loving these New York City highlights:

  • Broadway Shows: I managed to squeeze in a spectacular performance of 'Wicked' this week. The energy of this show was electric - a breathtaking visual and musical experience!
  • Coffee Shops: Oh, my goodness, there are simply endless coffee shops and cafes in this city! Whether it's a cosy corner cafe or a trendy coffeehouse with artisanal roasts, a hot cup of coffee is always the perfect pick-me-up for a busy day in the city that never sleeps.
  • Central Park: No visit to New York City is complete without a stroll through the iconic Central Park. The lush greenery, the picturesque bridges, the horse-drawn carriages - it's like stepping into a painting!

Stay Pink & Fabulous!

Well, darlings, that’s all for this week! I’m off to dance a little more, maybe snag a bagel or two (New York's famous ones, of course!), and continue exploring this amazing city in all its colourful glory. Until next Monday, remember to wear your pink with pride, embrace your own unique sparkle, and always chase those dreams!

Don't forget to visit and leave your comments and questions below - I love hearing from all of you!

Stay sparkly,

Emma x

P.S. If you’re feeling extra adventurous this week, head over to Time Square at night and watch the vibrant city come alive! The lights, the sounds, the sheer spectacle – it’s truly breathtaking.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-10-05 she danced in New York City