
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-03-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 772: Twirling Through the City that Never Sleeps

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, bringing you another dose of Manhattan magic straight from the Big Apple! This week, it's Monday, March 22nd, 2010, and the air is buzzing with excitement. I'm feeling a little bit jet-lagged, as I arrived late last night, straight off a red-eye flight from London.

But you know me - a good night's sleep, a cuppa, and a twirl in my favourite pink tutu, and I'm good to go! And, let me tell you, there's no better place to twirl than in New York City!

Today is going to be all about soaking up the city's energy. It's the perfect time to explore, with the air crisp and the sun shining brightly (well, it was, when I left the hotel!), and I can't wait to see what this week has in store.

Speaking of this week... Iā€™m feeling so blessed, darlings! This whole trip is thanks to my performance at the wonderful Sadler's Wells Theatre last weekend! Such an honour, and such a lovely audience! They even requested an encore, which is always a thrill! It really makes all the practice and dedication worthwhile, knowing that my passion for dance brings so much joy to others.

You see, this isn't just a trip for me - itā€™s an adventure! Iā€™ve always wanted to share my love of ballet and all things fabulous with you lovely lot, and bringing the Pink Tutu Blog to New York feels like a dream come true. Itā€™s all about exploring the cityā€™s incredible theatre scene, embracing the iconic New York style, and of course, making sure every corner gets a little pink tutu magic!

Speaking of magic, the sheer energy of this city is electrifying! From the moment I stepped out of the airport and onto the bustling streets, I knew I was in for a whirlwind of experiences. This city just draws you in - its chaotic charm is impossible to resist!

I took the Metro to my hotel (the perfect blend of old-world charm and modern comforts, just the way I like it!) - you know, I can't resist a bit of people watching when I'm in a new place. Thereā€™s something so inspiring about seeing the cityā€™s vibrant mix of people. Every face has a story to tell!

This week, my diary's filled with an absolute whirlwind of ballet-inspired activities! There's a "Swan Lake" at the Metropolitan Opera that I'm dying to see. It's renowned for its stunning set designs and opulent costumes, so naturally, Iā€™ll be donning my finest pink tutu for the occasion! And speaking of costumes, a trip to New York isnā€™t complete without a little bit of shopping, so Iā€™m planning a detour to Bloomingdaleā€™s to find the perfect accessory to complete my ballet-inspired ensemble. I already know thereā€™ll be a lot of sparkles and lace involved!

But before I even get to those exciting outings, thereā€™s the ever-so-important tradition of catching a Broadway show. You can't visit New York without immersing yourself in the world of Broadway, can you? Itā€™s the pinnacle of theatre performance! Tonight, itā€™s all about ā€œThe Lion King.ā€ My heart already feels like it's going to burst from the sheer joy! Iā€™m practically vibrating with excitement! I love musicals so much. And who doesn't adore "The Lion King"? I have the soundtrack playing on repeat! You'd think I was a toddler, but no, just a tutu-wearing ballerina living out her childhood dreams!

Oh, and I almost forgot! This weekā€™s agenda is also overflowing with other exciting activities. Iā€™m planning to grab lunch at the iconic Katzā€™s Delicatessen - don't you just adore those massive pastrami sandwiches? And if Iā€™m feeling particularly energetic, maybe Iā€™ll join a dance class! You can't let your training slide just because youā€™re on holiday, right?

But of course, the biggest excitement is the city itself! Wandering through Central Park, discovering hidden corners like the Greenwich Village, and catching a glimpse of the city from the Empire State Building. Just walking along the bustling avenues with a pink tutu swishing about is enough to make my heart sing. And that's the thing about this city, darlings - it's not just about the glamorous hotspots and iconic sights; itā€™s about the little moments of wonder, the stories whispered on the wind, the energy that pulsates beneath your feet.

So, follow me as I twirl through this week of NYC adventures! From theatre performances to fashion finds and everything in between, I promise a blog filled with a touch of magic and a whole lot of pink!


Darlings! Last night's show was pure enchantment! "The Lion King" took my breath away. Those costumes, the singing, the dancing - everything about it was pure magic. There were so many heartwarming moments; it made me feel so emotional! Thereā€™s nothing like a truly magical performance to make your heart swell!

And speaking of my heart swellingā€¦ today I have my eyes set on experiencing the iconic Central Park! The thought of spending an afternoon surrounded by greenery, nature, and maybe even a few street performers fills me with joy. What could be more delightful than a little dose of New York City nature? I can just imagine myself twirling amongst the blossoming flowers, catching a little sun on my pink tutu.

Later this evening, Iā€™m off to an event Iā€™ve been waiting for since my trip to New York was booked: a soirĆ©e at the esteemed New York Ballet! Oh, how I'm dreaming of dancing the night away! Canā€™t wait to rub shoulders with some of the worldā€™s greatest ballerinas and immerse myself in the world of elegance and grace.

Iā€™ve got my pinkest tutu at the ready, and let me tell you, itā€™s a masterpiece! Itā€™s a truly spectacular number. Itā€™s practically iridescent! Oh, I can just imagine how lovely the pictures will look. This is going to be the perfect night for a photo shoot, too! I canā€™t wait to share the glamour with you lovely lot.


Oh darlings, what a day! New York is overflowing with inspiration! First things first, Central Park really lived up to the hype! From the breathtaking landscapes to the charming little cafe I stopped at for a much-needed cup of tea and a delightful piece of Victoria sponge (they do good cake over here, you know!) I really did feel like I'd stepped into a fairytale!

And as the evening fell, the true enchantment began! I slipped on my best pink tutu, felt that surge of confidence, and made my way to the New York Ballet gala! It was simply sublime! From the stunning performances, the elegant cocktails, and the most incredible people - there was a sense of grace and beauty that filled the entire evening.

The event felt like something out of a glamorous dream! Being amongst those iconic dancers was so inspirational. Theyā€™re all so incredibly talented! I felt a real sense of camaraderie amongst the dancers there, like we were all part of something bigger, like a collective passion for the art of ballet. I hope I'll get to perform there someday, too! One can dream!

My highlight was the opportunity to meet one of the worldā€™s most famous ballerinas, Madame Antoinette Duvall. Sheā€™s so charming, and just as radiant as she is on stage! You see, itā€™s one thing to see these beautiful, talented dancers from afar, but to meet them, and feel their genuine kindness and enthusiasm - well, it really is an inspiring experience. It gave me an extra boost of confidence and made me want to work harder than ever!

I actually chatted to her for ages! She told me some truly incredible anecdotes about her life on stage and was so generous with her time and advice. Itā€™s clear sheā€™s incredibly passionate about ballet, and her enthusiasm was truly infectious! She even encouraged me to continue pursuing my dreams and to keep sharing my love of ballet with the world. You know what? I'm going to listen to her advice. Madame Duvall has seen and done it all in the ballet world, and having her confidence is invaluable.


New York's magic isnā€™t just confined to the grand theatre stages and glamorous gatherings! The energy and excitement of this city pulse in every corner. Even simple errands like grocery shopping become an adventure. I love wandering through the colourful streets and delis. Thereā€™s so much energy and vibrancy just waiting to be explored, and every nook and cranny holds its own little piece of charm!

I decided today was a good day for some retail therapy. Itā€™s a known fact that retail therapy cures everything. I swear! I felt drawn to an adorable little boutique tucked away on a cobbled street. There, I discovered the perfect shade of pink lipstick to complete my look for tonightā€™s performance. It was an absolute revelation! And a pair of sparkly ballet shoes to bring a touch of flair to my outfit. (Now thatā€™s what I call a bargain!) I swear, my suitcase is bursting with wonderful trinkets from New York, not to mention all the fab fashion!

Tonight, I'll be performing at a local community centre! And although itā€™s not the grandeur of the Metropolitan Opera or the majesty of the New York Ballet, this event holds a special place in my heart. Itā€™s all about the joy of bringing my passion for ballet to the local community and sharing my enthusiasm for this art form!

Remember, darlings, it doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re dancing on a grand stage or sharing a bit of pink tutu magic in a community centre. Itā€™s all about the passion, the love, and the expression, right? Itā€™s so important to make ballet accessible to everyone and celebrate its beauty in every way possible!


Oh, what a delightful day! There's nothing quite like getting lost in a new city, wandering through streets brimming with character. You just never know what treasures you'll find. Today, I had my sights set on a part of the city I hadnā€™t explored before: Greenwich Village. With its winding alleys, bohemian cafes, and an atmosphere that feels like stepping into a film noir scene, Greenwich Village is definitely the perfect setting for a leisurely afternoon of exploring.

I grabbed a cappuccino from a charming little cafe and sat in the square, people-watching and sketching in my little notepad. You canā€™t deny the creative buzz and eclectic atmosphere of this corner of New York. Itā€™s the kind of place that makes your imagination come alive and sparks a thousand dreams. I can just picture a ballerina twirling down those cobbled streets with a whimsical tutu! Oh, it was pure inspiration!

After my walk, I popped into a little antique store filled with treasures just begging to be uncovered. You just never know what treasures youā€™ll find!

But Friday in New York was all about preparing for a night I've been eagerly anticipating for weeks! The Metropolitan Opera is ready for me to twirl in all my pink tutu glory.

It's "Swan Lake", darling! How stunning does the Swan Queen look on that iconic stage? And you know Iā€™ll be sporting my most exquisite pink tutu. It will look so fantastic, all adorned with swans and sparkling gems! You'd better believe I'll post those pictures next week! You lovely lot deserve to witness such a spectacle!

Oh, and to top off my perfect day, I found the most charming pink tutu-themed scarf, so cute! My suitcase is going to burst, I think!


Good morning, lovelies! This morning, I awoke feeling inspired and full of gratitude for the opportunity to experience New York through the eyes of a tutu-loving ballerina! The past few days have flown by! "Swan Lake" was truly a breathtaking spectacle - such emotion, such beauty. And you know what? That pink tutu made quite an impression on the audience!

Today is going to be all about exploring a bit more of New York City and savouring its amazing culinary delights. Thereā€™s a place called Katzā€™s Delicatessen. Ever heard of it? I think it's time I grab a pastrami sandwich, and try a New York bagel. Don't judge my lack of knowledge. My past few weeks have been consumed by "Swan Lake", tutus, and glitter!

This evening, however, I'm having a real treat! A rooftop champagne and caviar party, all overlooking the most amazing views of the Manhattan skyline. I don't think I can handle the magnificence!


Darling, what a whirlwind of a week! Iā€™m still buzzing with excitement from all my New York adventures! Yesterday's party on that rooftop? You wouldn't believe the spectacular view! And all with a glass of bubbly, and some scrumptious caviar - the very best way to enjoy a breathtaking city view. It was certainly a sophisticated way to round off my week.

As I write this blog post, Iā€™m already preparing for my next week in the city that never sleeps. You know Iā€™ll have loads to share. Next week Iā€™m hoping to explore Times Square, wander through museums, take a trip on the ferry across the harbour, and of course, more shopping and dancing, as you'd expect! There's always something new to discover!

This city inspires me so much - it's overflowing with dreams, hope, and sheer passion. I always find something that makes my heart skip a beat, something that ignites that creative spark and pushes me to think bigger. Itā€™s so easy to feel inspired here - thereā€™s energy in every step you take and in every smile you meet. I donā€™t just visit for the beautiful dance performances, you know; I also visit for that extra spark that gives me even more motivation to make every performance the best I can be!

And who knows, maybe one day my dance career will see me back on this vibrant, glittering stage. New York has a special place in my heart. But, remember, there is so much pink tutu magic out there to share with the world, even beyond the Big Apple! You know me - a ballerina always on the go! Iā€™ve got plans for my pink tutu magic to travel the globe. The worldā€™s waiting!

Until next time darlings! Sending you lots of pink tutu love,

Emma xxx

Visit www.pink-tutu.com for weekly updates and follow Emma's adventures around the globe!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-03-22 she danced in New York City