
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-11-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #859: A Whirlwind of Pink in the Big Apple!

Hello my lovely tutu-wearing darlings! It's Emma here, back with another adventure straight from the heart of the Big Apple! This week, the Pink Tutu landed in New York City for a whirlwind of ballet, Broadway, and, of course, pink! I know you've all been eagerly awaiting this post, so grab your teacups and let me whisk you away to a magical Monday.

I'm calling this post #PinkTutuBlogNYC because, honestly, my life in New York has become such a joyous jumble of pink and twirling, it seems almost impossible to separate them! Even the bustling New York streets can't resist the charm of a tutu-clad ballerina, and it's truly wonderful to see people smile as I hop off the subway, my pink tulle a cloud of delight against the grey cityscape.

Speaking of the subway, it's been my trusty companion for exploring the city! From the sleek, modern trains to the nostalgic lines that rattle and rumble with charm, the subway is a whirlwind of humanity, a microcosm of the city itself. The constant buzz, the hurried pace, the endless conversations - it's thrilling!

From Derbyshire to the Big Apple - A Ballet Dreamer's Journey

Now, you all know my love story began in Derbyshire, England, where ballet captivated my heart from the moment I first donned a tutu at the tender age of six. Back then, my dreams of a life spent twirling across the stage seemed as fantastical as a fairy tale. Yet, here I am, living my dream in New York City! It's a journey I never imagined possible, and it's fuelled by the power of passion, perseverance, and of course, a whole lot of pink!

How does a girl from Derbyshire become a tutu-wearing travel blogger, you ask? Well, my darling friends, it all began with the desire to dance, to express myself, and to inspire others to embrace their dreams, no matter how far-fetched they may seem.

It's amazing how much joy can be found in sharing my experiences through this blog, bringing a touch of pink to the lives of my dearest readers around the globe! It makes the late-night rehearsals, the demanding training, the countless performances all worthwhile, knowing that my journey inspires even one person to twirl a little bit brighter.

Monday's Magic: Ballet, Broadway and Shopping Extravaganzas

This Monday was a symphony of artistic expression and pure delight! It all started with a captivating performance by the New York City Ballet at the Lincoln Center. I could never have imagined a better way to kickstart the week. The grace, the fluidity, the storytelling - it was sheer perfection. It left me feeling inspired and renewed, reminding me why I dance and why I love this magical art form so much!

As the final note faded, I whisked my tutu-clad self onto the subway and headed for the glittering heart of Times Square. Today was a Broadway show day! We're seeing "Moulin Rouge!," and oh my goodness, how excited am I? It's been one of my dream Broadway productions since forever, and now, I'm actually seeing it LIVE. squeals with delight

Afterward, there was nothing left to do but embark on a delightful shopping spree. Fifth Avenue, with its iconic shops and charming boutiques, beckoned me in! There's nothing quite like strolling through the window displays of Saks and Bergdorf Goodman, their opulent presentations a true feast for the eyes. But the best part was the chance to browse through independent designers and vintage shops, where hidden gems and unique pieces awaited.

And guess what? I found the perfect pink silk scarf, its delicate floral pattern reminding me of a blooming rose garden. I can just picture it draping effortlessly over a black ballet dress, a splash of color that adds an element of whimsy and femininity. I knew it had to come home with me!

Embracing the Pink Revolution!

Every step I take, every shop I visit, every street corner I turn on this New York adventure, reminds me of my mission - to spread the joy of the pink tutu! I want everyone to experience the sheer joy of twirling in pink, to unleash their inner ballerina, and to see the world through the vibrant lens of a pink-tinted dream.

Now, you might be thinking, "But Emma, pink tutus are not exactly a common sight on the streets of New York." You are absolutely right, my dear. It takes a bold heart to step out into the world and embrace the vibrant energy of a pink tutu, especially in a city that can feel a bit on the serious side sometimes.

But that's precisely why I'm here! I want to change that, one pink tutu at a time! Imagine walking down Fifth Avenue and seeing a sea of pink tutus twirling, a wave of happiness spreading from Fifth Avenue to Central Park and beyond! Itโ€™s a vision I wholeheartedly believe in!

The best part about embracing the pink tutu is the positive reaction it garners! People light up, their smiles mirroring the joy emanating from the bright pink swirls around me. The city, with all its fast pace and busy energy, becomes a little less grey, a little bit more vibrant, when a pink tutu waltzes by! It's a reminder that life is about embracing color, having fun, and letting your spirit soar.

My Tutu's Travels: A Legacy of Pink Joy

Speaking of tutus, mine has been travelling all around the world, gathering memories and stories like precious gemstones. It's been to London, Paris, Rome, and now New York City, and it's a true honour to have it by my side on these adventures. It's a symbol of my journey, a reminder of my dreams and passions, and a beacon of joy that inspires me every day!

Every new city I visit brings fresh inspiration, exciting possibilities, and endless opportunities to embrace the power of the pink tutu! And I hope it inspires you to do the same, wherever you are in the world.

So, let's go out there and embrace the world with a smile on our faces and pink tulle fluttering behind us. It's a revolution, my dear friends, and itโ€™s already sweeping the world, one tutu at a time!

Now, go out there and spread some pink joy wherever you go! And remember, every day is an opportunity to dance your heart out in a world that needs more pink.

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures from New York City.

Until next Monday,

Your Pink Tutu Blog,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-11-21 she danced in New York City