New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-01-30 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 2012-01-30: New York City, a Ballerina's Dream

Hello, darlings! It's Monday, so you know what that means - a brand new blog post for #PinkTutuBlogNYC, ready to bring a little bit of pink-hued sunshine to your week! I'm so excited to be in the Big Apple this week, and the energy is absolutely buzzing. This week's adventure? New York City, naturally! This is post number 869 for the #PinkTutuBlogNYC, which I update each Monday over on!

As always, the #PinkTutu is firmly in place – a beautiful shade of pale pink with tulle as fluffy as a cloud, just perfect for twirling amidst the concrete jungle!

The moment I touched down at JFK, I felt like a princess stepping off the carriage. The city hummed with a thrilling, chaotic energy that immediately hooked me in. My flat is tucked away in the East Village, right next to an adorable independent coffee shop that already feels like a home away from home.

Speaking of homes away from home, did you know that today is the birthday of the legendary Marilyn Monroe? How fabulous is that?! A truly glamorous icon and a wonderful reminder that anything is possible. Now that's something to celebrate!

Of course, being in New York means seeing as many incredible ballet performances as I can. The schedule here is packed – today, I'm off to the City Center to see a special performance by the American Ballet Theatre. Can you imagine? I'm so excited to see how they interpret classical ballets in this city. It’s bound to be captivating!

A Ballerina’s Shopping Paradise

Yesterday was pure bliss: shopping for the perfect outfits to make my NYC debut! I love how this city is bursting with vintage gems and chic boutiques. I even spotted a little pink tulle scarf in one store - perfect for accessorizing my #PinkTutu while I’m on the go!

Fashion, my lovelies, is an integral part of the ballet experience, both on and off stage. A gorgeous outfit can really make you feel confident and ready to take on anything – even conquering the NYC subway system! It's such a colourful spectacle underground – the different lines, the flashing signs, the colourful tapestry of faces. It's a true feast for the eyes.

Speaking of colour, how vibrant is the pink flower shop just across from my apartment? It practically begs me to take pictures with it. I even considered wearing my #PinkTutu there, but perhaps that's a little too over-the-top, even for me.

The Buzz of New York’s Theatre District

Later this week, I'm going to see Hamilton, the incredible musical that everyone's talking about! How amazing is it that a story about America’s founding fathers is brought to life through music? I can’t wait! And it’s on my must-do list for any fellow ballerinas – the energy, the costumes, the music…it’s pure theatrical magic!

If you’re a budding ballerina in the UK who dreams of conquering Broadway like I did, it’s definitely within your reach. It’s just a case of passion, hard work and the right connections. Trust me – all those countless hours in the studio will pay off, both on stage and off. And with your #PinkTutu by your side, of course.

Tonight, though, I’m thinking I’ll just enjoy a simple dinner at my apartment. I love taking advantage of New York’s abundance of fresh food. I can just imagine my local farmer’s market tomorrow - full of vibrant colours, freshly-picked seasonal fruit and local delicacies! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! It reminds me a lot of the markets back home in Derbyshire.

Bringing The World A Pink Tutu

Speaking of Derbyshire, the Derbyshire Dance Festival was in full swing this weekend, and you just know I was there, cheering on all the dancers! What a perfect way to remind myself of what it’s like to see all the raw talent and excitement bursting forth in the dancers' eyes – it makes me want to get back into the studio, twirling my #PinkTutu!

I am also trying to make a difference by bringing ballet to those who may not be familiar with it! I’ve always wanted to use my blog to inspire, encourage, and create more dance fans around the globe. My vision is simple: I want everyone, everywhere to embrace the power and beauty of ballet – and that includes sporting a #PinkTutu!

What do you think? A whole world embracing pink tutus? It could happen – it’s only a matter of time! So spread the word, my loves! Let’s make this world a more sparkly, colourful and beautiful place one tutu at a time.

Stay Tuned!

New York is an intoxicating mix of vibrancy and possibility! I’m off to catch up with a few friends before my ballet class, then tonight, I'll be exploring one of New York's many magical streets – each a storybook waiting to unfold. Follow me over on my blog or social media for daily updates of this thrilling New York escapade.

Don't forget to tag #PinkTutuBlogNYC, #pinktutu, and #balletlife on your favourite social media sites – and maybe even try a #PinkTutu yourself! I’m ready for an absolutely spectacular week – and I know you’re ready for it too!

Until next time,



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-01-30 she danced in New York City