New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-10-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Post 750!

Hello darlings! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where pink tutus are the norm and life is a ballet! It's Monday morning here in the Big Apple, and you know what that means… it’s time for another Pink Tutu Blog post! This week I'm taking you with me on a whirlwind tour of New York City, all with a healthy dose of pink, tulle, and, of course, a sprinkle of glitter. 😉

Before we get started, though, let me just give a big shoutout to all of you who are following my journey – your support means the world! I can’t believe we’ve hit 750 blog posts already! What a ride it's been! And honestly, I’ve been feeling rather inspired by all of you – I know more and more of you are ditching the black and rocking the pink, embracing the joy of the tutu. You know what? Seeing even a small hint of pink tutu spirit out there just makes me want to twirl right on through!

Speaking of twirling, it’s a good thing I packed my new sparkly pink sequined tutu because this weekend has been one for the dance books! And let me tell you, darling, my feet are killing me but I'd gladly walk a mile in these shoes – literally, actually – just to soak up the magical, amazing energy of this city.

Right now, the October air is crisp and refreshing in New York. That means, my dears, that those stunningly bright autumn leaves are showing off their beautiful colours, and the trees along Central Park are just gorgeous! I have been walking, or should I say twirling, through these autumnal pathways, and my mood has just been so joyful. You know how much I love to capture the vibrant colours and light – the way the sunlight makes everything shimmer!

I spent the first day of my trip indulging my inner fashionista. I explored the beautiful stores of the Upper East Side, from the flagship boutiques of the big fashion houses to those smaller, hidden gems bursting with vintage charm. A touch of vintage flair? Now, you know that's my kind of shopping! There were enough stunning silk dresses, divine beaded jackets, and, yes, darling, some gorgeous pink tutus, to fill my whole wardrobe ten times over! I picked up a fantastic piece of vintage jewellery with real pearls, because you can never have enough sparkles in your life, can you? Then, later, I ended my day with a scrumptious tea at a traditional British tea room – the proper kind, with dainty finger sandwiches, the cutest little cakes, and lots and lots of strong, creamy tea!

After a luxurious breakfast of perfectly made croissants (yes, again, more delicious Parisian delights, I'm such a sucker!), I treated myself to ballet class. You all know how important my regular classes are to me, and even when I'm traveling I find ways to stay limber and work on those pirouettes! This was my absolute highlight of the weekend. You should know by now how much I love to explore and find those unique dance studios. In this little neighbourhood, I found the most incredible class run by this amazing Italian ballerina who gave us the best instruction ever! The whole class, even the other dancers, had an energy about them – I could tell this was a place where everyone shared a love for ballet.

But the absolute best part of my trip to New York City has to be seeing the ballet, of course! This time, I had to see a performance at the Lincoln Center, a grand, beautiful hall of performance! Honestly, it felt like stepping into the middle of a story. The dancing, the story, the costumes, the sheer passion on stage. All the best elements of ballet woven together with the grace and power of dancers and orchestra in perfect harmony.

And what was the highlight of this particular ballet? Of course, a fabulous ballerina emerged from the wings in a beautiful pink tutu! It brought a little spark to my eye. You know that I love those tutus – it's no surprise that I've been absolutely in love with my own, my trusty, oh-so-adorable pink tutu for a good few years now, and I adore them! There's just something magical and empowering about wearing a pink tutu that transforms you into the whimsical and confident ballerina that lives inside us all!

Now, don’t be thinking I spend all my time in posh salons or expensive boutiques. You all know me, I am happiest when I can just grab a coffee on the go (oh, New York, where do you find all your incredible little cafes?) or stroll through the vibrant, ever-changing neighbourhoods of the city. The melting pot of cultures, the beautiful art, the energy! And let me tell you, there’s something very magical about traveling on the metro in New York City. Everyone seems so full of life and on their way to somewhere exciting!

To end my day, I took myself for dinner at a trendy restaurant downtown. Now, here was a restaurant with personality! It was a real find, an experience in itself. This small, brightly-lit place is a foodie paradise where you feel instantly comfortable – and where I definitely had a little extra pudding!

As I say goodbye to you tonight, I am filled with that real New York energy, I can just imagine the busy streets, the honking, the people, and all those lovely shops full of hidden gems! New York City truly does have an electricity in the air!

But as my flight home approaches and another journey to a new adventure beckons, I can’t help but feel this amazing New York spirit in my very core.

Now, I’ve got to say goodbye. But before you leave, I dare you to rock your own pink tutu for a day this week. Don't forget, the more pink tutus in the world, the more twirls, the more smiles – a simple pink tutu makes everyone happier! It’s been a truly wonderful week, darling! But I will see you again next Monday!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-10-19 she danced in New York City