New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-11-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #804: New York, New York! It’s tutu-ally magical! 🩰✨

Hello my darling tutu-wearers!

It's Monday morning, and you know what that means... it's time for a brand new blog post from yours truly, Emma, direct from the vibrant streets of New York City! This week's post is brimming with tutus, sparkles, and a touch of Derbyshire charm - because even a girl from the rolling hills of the Peak District can't resist the pull of this exciting city!

Last week was simply a whirlwind. Remember how I mentioned performing at the City Centre Ballet in Derby, last Thursday? It went swimmingly. The applause was so thunderous, the tutus twirled with joy and - get this! - I even received a letter of interest from the National Ballet of Canada! It was all rather exhilarating.

But now I'm back in the big apple and my head is spinning with all the exciting things I've been up to. I was reminded, once again, why I love New York so much! This city never ceases to amaze me with its vibrant energy, stylish people, and endless opportunities to wear a pink tutu. Oh yes, you heard right - the streets were buzzing with a new wave of tutus. You wouldn’t believe how many people I saw on my metro journeys last week rocking their tutus - whether for dance, fashion or just for fun! It's spreading like wildfire, my darling tutu-lovers, and it's truly glorious!

Let me fill you in on the delightful adventures I had this past week.

Saturday: The Broadway Bonanza!

The weekend started with a bang, in the best possible way. We snagged tickets to a spectacular production of “Chicago” on Broadway. Talk about a showstopper! It was fabulous! You wouldn't believe how my little ballerina heart leaped for joy during the "Razzle Dazzle" number. Those glittery costumes, the energetic tap dancing, and the sharp, witty dialogue were pure magic. I think even the seasoned Broadway actors would have admitted, a little pink tutu would have added the perfect sprinkle of whimsical glamour to the performance. 😉

Fashionista Fun!

After the show, we decided to indulge in a little shopping therapy. Honestly, the retail therapy on Fifth Avenue is truly divine! You wouldn't believe the array of elegant boutique windows filled with gorgeous clothes and accessories - my eyes were in overdrive! My tutu-inspired ensemble had already received a plethora of compliments throughout the day, and so, I knew I simply had to update my wardrobe.

My new love affair with bold pink began this week, and I found a most delectable fuchsia pink blazer at a little boutique on Fifth Avenue - think 'Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ style, only a little less expensive. It will be the perfect touch to any evening outfit and, of course, I simply must wear it with my pink tutu - the color combination is pure tutu perfection. I’m not even sure where to wear it first - a date night with my fellow tutu-wearers or a grand unveiling at a ballet class. Decisions, decisions…

Sunday: The Subway Ballet

New York’s underground transit system is a ballet of its own, really. Sunday saw me heading back into the vibrant heart of Manhattan for a quick but delicious Sunday brunch at Cafe Luxembourg - another fabulous addition to my NYC favourites list! As always, the metro was filled with colourful characters – some fashionable, some quirky, some not at all, but it's an endless source of inspiration. As I glided through the busy underground carriages, a spontaneous flash mob popped up! Talk about a wonderful surprise - we were treated to an incredible ballet performance. The metro wasn't even that busy – perfect! People just stopped what they were doing and took it all in. The dancer’s movements were simply breathtaking and reminded me of my love for all forms of dance. It really is the universal language.

Pink Tutu Passion!

Let's face it, you've probably figured out by now that pink tutus are my true passion. And I'm thrilled that my pink tutu campaign is spreading like wildfire through this fabulous city! The sight of people twirling their own tutu-inspired garments, the glitter of pink tutus popping out of shop windows – it's pure ballet bliss! I truly believe in the power of a pink tutu.

It's More Than Just a Skirt

It’s a symbol of femininity, creativity, and freedom! It’s about embracing life with joy, sparkle and a little bit of whimsy. It’s about breaking down boundaries, stepping out of your comfort zone, and making the world a brighter place, one tutu at a time!

You wouldn’t believe how many conversations have started with a simple "Love your tutu!” and what an easy, delightful ice-breaker it has proven to be. Even those of you who haven’t ventured into wearing a tutu, let’s face it – how many times has it simply brought a smile to your face? You know you want one!

And for the tutu-curious out there, don’t worry - we’ll be covering how to incorporate a pink tutu into your everyday looks next week - stay tuned!

This Week's Pick!

For this week's 'Pick of the Week', I simply must highlight the incredible performance that caught my attention in Times Square last Thursday - the “Cirque de Soleil” performance entitled ‘O’. What a magnificent spectacle!

Those acrobats and dancers are so incredible - and don’t even get me started on those stunning costumes. I even spotted a pink sequin dress that resembled a tutu! The entire show felt as if you’ve entered a whimsical dream – just the sort of show that is so very New York! It's truly a breathtaking example of how art, dance and visual splendour can combine in the most magnificent ways.

What’s Coming Up

And this week? My week is packed full of more amazing adventures – I have tickets for a private dance class with one of New York’s most prestigious teachers – I simply can’t wait!

Plus I’ll be attending a Broadway workshop – a must-do for any ballerina! – where I’ll be exploring the incredible artistry that is so intrinsic to Broadway performances, as well as getting expert tuition. It's a real treat for any tutu-lover like me!

This week's adventures promise to be full of sparkle, inspiration and even more fabulous tu-tu inspired looks!

Follow Me, Darling Tutu-wearers!

Remember, dear tutu-wearers, you can follow along with my pink tutu adventures all week by popping over to the website – – and following along on Instagram –@pinktutu. I’d love to see your pink tutu looks – just use the hashtag #PinkTutuLove.

Until next time!

Love and tu-tu much, Emma 🩰✨

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-11-01 she danced in New York City