New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-02-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Monday, 8th February 2010

Post 766: New York, New York!

Oh, darlings! I am positively thrilled to be writing to you from the Big Apple itself! As you know, my life revolves around the joy of ballet, the beauty of tutus, and the thrill of new adventures. This week, it was all three wrapped into one glorious pink package, and guess what? I managed to squeeze it all into a fabulously hectic 72 hours in the city that never sleeps.

From Derbyshire to the Empire State

Remember last week, when I was sharing a delicious cuppa with Mum and gossiping about the latest season of Strictly Come Dancing? Little did I know that my dreams were about to take flight! An email arrived, not just any email, but an invitation to dance for the New York City Ballet! I could hardly believe it. I had entered a competition weeks ago, half-heartedly I must admit, because honestly, who actually wins these things?

The week flew by in a blur of frantic packing. What could I possibly leave behind? My precious tutu collection, my ballet shoes, all my pinkest accessories...I swear, I felt like a tiny ballerina tornado sweeping through my bedroom!

Then it was off to the airport, and even the rather chaotic journey couldn't dampen my excitement. The air practically crackled with possibility as the plane descended towards Manhattan. My heart was doing cartwheels - and not the sort you do in class, mind you, but the kind where you simply float on a cloud of happiness!

New York City, I'm Home!

Now, if you ever visit New York, make sure you ride the subway at least once. It’s like stepping into a kaleidoscope! People from all walks of life jostling shoulder to shoulder, each with their own story. And oh my goodness, the smells! I loved the mix of cinnamon and street vendor food – a total sensory overload, but in the most delightful way.

Arriving at my hotel room was like walking into a fashion magazine! Walls lined with crisp, white linens, a gigantic window overlooking the city, and enough storage space for my entire tutu collection – what a dream! I wasted no time in settling in and making myself at home, flinging my favourite pink silk dressing gown onto the fluffy white duvet and putting on my very best pink lip gloss – it wouldn’t do to look underdressed in this city of dazzling style!

A Ballet of Dreams

The competition itself was pure magic! We performed on a stage so grand it made my head spin. There was something magical about standing there, under the bright stage lights, all those eyes staring back at me. Of course, I wasn’t expecting to win - just enjoying the experience and soaking in the atmosphere, right?

WRONG! Turns out, the judges loved my performance and my whimsical tutus (they made me stand out amongst all those more classical, traditional costumes). And let’s be honest, who can resist the charm of a pink tutu in motion? Not those judges, that’s for sure.

It’s safe to say, I danced the daylights out of those few minutes.

The Triumph of Tutu Power!

To top it all off, I won the grand prize - a solo performance with the New York City Ballet. This is no joke, my dears. It was a whirlwind! The practice was grueling, the choreography complex, but oh so rewarding! To perform alongside those talented dancers, on that stage, was a dream come true!

Then, the moment I had been waiting for, the curtain rose on my solo. It felt like an eternity, and yet only a fleeting moment. I could hear the audience gasping and whispering, mesmerized by my pink tutu spinning with grace under the spotlight. Every note, every movement, felt perfectly orchestrated. When the last note rang out, I bowed. I could see the joy on everyone's faces. In that instant, I knew I had truly achieved something special.

NYC Shopping Spree

Okay, after the emotional rollercoaster that was the competition, I decided it was time for some retail therapy! Oh darling, you just haven't truly lived until you’ve gone shopping on 5th Avenue. Designer boutiques galore, each window display more outrageous and fabulous than the last! I even had a go at bartering at a little vintage shop tucked away on a quiet side street - scored myself the most darling tweed skirt, a perfect accessory to a pink tutu!

A Touch of Theatre

My time in the city was coming to an end, but I still had one thing to tick off my bucket list: a Broadway show! We all have those stories we tell our granddaughters one day, right? Well, this was one of mine.

I saw The Phantom of the Opera - an epic, dramatic spectacle of song, dance, and, well, everything in between. The costumes were dazzling, the voices soared, and even I had a few happy tears in my eyes by the end! Oh, darling, the final curtain call had me cheering so loudly I think I might have startled some fellow theatergoers!

Until Next Time, New York City!

It’s almost time for me to board that plane and return to my life back in Derbyshire, but it's amazing what a weekend of excitement, ballet, and fashion can do! I’ll be back for more New York adventures, you can bet on that!

So, remember my darlings, you don’t have to be in a tutu to dream big. Every journey begins with a single step. In this case, mine began on a plane to New York, but for you, it might be something completely different. So don’t just sit there dreaming. Take a leap. And when you do, make sure you’re wearing something pink!

And, of course, you know where to find me – Pink Tutu Blog. You can share your stories and adventures with me. And if you ever want to dance the night away in your own pink tutu, just shout out loud, I’m ready!

See you next Monday!

Lots of Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-02-08 she danced in New York City