New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-11-23 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #755 – New York City Sparkle ✨

Monday 23rd November 2009

Oh my darlings,

This past week in New York City has been simply divine! From the swirling ballet of the city's streets to the glitz and glamour of Broadway, this vibrant metropolis has captured my heart completely. And you know what? It’s made me completely embrace the fact that I am utterly and completely a pink tutu kinda girl.

Just imagine it – the crisp autumn air swirling around you as you step off the subway onto Times Square. The flashing billboards are a kaleidoscope of colours, a modern-day disco ball against the night sky. You've just finished watching a magical ballet performance at the Lincoln Center, the memory of the graceful dancers and the lilting music still lingering in the air. Then, in this whirlwind of urban energy, there you are – a radiant splash of pink in your tulle tutu, your smile radiating the joy of living life to the fullest.

Let me tell you about this week, darling!

Firstly, let’s talk about my delightful subway travels. I must say, my trusty pink tutu certainly turned heads on the New York metro this week. In amongst the bustling commuters, my swirling pink delight caused quite a stir. The look on people's faces was priceless - a mix of amusement, bewilderment, and yes, even admiration! A few even tried to copy my twirl! Oh, how I dream of a world where every woman takes to the subway in a pink tutu! The power of the pink tutu, darling! You simply can't resist it.

As for my ballet adventures, they've been simply spectacular! I took a glorious class at the renowned School of American Ballet. I tell you, these American ballerinas are a force to be reckoned with. Their strength and technique left me gasping for breath – in a good way, of course. I must confess, I felt quite out of my depth at times but, darling, what's life without a challenge? And then there's the magic of a live performance. I was utterly swept away by the grandeur of the New York City Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker at the Lincoln Center. I could have cried with happiness. The sheer beauty of the dancers, the orchestra's lilting melodies, and the sheer theatricality of the stage set – it was truly unforgettable. Oh, to be twirling alongside them on stage, wouldn't that be a dream?

Between ballet rehearsals and performances, my shopping spree around this fashionable city has been quite something! I tell you, the vintage shops around Greenwich Village are an absolute delight! There's nothing quite like a little retail therapy to cheer one up, particularly when you stumble across a truly breathtaking, sequined pink tutu hiding on the rack of a dusty old shop. And speaking of fashion, New Yorkers, oh, they truly know how to put a look together. The street style here is phenomenal! Think fabulous fur coats, sky-high heels, and a dash of audacious colour – it’s enough to inspire any pink tutu enthusiast! I'm talking about the chic women on Fifth Avenue in their impeccable suits and heels, and then there’s the boho bohemian charm of the artists in Greenwich Village. Every single woman in this city seems to have her own personal style, making the streets an exciting fashion show.

Oh, and I must tell you about a glorious street performance I saw! On a bustling corner in Midtown, there was this fabulous group of street dancers, moving with incredible grace and fluidity. I stopped, mesmerized, and even managed to capture a few shots on my camera for all of you! These street dancers – true artists with such passion and grace – it reminded me of the power of the tutu, the power of dance to lift spirits and inspire creativity. And, you know, seeing these dancers moving so freely and fluidly, I was filled with a longing for my own tutu to dance in this concrete jungle! But alas, there's time for everything.


Tonight, darling, I am going to take in a show on Broadway! It’s called Wicked and it’s about these two witches who are the ultimate best friends! What better way to end this magical week in the Big Apple? I am going to have the most exquisite time in my newest and prettiest pink tutu. I even paired it with a bejeweled necklace to complete the look. There’s something about the glitter of the theatre and the glitter of the city lights. And then of course, there’s the delicious anticipation of the big reveal, of everyone seeing me enter that theatre in my spectacularly sparkly pink tutu.

My days in this magical city have been full of beautiful memories and moments I won't forget. I’m surrounded by creative, vivacious women – I love how they all express themselves so freely and fearlessly, how they make each day a catwalk and a show of fashion! And as I leave New York this week, I carry the joy, excitement, and sheer energy of the city with me. Oh, how I adore this town!

Darling, please don't forget to write back and tell me all about your week. Did you wear a pink tutu somewhere special? Maybe you danced, even in the street, in your pink tutu!

Keep those pink tutus spinning, Emma xoxo

P.S. Don't forget to visit my website to see photos of all the fabulous moments I shared in New York City. Just click the pink tutu on the homepage! 😉

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-11-23 she danced in New York City