
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-02-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City, Monday 2010-02-22 - Post Number 768

Hello, darlings! Welcome back to the Pink Tutu Blog! This week Iā€™m writing to you from the bustling metropolis that is New York City! The Big Apple, they call it, and you know what? I can't deny it; the energy here is practically buzzing! It's exhilarating!

This trip has been absolutely fabulous! The energy of this city, the fashion, the lights, the iconic sights - I can't believe how inspiring everything is! I know I say it every week, but I feel incredibly lucky to be living out my dream of travelling the world, wearing my pink tutu, and sharing my experiences with all of you.

Speaking of which, Iā€™m here this week thanks to my latest performance. Remember my fabulous new contemporary piece, "Flight of the Butterfly?" Well, I had the chance to perform it in an exclusive fundraising event last week, and letā€™s just say the applause was so thunderous that it might have made the entire city tremble! It was a wonderful experience, and the money we raised was beyond fantastic, enough to cover the airfare, and a little extra for some shopping! I just had to say 'yes' when I heard I might have an opportunity to perform in New York City, even if it was only for a short visit. Thereā€™s no better excuse to explore the cityā€™s theatre scene and fashion, of course!

Stepping into the Fashion Mecca

Letā€™s talk fashion, because oh my, it's simply fabulous! New York, this city oozes style and Iā€™m utterly mesmerised. Iā€™ve been to some incredible stores on Fifth Avenue; the windows are just stunning! Thereā€™s a chic, classic style on the streets - sharp suits, luxurious fabrics, an effortlessly chic look, and yet I couldn't help but notice a definite pink-tutu influence - perhaps because it was just me walking around! šŸ˜‰ I have definitely added a few gems to my wardrobe: a divine cream wool coat, an elegant pair of red pumps, and of course, a dazzling pink clutch, just perfect for evenings out in the city.

Speaking of pink, have you seen the colour of the cherry blossom trees in Central Park? Simply breathtaking! They're a picture of romance, with a hint of ethereal, ballerina beauty. I couldn't resist capturing them on film, which led to a photo session with my trusty pink tutu! I promise, Iā€™ll share the photos in next week's post!

Dancing into the City's Soul

One of the highlights of my visit was the Metropolitan Opera. Can you imagine seeing the breathtaking "Swan Lake" on such a grand stage? The music, the costumes, the dancing ā€“ it took my breath away! The passion, the skill, the grace, all those dancers have poured their heart and soul into their craft! It reminded me why I love ballet so much. It's a magical art form, full of emotion and beauty, and it really resonated with the vibrancy of the city.

You know, one thing I find truly inspiring about New York City is that they celebrate art everywhere. Even if you're not at the theatre, the city is full of street performers, singers, and dancers. I spent an afternoon watching a street performer with his amazing repertoire of breakdancing and mime, he was brilliant! He had the most wonderful expressions and amazing acrobatic skills!

And let's not forget the ballet schools, my oh my, it's like a dancer's paradise! I actually popped into a beautiful studio called ā€œDance 123ā€, and they have so many different classes: ballet, modern, jazz, contemporaryā€¦ they even have salsa and flamenco! I signed myself up for an introductory class of barre and a classical ballet class; the instructors were absolutely brilliant, the atmosphere was amazing! It was quite intense, and I havenā€™t felt my leg muscles that worked so hard for years. It's invigorating! Iā€™m actually looking forward to taking more classes when I return next week.

Subway Style - Where Fashion and Function Meet

Of course, Iā€™m exploring the city in my trusty pink tutu, and of course, there is no better way to get around than by the New York City Subway. I can tell you, there is definitely an unspoken code of style even in the subways, the outfits are as varied as the people and the energy, itā€™s a catwalk on wheels!

Let me tell you, wearing a pink tutu in the New York City subway is definitely a conversation starter. Iā€™ve had a few curious stares, a couple of hesitant smiles, a lot of bewildered gazes, and even one excited thumbs up. For one guy who even started doing a little dance routine to my delight! Iā€™ve had lots of opportunities to share a little about my journey and passion. It's funny, a simple pink tutu, I feel, sparks conversations! And who knows, maybe a few more people might be inspired to find a pink tutu for their own journey!

The City That Never Sleeps - Finding the Sweetest Treats

It would be wrong not to talk about the delicious food scene here, too. You can find any cuisine you desire; Indian, Mexican, Italian, and of course, plenty of New York style pizzas. My personal favourite discovery has been the legendary New York cheesecake, so creamy and fluffy, I could devour the whole thing! I've also had some lovely coffee (they're not as obsessed with lattes and macchiatos here!), I've been having mostly "black coffee" which was a shock for me at first but the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills me with delight! I canā€™t believe how strong the coffee is! I think I could stay awake for days just on the scent!

The thing that I've enjoyed the most is just taking it all in, you know? Observing people, soaking up the sights, breathing in the vibrant city energy!

This week in the Pink Tutu Blog, I've explored New York City's fashion scene, sampled its incredible cheesecake, and even taken a couple of barre classes to keep my body limber! I feel energized, refreshed, and utterly charmed by this magnificent city. Next week, Iā€™ll be telling you all about my Broadway experience and showcasing my fabulous pink tutu finds at Macyā€™s and Bloomingdales. Donā€™t miss out!

So until next time, stay pink, stay positive, and stay twirling!

Love, Emma šŸ’•


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-02-22 she danced in New York City