New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-11-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #756 - Dancing Through the City That Never Sleeps!

Monday, 30th November 2009

Hello darlings! Emma here, and what a whirlwind of a week it's been! New York City, you truly are the most fabulous city on Earth! I swear, it's like magic happens here.

I know some people get overwhelmed by this vibrant, pulsating metropolis, but I absolutely adore its energy! It makes my heart beat faster and my dance shoes tap even quicker! I just want to twirl down every avenue, every street, every single alley! And yes, I've been wearing my pink tutu all week - of course!

This week has been particularly special because, well, who can resist a trip to the Big Apple in November? It's the perfect blend of festive spirit, brisk autumnal air and oh, so much shopping! It's the season for amazing deals, especially for a girl like me with a love for all things sparkly, flamboyant, and - you guessed it! - pink!

And oh, my darlings, have I got stories for you! This week was chock-full of dancing, exploring and oh-so-much pink, enough to make even the most hardened cynic squeal with delight!

Tuesday: Stepping Into The Shoe Paradise!

Every Monday morning I wake up feeling energised. The whole of New York is ready for the week and I'm part of it. So today I was ready for some serious shoe shopping! It was so hard to choose between my two favourite stores: Jimmy Choo and Manolo Blahnik, but luckily I got myself some delightful fuchsia pumps at Jimmy Choo that were so pretty I almost wanted to just eat them. Almost!

Then, because one cannot simply buy shoes in NYC without an equally beautiful outfit to accompany them, I ventured to Bergdorf Goodman. This place is simply divine, full of so much glorious fashion it made me want to faint! Luckily, I found an amazing magenta coat, a little bit retro but oh so fabulously me, to complete my look. I also managed to snag some lovely accessories: a glitzy, shimmering clutch in rose gold (the perfect contrast to the pink!), a pair of stunning pearl earrings, and, my absolute favourite - a giant bow that matches my tutu perfectly! You simply can't have too many pink bows!

Wednesday: Ballet at the Met!

Wednesday meant a chance to soak up some real culture - and indulge my obsession with ballet! I’d booked tickets weeks ago to see a spectacular performance at the Metropolitan Opera House. I felt like I was transported back to my beloved Derbyshire, to those long nights spent twirling and pirouetting, all while dreaming of someday taking my passion to the stage!

The ballet was called 'La Bayadère', with such beauty and technical virtuosity. My favourite part was the "Kingdom of the Shades" scene – absolutely mesmerising. The dancers’ graceful movements and the hauntingly beautiful music... oh, it was breathtaking! It’s moments like this that make me fall in love with ballet all over again.

After the show, a lovely couple struck up a conversation with me! Turns out, they are also passionate about ballet. They even told me about an upcoming performance of 'Giselle' - one of my absolute favourites! I couldn’t help but smile. Every night in NYC, it’s like a new adventure, with such wonderful people waiting to be met!

Thursday: Stepping onto the Subway Stage!

I decided to treat myself to a Broadway show! My choice was "The Phantom of the Opera". So dramatic, so full of passion! It’s easy to get swept up in the story. The music was absolutely incredible, and the whole performance, with all its thrills and chills, simply took my breath away! It’s almost like watching a ballet in costume!

But then, right outside the theatre, the real magic happened. A street performer started playing a piece of classical music that sounded strangely familiar. And wouldn't you know it? I instantly recognised it as one of my favorite ballets. It felt like the city was inviting me to dance. And what did I do? I grabbed my tutu bag, unfurled my fabulous pink tulle, and joined him!

For the next half an hour, it felt like I had my own personal stage! We danced a quick improvised routine. It was absolute joy! I couldn’t believe all the applause and cheers I got. My performance in this city is getting better by the day!

And oh my darlings! That was not even the most delightful part of the evening! While I was dancing, a lovely lady came up to me and offered to buy my entire tutu outfit, a new outfit for a grand total of £1000! You bet your bottom dollar I accepted! Who can resist a little sale of their precious tutu for a cool grand? I was even able to pick up some new shoes and more sparkly bows with my earnings.

Friday: Fashion Week Madness!

Ah, New York Fashion Week! I've been trying to get backstage passes for years, and this year, my dreams finally came true! Imagine, being backstage during one of the biggest fashion shows in the world - it was so exhilarating! I even spotted some celebrities - so close I could practically touch their perfect, stylish hair. I may even have stolen some tips for the perfect pink ensemble. (Who’s to say what goes on backstage? ;)

Of course, my absolute favourite moment was the closing show of the fashion week: The Victor & Rolf presentation! Victor and Rolf are renowned for their unique approach to fashion - and this time they showcased the most fantastical, theatrical outfits imaginable! There were huge oversized bows, towering feathered headpieces and stunning outfits made of sheer silk, with dramatic silhouettes! I couldn't help but imagine myself twirling across the catwalk in a magnificent pink tutu, creating a show of my own!

Saturday: Finding my Favourite New Spot!

I needed to find some time to relax and unwind! This city doesn’t slow down for anyone, so a visit to Central Park felt like a blissful retreat. And I felt at home with all the colourful autumnal leaves everywhere! What’s even better is finding new spots within such a well-known place. After a wonderful picnic in the sunshine, I took a peaceful walk by the Strawberry Fields memorial. The small white and pink daisies growing there reminded me of the simple elegance of my pink tutu!

As the sun began to set, the golden light illuminated the entire park and I decided to treat myself to a decadent meal. New York has some truly outstanding eateries, but tonight, I was looking for something different, something a little more authentic and local. I stumbled upon a tiny hole-in-the-wall bakery and couldn’t resist trying their apple pie! Oh, it was truly divine – flaky crust, melt-in-your-mouth filling, and served warm with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream. Pure bliss!

Sunday: A Dance Under the Stars!

I wasn't quite ready to leave NYC without seeing something truly special! I ended my weekend with a show at Radio City Music Hall. It was truly a magical performance! Imagine the Rockettes kicking up their legs in their glamorous red outfits... just beautiful! It's been so many years since I last saw the Rockettes, so to be in the audience, seeing such perfectly-synchronised dancing and magnificent costumes, brought back a wave of wonderful memories!

I was even luckier than I could have imagined: after the show, a kind woman called me aside and offered me an audition for a ballet company based in NYC. She loved my performance on the subway earlier in the week! You know how I feel about that: a ballet career is my ultimate goal!

So, I spent most of Sunday rehearsing and trying to stay focused. This audition might be my ticket to performing with professional dancers and I wouldn’t miss it for the world!

And, of course, I knew the best way to prepare was with a lovely pink outfit! I bought the perfect ballerina outfit for the audition: a light pink, silk tutu, and a matching ballet leotard, topped off with a few strategically-placed bows and a silver ballet headband. It felt like I was a real dancer once again, ready for the ultimate challenge! I know that everyone who loves to dance dreams of making a career from their love!

That's a wrap for this week's post from Pink Tutu Blog NYC!

And darlings, it’s time to announce the winner of my Pink Tutu Giveaway this week! I want everyone to feel the magical feeling of wearing pink, to unleash their inner dancer! I got some absolutely fantastic entries, with some absolutely beautiful tutus, so choosing was tough! But the winner is… drum roll Olivia from sunny California! She’s already wearing a pink tutu and is now the proud owner of a sparkling pink tutu with bows!

I'm sending you all my love! Stay tuned next Monday for a whole new adventure here in New York! Until then, don't forget to wear your pink tutu and twirl with joy! It’s time to leave the world behind and dream your dreams – in pink, of course!

XOXO, Emma

P.S. Want to be featured on Pink Tutu Blog? Send your fashion pics! P.P.S. Remember: It’s not just about wearing a pink tutu. It’s about being fabulous and making every day an adventure. Let your inner sparkle shine through, no matter what you wear!

P.P.P.S New York, you have my heart! And with all this sunshine and bright pink I feel that I will be here a while longer!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-11-30 she danced in New York City