New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-11-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition - #805 - A Tutu-licious Time in the Big Apple!

Monday, 8th November, 2010

Hello my darling readers,

It's me, Emma, your resident tutu-obsessed fashionista, and I'm writing to you live from the vibrant heart of New York City! My little pink-hued heart is bursting with excitement about this trip, and it wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Blog without me sharing every single glamorous detail with you, my lovely lot!

For those of you who don't know me (where have you been?!), I'm Emma, and I'm a little bit obsessed with the magical world of ballet. Tutues? Don't even get me started. They are the epitome of whimsical elegance and feminine grace. I’ve got a rather extensive collection, I'm not afraid to say - a different one for every occasion.

Now, onto the trip itself! My flight from Derbyshire was smooth (despite that incident with the over-excited labrador trying to play with my ballet shoes in the security line - bless its little cotton socks!), and the arrival in the Big Apple was everything I’d dreamed of and more! The energy is incredible! It was so wonderful to get that first glimpse of the bustling streets and those towering skyscrapers, especially seeing the Empire State Building in all its glory. I felt a thrill I couldn't quite explain; a sort of magic just radiating from this magnificent city.

Now, to paint a picture: my suitcase is stuffed full of pink and sparkly dresses (because what else would a girl wear in NYC?), and of course, my tutu arsenal is at the ready. There's nothing like swirling into a new city with a little bit of twirling and pink fluff!

A Day of Culture, Couture and Cabaret!

Yesterday, my first full day in the city, I decided to start off with a splash of culture. My first stop was the magnificent Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was such a thrill to wander amongst the incredible art, the opulent Egyptian artifacts, and the mind-boggling array of paintings. I mean, I may be a girl obsessed with tutus, but I'm a total art enthusiast too. I also got a few stylish snaps for the blog, in my pink, obviously. I do believe my tutu stole the show against that Monet water lily background!

After the art museum, I felt like some shopping was in order! I love scouring the New York boutiques and discovering new hidden treasures - particularly in SoHo! I can't even tell you the divine little frock I discovered, but I am seriously contemplating making it my "take me out to dinner in Manhattan" dress. You can always rely on New York to bring you fashion inspiration!

The Ballet: Where I Feel Most Alive!

But the real treat of the day was my trip to the New York City Ballet! My friend Amelia - another tutu enthusiast, mind you - joined me. I simply can't tell you the thrill of watching these dancers leap and twirl and express pure artistry. It is, as you all know, what makes my heart sing! This particular show was featuring Swan Lake - one of my all-time favourites!

I can't forget to mention the food. Because what's a day in New York City without a proper taste of New York goodness? We dined on the finest New York cheesecake I've ever had (not even my Granny’s is a close competitor!). It was fluffy and smooth, topped with a glorious mountain of strawberries! Honestly, I swear it’s going to become a New York City tradition.

New York City Nights and Glittering Delights!

For my evening entertainment, I treated myself to a cabaret show at a glamorous establishment downtown, something that had always been on my bucket list. The dancers were incredible! The costumes were fabulous. I felt the pure joy of watching people live out their dreams through their performances, each and every single one of them captivating and passionate! The whole atmosphere of the place was electric, and it gave me a new appreciation for the artistry of cabaret.

I can't believe it's only my first day and I've already done so much! My head's still spinning from the whirlwind of culture, fashion, and excitement.

As always, my readers, I’ll leave you with a few tips for anyone visiting the beautiful New York City. Here's my little pink-tutu guide:

Pink Tutu-licious Tips for New York City!

  1. Subway Adventures: Don't be intimidated by the subway. Yes, it’s busy and there are crowds, but you get a truly authentic feel of New York City when you journey underground. You get to see all walks of life, from the hustle and bustle of commuters to the truly eccentric characters who call this city home! Just be sure to check your pockets! It's amazing how many interesting people I've chatted to on the subway - you'd be surprised at who's a fellow tutu lover!
  2. Central Park Delights: Find your inner child, pack a picnic, and head to Central Park for a day of fun and laughter. Explore its sprawling greenery, soak up the atmosphere, and maybe even have a go at people-watching. Be warned though, you might be tempted to bust out some twirling – it's almost impossible to resist in such a beautiful setting!
  3. Food Heaven: I can't talk about NYC without recommending a food tour. Get lost in the aromas of the city, trying street food, artisanal cheese, or authentic pizza! There's a flavour explosion in New York waiting for you to discover it, so don't miss out on those culinary delights!
  4. Broadway Babes: Make time for a Broadway show! There is simply nothing like seeing world-class performers bringing their heart and soul to the stage! Prepare to be swept away by the artistry and spectacle of the shows, and who knows, you might even find yourself getting up to dance along in the aisles. You know I wouldn't blame you!

Stay tuned! This is just the start of my adventures in New York City, my loves! Keep your eyes peeled for my next post – I've got so much more to share! And of course, don’t forget to keep sharing your tutu adventures with me - I'd love to hear all about them!

**Love and twirls,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-11-08 she danced in New York City