
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-08-23 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: A Pink Tutu Pirouette in the Big Apple! (Post #794)

Hello lovelies! It's Monday, which means it's time for another #PinkTutuBlogNYC update.

Today's post is a little extra special because it's about my adventures in the big apple itself: New York City! This past week has been absolutely bursting with pink tutu goodness, from swishing through Central Park to pirouette-ing around Times Square. I even found myself tucked away in a tiny ballet shop, surrounded by rows upon rows of beautiful shoes, all begging me to try them on (which, of course, I did!)

I know you might be thinking, "Emma, what are you doing in New York? How are you funding this trip?" Well, my darling readers, my secret is simple: it's all about those beautiful ballerinas! Whenever I can, I perform in local theatres and galas. You see, I don't just love wearing pink tutus, I love performing in them! That's what truly fills my heart with joy.

But, oh, where were we? Ah, yes, New York! Now, as I said, this week has been jam-packed with pink-tutu worthy experiences. But let's not forget - we must be organised! So I'm going to take you on a whirlwind tour, step-by-step, and you'll feel like you were right here with me!

A Day of Dance and Dreaminess:

I touched down in New York last Wednesday, after an early morning flight. The second I saw the iconic skyscrapers towering above the city, I felt like my dreams were coming true. I must admit, after that long journey from my little Derbyshire village, a few sips of tea at a delightful little cafe were just the thing to set the scene for this glorious New York adventure.

Shopping Spree and Spotlight Stories

Now, I always get my bearings in a new place by exploring the shopping! So, my dear friends, where else but a glorious flagship store, all pink and shiny, with every piece of ballet wear you could ever imagine? You wouldn't believe the tulle! Honestly, I swear I heard it whispering secrets about gorgeous tutus in every shade of pink imaginable. Of course, I walked out with a new leotard, a pair of fluffy, blush-coloured tights, and a pair of beautiful ballet flats. It wouldn't be a #PinkTutuBlogNYC adventure without some sparkly retail therapy, wouldn't it?

But you know, it wasn't just the shopping, my darlings. New York is all about theatre and music, and the Broadway performances were absolutely sensational! I was transported to another world as I watched graceful dancers twirling on stage. It truly made me feel like anything was possible! The stories unfolded, and the dazzling costumes left me speechless.

I also took a class with one of the most renowned ballet teachers in the city! He had a way of teaching that made even the most basic move feel fresh and exciting. I think I even learned a new pirouette or two - a secret to be unveiled soon! Of course, I did my usual shopping afterwards because - well, let's just say there's a reason it's called a shopping addiction. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Park Pirouettes and Metropolitan Magic:

Thursday brought an unforgettable visit to Central Park. The sun was shining, and I could just imagine myself as a princess from a fairytale. Oh, the crisp autumn air, the gentle breeze rustling through the trees, and that breathtaking skyline! It was magical! You see, I firmly believe that ballet is meant to be danced in every place, and I simply couldn't resist practicing my fouettรฉs under the watchful eyes of the towering skyscrapers.

The city was bustling, and I jumped onto the metro with a feeling of pure joy. The carriages were packed with interesting faces. I swear I even saw a little boy sporting a tutu under his jacket - just like a mini-me! Maybe the pink tutu revolution has finally begun?

Now, the subway system might not be known for its glamour, but I think there's something rather exciting about navigating those underground tunnels. It makes me feel like a secret agent. ๐Ÿ˜‰ After all, we have a duty to spread the magic of the pink tutu, right?

An Evening Under the Stars

Speaking of secrets, I couldn't resist catching a late-night ballet performance at a hidden gem in the city: a small theatre tucked away in a cozy little corner of Manhattan. The acoustics were fantastic, and the performance was truly enchanting. It made me wish I could dance alongside those talented ballerinas on that stage. But who knows, maybe one day I will!

I had an absolute blast. Every day was a new adventure, each step filled with magic, a dance, and endless possibilities. I feel truly blessed to be part of this magnificent city - to soak in its energy, its inspiration, its heartbeat, and share it with you!

Pink Tutu Power!

I promise to be back next week with even more delightful tales from New York City, my dears. Don't forget to share your pink tutu moments with me, either!

Oh, and if you'd like to learn more about the pink tutu movement and see my previous #PinkTutuBlogNYC posts, be sure to check out the website at www.pink-tutu.com! Don't be shy about leaving a comment!

Until next week, dear friends, remember to dance your way through life and wear your heart on your sleeve, er, I mean, in your tutu!

Lots of pink love,



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-08-23 she danced in New York City