New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-10-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 17th October 2011 - Post #854: Twirling Through the Big Apple! 🩰🍎

Hey darlings! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind week in the fabulous city that never sleeps. As you all know, New York is a city that never ceases to amaze me with its energy, vibrancy, and endless possibilities. But you also know I always inject a little bit of my signature pink tutu flair wherever I go, and this week was no different.

This week has been a true feast for the senses. I’ve danced through Central Park with the autumn leaves swirling around me, twirled around the cobbled streets of Greenwich Village, and of course, made the most of the fantastic ballet scene that New York is famous for. It was like living a dream, a fairytale unfolding on a citywide stage.

The Magical Journey Begins:

My week began in the heart of Derbyshire, where I performed a beautiful rendition of Swan Lake at a fundraiser for the local ballet school. It was such a fulfilling performance, reminding me why I do what I do. But my real adventure started when I hopped onto the train at St. Pancras International Station in London, feeling a tingle of excitement at the prospect of exploring a city so full of life.

The Eurostar took me swiftly across the Channel, leaving behind the English countryside and heading into the bustling heart of Europe. Stepping off the train at Gare du Nord in Paris, I felt a sense of wonder as I was engulfed by the city's Parisian charm.

I had a quick layover to change and refresh, eager to embark on the next stage of my journey. The feeling of excitement built as the sleek bullet train hurtled me towards the city that I’ve been dreaming of since I was a little girl.

New York, New York:

The minute I landed in JFK, I could feel the electricity in the air. It wasn’t just the lights or the people rushing around, it was something bigger. Something magical.

The Metro, of course, was my favourite mode of transport – the pulse of the city felt more palpable in its underground depths, full of people from every walk of life, all travelling together to their own destinations. It felt a little bit like being in one giant, kinetic ballet – so exciting!

A Tutu-licious Tête-à-tête with Fashion:

Speaking of magic, my first stop after settling into my lovely little boutique hotel in Chelsea was Bloomingdale’s. There's simply nothing quite like a spree in New York's flagship department stores. It was the ultimate girly heaven – floor upon floor of breathtaking designer labels and, to my delight, an entire department dedicated to gorgeous, tulle-filled tutus! I could barely contain my excitement as I browsed through a selection that could rival any fairy godmother's wardrobe. I finally emerged with a stunning pink feather boa, which will be my new favourite accessory.

After a well-deserved break at a cute little café with a steaming cup of English Breakfast tea, I embarked on a whimsical fashion adventure in Soho, the heart of trendy boutiques. Each little shop was filled with exciting new pieces to discover – a pink sequined handbag, some sparkly, feather-trimmed flats, and a magnificent, hand-painted, satin pink coat, which now sits pride of place in my wardrobe!

Dancing the Night Away:

One of the highlights of the trip was my evening spent at the New York City Ballet. The programme that night was filled with contemporary classics – from Balanchine's ‘Apollo’ to a stirring rendition of ‘Swan Lake.’ Seeing such talented dancers, each bringing a story to life with their elegant movements, truly inspired me. The choreography was breathtaking and the music was mesmerizing, transporting me to another world. The whole experience was both magical and exhilarating. I’ll always treasure the memory of the grand finale – the sheer delight on the faces of the dancers was contagious!

Pink Tutu Dreams on Broadway:

Later that week, I headed over to the majestic Minskoff Theatre for a completely different kind of performance. I had secured some fantastic seats to see the legendary 'Phantom of the Opera,' and let me tell you, it was an incredible experience. The costumes were extravagant, the singing was exquisite, and the atmosphere was simply electrifying. I found myself deeply moved by the story – and even caught a little tear in my eye at some of the most emotional parts. What an amazing experience – theatre can transport you, can make you laugh, cry and believe, and I love it!

Twirling with The Little Tutus:

One morning I stumbled upon a sign advertising "Free Dance Class for Beginners." It was in a small, hidden-away studio just a stone's throw from Times Square. Now, I know what you're thinking – 'Emma, the beginner? Never!' Well, sometimes it’s good to step outside your comfort zone, and what could be more fitting for a tutu-loving ballerina like myself than learning from the best?

To my surprise, there I was, with a room full of adorable little ballerinas, their eyes bright with wonder, twirling with excitement. We giggled and stumbled our way through the basic moves, feeling the joy of simply being in the moment. As the session came to a close, I felt a real warmth in my heart. This, this was what made all my travel, the performances and the shopping worthwhile. These tiny twirlers had just begun their journeys in dance, and seeing their passion for movement made me realize how lucky I am to be able to share my own passion with them.

And Finally, Some Random Ramblings From a Tutu-Addict:

Did you know that today is National Boss’s Day in the USA? Don’t forget to treat your boss today (even if your boss is just your mum or dad, which in my case it often is!). A nice lunch, a special card – these things make a difference!

Speaking of difference – can you believe it’s officially Autumn in the UK! How amazing is that?! Time to break out those comfy cardigans, my dear friends! And let’s not forget – we all need at least one pink sweater for those cool autumn evenings – it’s the most cheerful color for a rainy day.

Oh, and by the way, I picked up some wonderful little knitted dolls on a little shop down by the pier – there was one in pink and one in a tutu, so they’re naturally now taking pride of place in my ballerina collection!

Well, that’s it for this week’s update from the Pink Tutu blogger! But, just so you don’t forget, keep checking on Monday for a fresh dose of pink tutu delights and everything fabulously feminine in New York City and beyond! Stay safe and beautiful my darlings – I’m off to catch a ballet performance tonight! Tada! 🩰❤️

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-10-17 she danced in New York City