
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-03-15 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 15th March 2010: New York, New York!

Post Number: 771

Hello darlings! It's me, Emma, back from another whirlwind week of fabulous fun in New York City! This week's adventures took me on a magical journey of ballet, Broadway, and buckets of pink - what more could a girl ask for?

It all started with the gorgeous weather. Spring has finally sprung here in the Big Apple, and the sunshine is making everyone a little bit happier, even the grumpy cab drivers! I'm embracing the change in season by adding a touch of floral whimsy to my wardrobe - a pink floral headband here, a peachy pastel cardigan there - the possibilities are endless!

As you all know, my love for ballet is practically a religion. This week, I was blessed to see two truly spectacular performances. On Tuesday, I whisked myself to the Lincoln Center to watch the American Ballet Theatre perform a mesmerising rendition of "Giselle." I swear, my heart was practically floating out of my chest with emotion. The dancers were incredible, and the story itself was both moving and enchanting.

You simply have to go see "Giselle" if you haven't already - you'll be mesmerised by the grace, power, and heartbreaking passion of the story. If you haven't discovered the wonders of classical ballet, then please take a trip to your local theatre and give it a try. There are countless opportunities to see performances and it can truly be a magical and moving experience.

But this week was not only about ballet! I am, of course, always on the lookout for fashion inspiration and new outfit ideas, and the city always delivers. I spent a glorious morning in the bustling streets of SoHo, browsing boutiques and independent shops for some unique treasures. I managed to find the perfect pink and black striped clutch to complete my tutu-inspired wardrobe and a pair of gorgeous blush-pink ballet flats - pure perfection!

No trip to New York City is complete without a Broadway show. This time around, I was fortunate enough to catch a production of "Wicked," and let me tell you, it was truly unforgettable. The dazzling costumes, powerful performances, and stunning musical numbers had me glued to my seat the entire time. I actually went home singing along to "Defying Gravity" for the rest of the evening! If you haven't experienced Broadway, it is a truly special experience and I would definitely recommend it for any budding ballerina (or just anyone who loves a good story).

Of course, my explorations didn't just involve glamorous events and fancy dinners. I made sure to take some time to wander the charming streets of the Upper East Side and explore Central Park, a slice of nature in the heart of the city. I spent a blissful afternoon strolling amongst the trees, soaking up the sun, and feeling incredibly grateful to be in such a wonderful city.

You know how much I adore the New York City metro. It's a total ballet in itself, with all the graceful waltzing between commuters. Just this morning, I had the most hilarious encounter with a businessman wearing a suit - it was as though he had been thrown onto the platform from the pages of a magazine. He was in a heated phone call, all business and importance, but then suddenly, as the train arrived, he turned into a whirling dervish, frantically pushing through the crowd to find his seat! My friends - he was as elegant and graceful as a flamingo!

My pink tutu was, as always, the perfect travel companion for all my escapades, drawing admiring stares from passers-by and inspiring the odd impromptu twirl (including from a few bold New Yorkers!). I swear, the tutu truly adds an element of magic to every day - it reminds me that there's always room for a little bit of fun, sparkle, and laughter in this sometimes serious world.

And you know, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't already planning my next New York escapade. There's a ballet showcase happening at the Metropolitan Opera House in just a couple of weeks, featuring a special performance by a young Russian ballerina named Anya. Anya's a real rising star, and I'm dying to see what she can do. I have a feeling it's going to be something special - perhaps even worthy of a brand new pink tutu!

Oh, and don't forget about the Pink Tutu website - www.pink-tutu.com - there's a brand new blog post each Monday filled with news from the Big Apple. Itโ€™s my hope to bring a little bit of sparkle and ballerina magic to the world! If I can, with my pink tutu, encourage just one more person to join me in celebrating life and joy through the beautiful art of ballet and the fun and playful spirit of pink - then it will be all worthwhile.

Until next week, darling!


Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-03-15 she danced in New York City