
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-12-13 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC #810 - Dancing in the Big Apple!

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from another fabulous adventure in the Big Apple! This week, I've been twirling my way through New York City in a glorious, candy-floss pink tutu - as always! This time, it's even more special because I'm here for a magical December performance, bringing my dance shoes and my most fabulous tutu to the bright lights of Broadway!

This city truly feels like it was built for twirling, doesn't it? The energy, the people, the iconic skylineā€¦it's a perfect setting for my Pink Tutu Revolution. And as I stride along Fifth Avenue in my pink paradise, I can't help but feel a little like a princess stepping out of a fairy tale. After all, everyone loves a little bit of pink tutu magic, don't they?

Now, I know you're all dying to know what I've been up to. Well, buckle up, darlings, because I've got so much to tell you! Let's rewind the tape to last weekā€¦


My heart always skips a beat when I arrive at JFK. It feels like landing in a dream, filled with promise and endless possibilities. After all, what else could happen in a city where anything is possible? After all, thatā€™s what this week has been all about!

Of course, the very first thing I did after settling into my hotel was hop onto the Metro. It's my favourite way to explore - so much cheaper than a taxi, and you get a glimpse into the lives of the people. You never know who you'll be sat next to - maybe a fashion designer, or a budding ballerina! (Just picture them rocking their own pink tutu in secret! šŸ˜‰ )

Today, my adventure took me to the iconic Macyā€™s department store. Who could resist its Christmas cheer? Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a brand-new Pink Tutu Boutique! It was like something out of my wildest dreams, with shelves filled with the most delightful tutus in every shade of pink imaginable. I swear, I practically cried with joy. They even had sparkly tutus, tutus with sequins, and tutus adorned with tiny, delicate roses.

I might just have to take up a second job to afford them all! But for now, I picked out a beautiful, silky tutu in a delicate blush shade to match my blush pink sweater. I wore it with pride while enjoying a fabulous cuppa at my favourite London-themed cafe (that, by the way, had a ā€œPink Tutu-specialā€!)


My day began with the ultimate girly treat: a spa day at a decadent, swanky salon in Manhattan! (Just picture a perfectly manicured hand holding a champagne flute). With the help of an expert team of stylists, my hair became a whirlwind of Hollywood-style curls.

In the evening, it was time to indulge in my favourite past-timeā€¦ a trip to the theatre! This week, I was mesmerized by "A Christmas Carol" at the Classic Stage Company, nestled in a historic theatre on the Lower East Side. The production was absolutely captivating, and I loved watching the actors dance and perform in their lavish costumes! I even found myself taking inspiration for my next pink tutu outfit, a shimmery red number to add a touch of drama.


I spent Saturday morning at the grand, historic Barnes & Noble bookstore. I must confess, I completely lost myself among the stacks and stacks of books. I found myself in the fashion section, where I bought an inspiring book about costume design - perhaps for my future pink tutu wardrobe?!

Later, I decided to treat myself to a leisurely afternoon shopping spree along the streets of New York. I just love the thrill of the hunt and stumbling upon unexpected finds. Of course, my aim is to turn New York City pink, and who knows, maybe someday a Pink Tutu boutique will pop up on Fifth Avenue!


After all the exciting happenings in New York, I decided to spend Sunday morning relaxing. It's important to recharge after a hectic week in the Big Apple! I found the perfect little nook to enjoy a cuppa while skimming the latest issue of Vogue and taking in the charming view of the city from Central Park.

It was time to reflect on a week filled with fashion, theatre, and the sheer magic of being in New York City. I had already had a fabulous dance performance the night before.

And guess what? You all need to come to New York to witness the sheer brilliance of this performance!

Today, I'm reflecting on my favourite moments from the past week, as I prepare for the exciting performances ahead! I can't wait to dance for all you amazing people.

But thatā€™s not all. Tomorrow nightā€™s show is extra special. Becauseā€¦. Itā€™s my birthday! Thatā€™s right! And Iā€™ll be wearing my newest pink tutu!

And guess what! If you come to see me tomorrow night and you're wearing a pink tutu, you can come backstage for a special photo with me! (Of course, it's also okay if you just want to come in your favorite outfit).

I have a whole new set of pink tutu outfits Iā€™ll be showcasing over the next few weeks as I perform all across New York! This time Iā€™m even designing some of the costumes myself. I canā€™t wait to tell you all about them soon.

**Itā€™s been so much fun reliving the past week with you all. I canā€™t wait to dance for you and show you all the outfits and styles Iā€™ve designed!

Iā€™ll be writing all about it next week.**

Remember to stay fabulous and wear pink tutus, and donā€™t forget to check back for the next blog next week!

Lots of love, Emma xxx

P.S. Remember to stay up to date with my adventures by subscribing to my email newsletter, or following me on my Instagram and TikTok at @PinkTutuEmma.

And rememberā€¦ you can make the world a more magical place by spreading a little pink tutu magic!

P.P.S. What are your favourite things to do in New York City? Tell me in the comments! I would love to hear from you!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-12-13 she danced in New York City