New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-01-23 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 2012-01-23 - A Tutu Twirls Through the Big Apple!

Post #868 - Buckle up buttercup, it’s going to be a whirlwind of a week!

Well, darlings, the Big Apple has officially welcomed me with open arms and even a couple of extra inches of snow, which has definitely thrown a spanner in the works, but haven't I got you covered, my loves? Of course I do. It’s why I’m back on my digital throne here, right here on the good ole’, ready to regale you all with the goss, the giggles and the glistening details from another week of pink-tutu-fied adventures!

Now, as you know, I live by the rule of "Pink Tutu, Go Anywhere" – it’s just the ultimate travel outfit for this pink-loving tutu-wearing Derbyshire girl! (And just to make life easy for you, that’s the North of England for all you non-Brits). It goes with anything! The Metro in New York? Absolutely. Catching a Broadway show? You betcha. Dancing my way to a fitting in Bloomingdale’s? Definitely! It’s all in the choreography, darling.

But I must say, this little snowstorm is proving to be more of a challenge than my usual, let's say, ‘slightly unconventional’ travel style. My usual walk to the local deli in a blizzard, with a flurry of feather boas cascading off my tulle, is definitely making a few of the locals think I’m having a bit of a ‘moment’, as my Mum used to say! Still, I’ve mastered the art of looking like a tutu-clad goddess while being fully aware that the reality is a very carefully choreographed dance around the ice slicks and slush – oh, the hazards of New York life!

Speaking of hazards, did you hear? Apparently, there are no tutu classes here? Gasps What in the world! That simply cannot stand. They are the absolute backbone of grace, agility and a wonderfully playful sense of self-expression, all rolled into one big, beautiful package of tulle, so it’s going on the to-do list, darlings, a mission for Emma-May-The Tutu-Whisperer-From-Derbyshire! Maybe even a ‘Pink Tutu in the City’ meet-up for us lovely ladies to waltz through the avenues? The possibilities are just about endless!

Broadway - The Glamour and the Grace!

Anyway, my lovely, fashionable cherubs, speaking of dance, I went to my first Broadway show last night. I won't spoil it for you, but let’s just say it was, well, simply stunning! You can feel the history and passion just crackling off the stage, and it was even better than I imagined. The set, the costumes – divine! You just know those shoes are from the absolute best cobbler in the entire world. Cough You just have to go. You simply have to see it for yourselves.

Ballet – Always on the Schedule!

I am so grateful to have some amazing ballet shows scheduled in New York City for the next few weeks. As if it’s written in the stars, it's a true ballet lover’s dream come true! Let’s just say it's been non-stop dancing since I got off the plane. It was definitely an instant injection of magic! Plus, it keeps the funds rolling in for these fabulously fabulous NYC adventures. Who said I couldn’t combine passion and profession, hey?

Of course, a girl’s gotta have her pamper time, so today is all about catching up with my New York girlfriends and hitting the stores to find a few (okay, maybe more than a few) pieces that make my heart sing and bring some of my personal sparkle to my already impressive wardrobe.

Don't forget, darlings, it’s all about those sartorial choices. Remember, a girl can never have too many pink tutus, sparkly shoes, or glamorous accessories. So get that shopping cart ready! My darling girls will let you know how it all went in my next post, alongside all my exciting discoveries – just as long as it doesn't get too icy and slippery underfoot! I simply must find myself a nice, well-padded tutu with extra grippy material so that I don’t become a slippery slip and slide in this city of dreams!

Keep your twirls strong and your confidence even stronger, darlings. Because in the words of the illustrious Fred Astaire himself, "A dancer’s most important tool is her/his head! Don't lose your head, be your best you, in a pink tutu.

Until next Monday! Keep your eyes peeled for the newest pink tutu arrivals, darlings, you don’t want to miss out on these delightful delights!

Yours in sparkles,



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-01-23 she danced in New York City