
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-05-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Monday 2011-05-02 - New York, New York, it's a tutu-ful dream!

Hello lovelies! Emma here, back from my whirlwind weekend in New York City! This was post number 830 for my Pink Tutu Blog, and what a post it was. My trusty pink tutu and I had the time of our lives. If you haven't been, New York City is just utterly phenomenal - I could talk about it forever!

It's been a long week. As usual, I funded my trip with a series of ballet performances in the lovely Peak District, Derbyshire. I've got such wonderful fans there, they really appreciate the Pink Tutu spirit. And speaking of spirit, a little bird tells me I managed to inspire two local girls to wear their own pink tutus! That makes my heart sing. Remember my motto: spread the tutu love, one pink plume at a time!

Now, back to New York. We landed at JFK and headed straight into the city. Honestly, even the taxi ride was a show! The lights, the honking, the bustle...it felt like I'd stepped straight into a musical. My heart was absolutely thumping with excitement.

First stop? Shopping!

Let's just say the first order of business was to make the most of my trusty pink tutu and get it a whole new wardrobe for its New York debut. Imagine, a tiny shop with clothes piled high like a dream and a shopkeeper who understands your pink tutu vision - yes, my lovelies, we found it. I'll tell you, this shop had EVERYTHING. Glittery sequins, feather boas, a beautiful, blush-pink top that made my tutu cry tears of joy, and oh, my dear, so much more. We got all the goodies for my wardrobe and a few new things to try for the Pink Tutu shop online (it's coming soon, promise!). The sales assistant, a lovely girl named Maggie, even told me about a show that was on this weekend: a ballet version of a classic fairy tale! Cue gasps!

After my little shopping spree, we were feeling rather famished. We popped into a diner that looked like something out of a 50s film - it even had a jukebox! This place did the most delicious burgers, and the portions were enormous! Of course, the girls on the Pink Tutu Blog crew opted for veggie burgers and shared a huge plate of fries with pink dipping sauces (no surprises there!).

The subway!

We decided to use the subway to get around, partly because it's cheap but mostly because it's SUCH an experience. It's always fascinating to me how this little underground world of steel and lights pulses with energy - you see the heart of the city, right there, under the street level. And no worries, no need for my tutu to get squashed - it stayed in my bag, nice and tidy, ready to be unveiled for the evening's activities.

"The Princess and the Pea," Broadway style!

That night was the highlight. The theatre! Imagine: gold lights, velvety curtains, chandeliers that shimmered. This little fairy tale, retold on stage, took my breath away. It was so beautiful, so passionate, so powerful. It reminded me why I love ballet so much โ€“ it can express emotions that words simply can't capture. Of course, I managed to get some brilliant shots for the blog (I was on the front row, woo-hoo!), so expect a whole bunch of posts coming out soon all about it!

A new day and new adventures!

The next day we woke up feeling all sparkly and excited. It was a perfect sunny day for a little picnic in Central Park. Now, I may not be a born New Yorker, but I've fallen deeply in love with this place. It's the most stunning contrast of green against the hustle and bustle of the city, and so many different people relaxing and enjoying themselves, picnicking and throwing frisbees, watching artists draw. There are swans gliding on the lake and musicians serenading the air. This park has its own unique charm, a real fairytale world in the heart of New York City. I could have sat on that green grass all day.

The streets of New York

The rest of the weekend flew by, but I fit in so much! The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), with its mind-blowing art and fashion installations, the Guggenheim Museum with its dramatic spirals, and, of course, I did a little window-shopping in the world-famous shops on Fifth Avenue! There's so much to see here, from the Empire State Building (we watched the sunset from there, the most breathtaking view), to the Statue of Liberty, Times Square with its bright lights, the vibrant colourful streets, and, oh my, all the fantastic cafes and restaurants. Every street corner seemed to whisper tales of adventure.

New York and my Pink Tutu!

My trip was about to end, and my heart was filled with memories and pictures for my blog, all taken with the perfect pink tutu accessories, just you wait to see what the Pink Tutu Blog has in store for you! I'll let you in on a little secret โ€“ I even found myself wearing the pink tutu a few times in the subway, even with all that bustle and energy around us. New Yorkers are fantastic! I hardly got a single "tut-tut" for wearing it! Maybe they liked the pink... maybe it brought some magic to their busy lives, or perhaps it reminded them to make their world a little bit brighter, who knows?

My advice to anyone visiting this dazzling city? Embrace it with all your senses. Don't be afraid to let your inner sparkle shine! And who knows, you might just inspire others to wear pink tutus too!

It's time to wrap this post up, my darlings! Thanks for following me on this New York adventure, until next week, keep spreading the tutu love.

Lots of pink,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-05-02 she danced in New York City