New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-10-10 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #853 - Monday 10th October 2011 - Twirling through the Big Apple

Hello my darlings! Welcome back to another Monday and another chapter in my pink tutu adventures. This week, I'm bursting with excitement because I've been whisked away to the Big Apple - the one and only New York City! I landed here yesterday after a whirlwind of a weekend performing at a benefit gala for the Derby Arts Centre back home in Derbyshire. (Fun fact: the gala was a roaring success and I managed to snag a fab new pair of pink ballet shoes in the silent auction! Score!)

New York is calling to me with its energy and its vibrancy, and oh my, this city knows how to dress! Everywhere I look, there's a kaleidoscope of colour and style, and I'm soaking it all up like a little sponge. I feel so inspired to add some extra pizzazz to my own wardrobe! But of course, my tutu always makes a grand appearance wherever I go. After all, my motto is: if you can't wear a tutu to a Broadway show, then where can you?!

This morning, I took a classic New York City breakfast of bagels and cream cheese in a charming little cafe just around the corner from my hotel, and let me tell you, the bagel with everything is everything! Then, I couldn't resist taking a whirl around the bustling streets with my new, bright pink crossbody bag, its tassel swinging merrily as I skipped along.

And, what better way to explore this amazing city than with its famous subway system? The Metro is a veritable ballet of human motion – a beautiful chaotic dance of movement that is as fascinating as any stage performance. I am so charmed by the friendly New Yorkers who chat me up, wondering why I'm twirling on the platform and gushing over my tutu.

The highlight of today though, was undoubtedly seeing "The Lion King" on Broadway! The energy in that theatre was electrifying! And when that iconic 'Circle of Life' opening number started, my heart soared! It was an experience I will never forget!

For my outfit tonight, I paired a vibrant cherry-red silk top with my trusty white tutu (it really is a wardrobe staple!), a pair of patent-leather red ballet shoes, and of course, a dash of pink sparkle to make things a little extra.

*The Best Tutu Tip for the City That Never Sleeps: *

New York City can be a sensory overload for any ballerina. There are just so many sights, sounds, smells, and - dare I say - fashion choices that you could get a little overwhelmed! So, here is my secret weapon for navigating the urban jungle: always make sure to pack a spare pair of comfortable flats. I slipped on my ballet flats for all the long walks, subway rides, and shopping sprees I’ve already done, and it makes a world of difference for tired feet!

Speaking of shopping, my love affair with New York City boutiques started this very afternoon! There's an amazing little shop in the West Village, stuffed full of gorgeous vintage pieces and unique finds. And I was thrilled to find a fabulous pink sequined cape to add to my repertoire. It was literally screaming "Emma!" Let me tell you, finding this beautiful, soft piece amongst all those amazing things was a pinch-me moment!

Tomorrow's Plan:

You won't believe it, but tomorrow, I'm actually getting the chance to attend a professional ballet class in the city! I can't wait to step onto that stage and move to the music of a brand new city. And of course, I'm hoping for a quick chat with some of the dancers to pick their brains about the New York scene. (Don't worry, I'll make sure to share any juicy gossip with you in next week's blog!)

And if there’s time, I am also planning on a little dance through Central Park! This magnificent green oasis in the heart of New York City looks simply magical.

Until then, remember to twirl on through the day and embrace the magic that life offers you, darlings!

Emma xo

*PS: * Remember, I am here to encourage everyone to wear pink tutus! Whether it’s a ballerina, a CEO, a doctor, a fireman, a grandparent, or your next-door neighbour, embrace the tutu and its magical spirit!

Let's get the world twirling in pink!

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#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-10-10 she danced in New York City