New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-06-25 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 890: Twirling Through the Big Apple 🍎 🩰

Hello my gorgeous fellow tutu wearers!

It's Monday, the 25th of June, 2012, and guess where your favourite pink-loving ballerina is? Yep, you guessed it - right here in the dazzling, bustling heart of New York City! 🗽 It feels like just yesterday I was in London, packing my tiny pink suitcase with enough sequins and tulle to conquer a whole city, but here I am, standing in the midst of skyscrapers that tickle the clouds, a wave of excitement and inspiration washing over me.

My journey here has been an adventure all of its own. You know me, I adore the London Underground, but let me tell you, nothing compares to the NYC subway! It's like a chaotic symphony of screeching trains, chattering tourists and a whole lot of character. I spent most of the journey grinning like a giddy child, glued to the window, watching the city zoom past, its kaleidoscope of colours and smells sending my senses into overdrive.

And speaking of colour, did I mention that my pink tutu is seriously feeling the NYC love?! The sheer amount of vibrant energy that pulses through this city has my little tulle friend twirling in a frenzy of excitement. I mean, have you seen the neon signs? The street performers in their outrageous outfits? The vibrant murals adorning the buildings? It’s like a giant, buzzing playground for the fashion-obsessed, and I’m just soaking it all up.

First Stop - Fashion Therapy 🛍️

So, where did my adventures take me today? Let's just say I couldn't resist hitting the streets for some much-needed fashion therapy. Did I find myself at Saks Fifth Avenue, gazing dreamily at a tutu-tastic ballerina costume fit for a princess? Absolutely! Did I fall head over heels for a pair of scarlet heels that would make Cinderella jealous? You bet! This city is just full of gorgeous things, and it’s like my brain is overflowing with fashion inspiration.

But don’t worry, I haven’t lost sight of my ballet roots. There’s simply nothing like the elegance and grace of a classical performance, and tonight I'm indulging my passion for all things ballet at the New York City Ballet.

Imagine it: the beautiful Metropolitan Opera House, shimmering in the city lights, the sound of music that will leave my soul soaring, and a stage filled with dancers who truly understand the art of making the impossible look effortlessly graceful. I can already feel my inner tutu doing a celebratory pirouette!

A Taste of NYC 🍜

The evening wasn’t all about fancy performances though, oh no! You know me – I love to explore. And let me tell you, NYC has got food down to a fine art! I stumbled upon a charming little café in a charming, cobbled street in Greenwich Village. Imagine this: warm sunshine streaming through the window, a table decked in dainty floral patterns, and a delicious aroma of freshly-baked pastries drifting through the air. It was a perfect little haven after a busy afternoon of shopping. And the food? Just divine! Think hearty sourdough toast, topped with sweet, juicy berries and a generous dollop of creamy ricotta. Heaven, I tell you, simply heaven.

Seeing the City from Above

There's something truly magical about experiencing a city from a whole new perspective, and tonight I'm embracing that with open arms, or rather, with open, wide-eyed wonder! The Empire State Building, a beacon in the Manhattan skyline, is beckoning me to gaze upon its city in all its glory, bathed in the magic of twilight. Can you picture it? I’m going to be soaring over those famous avenues, the city's pulse thrumming beneath me, the sky turning shades of pink and purple... 🌇

The Tutu Inspiration Never Stops!

Oh, and guess what?! In the midst of all this excitement, I spotted a young girl, her face radiating pure delight, wearing a vibrant pink tutu as she skipped down the street, completely unaware of the attention she was attracting. It reminded me why I'm on this journey - to spread the joy and magic of tutus far and wide. And who knows, maybe one day I'll see every city in the world awash with a sea of pink tulle, wouldn’t that be something?!

Until next Monday, remember, my darling tutu enthusiasts, life is a ballet, so keep twirling, keep dreaming, and keep spreading that pink-tutu magic! 💖

Yours in sparkle, Emma

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 891: Twirling Through Broadway 🎤🩰

Hello my delightful tutu devotees!

It's Monday, the 2nd of July, 2012, and this city is just as alive as ever, a swirling symphony of sights and sounds that leave my senses tingling with excitement. Today, we're diving deep into the beating heart of New York's cultural pulse, that famous and oh-so-magical street: Broadway!

The thrill of Broadway is like no other, with its red-carpeted entrance beckoning me in like a beacon in the urban jungle. You can practically feel the history of laughter, tears, and triumphs emanating from every brick. It’s a place where dreams are made, stories unfold, and applause rings out like the joyous chorus of angels.

My Mission: A Tutu-fied Broadway Adventure

Of course, I couldn't simply stroll along this iconic street without adding a little Pink Tutu Magic. My vision? To experience Broadway in all its theatrical glory, dressed to the nines in a pink tutu and a dazzling smile. A spectacle of tulle and Broadway charm? Oh, you better believe it!

My journey started at TKTS, that Broadway legend where discount tickets await with open arms. It's a real thrill to grab some affordable gems, even though I'd happily pay full price for the experience. I couldn't resist snagging tickets to Wicked - the iconic story that continues to weave its magic upon countless hearts. The dazzling costumes, the powerful performances, the story that touches both your head and your heart… Wicked truly embodies the magic of Broadway.

And then came the best part, stepping into the theatre, feeling my own little pink tutu twirl with excitement. As I found my seat, heads turned, smiles were exchanged, and even the seasoned theatre-goers couldn't resist a chuckle at the sight of a pink tutu infiltrating this world of glamour. It was an absolute delight to watch their reactions, seeing them embrace the unexpected with open hearts.

Beyond the Curtain: Broadway Delights

The evening didn't stop at the theatre, oh no! A visit to Broadway is never complete without some serious dinner-and-dessert indulgence. We're talking mouth-watering meals that warm you from the inside out, served with a side of vibrant conversation and endless entertainment. I discovered this incredible Italian restaurant, tucked away on a side street, where the scent of garlic and basil filled the air, and the waitresses wore scarlet dresses that had me swooning. The Lasagna al Forno? To die for!

From the stage to the streets, Broadway isn't just about the performances, it's a place of discovery and inspiration, filled with colourful characters and tales that echo with passion. Today, I wandered down these historic avenues, lost in the world of costumes and playbills, the hum of conversations, and the clinking of glasses from streetside cafés. There's a palpable energy here, an air of ambition and dreams, and it was truly invigorating.

Of course, no trip to Broadway is complete without a few fashion finds. The vibrant costume shops filled with feathered boas, sequins, and glittering tiaras were irresistible, leaving me yearning to create my own Broadway-inspired ensemble. Perhaps a tutu-tastic creation for my next trip? Maybe a dress with a bold, feather-trimmed neckline? My creative juices were truly flowing!

But the highlight of my day was encountering another kindred soul - a girl dressed head-to-toe in sparkly purple! She was carrying a bag filled with sequined bags, her eyes sparkling with the same kind of theatre-fueled excitement that I knew well. I couldn’t help but grin as we locked eyes across the street, a silent exchange of admiration and delight for all things sparkly and fabulous.

A Little Piece of Broadway Magic

I'm heading back to the heart of London this week, with my heart filled with the vibrancy and warmth of Broadway. But let me tell you, the magic I've experienced here in New York City will continue to inspire me for months to come. And you can be sure I’ll be dusting off my pink tutu and adding a touch of Broadway sparkle to every step of my future travels.

Until next Monday, my dearest tutu lovers, embrace your dreams, let your spirit shine, and always remember to embrace a little Broadway magic in your own life! 💖

Yours in sparkle, Emma

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 892: Artful Adventures in The Big Apple 🎨🩰

Hello my glorious tutu-loving friends!

It's Monday, the 9th of July, 2012, and guess who's back in New York City? This time, with a fresh perspective and a heart brimming with the desire to discover the artistic heart of The Big Apple! 🍎

You know me, I adore dancing in my pink tutu, but this week I'm leaving my ballet shoes behind and embracing a different form of artistry - exploring the city's thriving art scene. I can already hear my fellow art lovers out there saying, "Emma, that's like bringing a tutu to a rock concert, darling!". But trust me, it's going to be amazing!

My quest for art begins at the **Museum of Modern Art, better known to everyone as MoMA, of course. This iconic landmark holds a place in my heart already, just like it does in the heart of countless art lovers. And with its incredible collection spanning centuries and artistic movements, I felt an instant surge of inspiration, just stepping into that sleek and modern space.

And then came the wow factor! From Jackson Pollock’s mesmerizing splatter paintings to Van Gogh’s bursting colours and textured strokes, each piece held its own narrative, its own whispered secrets waiting to be discovered. There were sculptures that made my imagination soar, abstract paintings that triggered emotions, and even photographs that told captivating stories without uttering a single word. It was a sensory overload of the most inspiring kind!

But let's face it, even a passionate ballerina needs to fuel those artistic vibes with a delicious treat! A trip to Alice's Tea Cup, this darling little cafe nestled amidst a street of quirky boutiques, was just the ticket. It was as if I stepped into a page out of a vintage fairytale, with its antique china and decadent tea cakes that were truly divine.

My next adventure led me to a street fair bustling with life and creativity – an artist’s dream! Artists, painters, musicians, craftspeople - they were all gathered, showcasing their unique talents. I couldn't resist snagging a colourful canvas from a local painter who had captured the vibrancy of a cityscape scene, so breathtaking it left me speechless!

Even my favourite fashion finds felt more artistic than ever this week! The street boutiques brimming with vintage designs had me yearning to dress my inner art enthusiast. I'm dreaming of incorporating pops of bright colours, playful patterns, and vintage charm into my wardrobe – a touch of artistry for every day!

There's simply something magical about this city, the way it inspires art, music, fashion - it's like the soul of the city is bursting with creativity. It made me think, perhaps tutus are just as artistic as sculptures! After all, they're about movement, expression, and creating beautiful silhouettes – they're little wearable works of art, if you ask me.

Until next Monday, my gorgeous tutu-loving friends, remember to always look for art, creativity, and a bit of whimsical magic in your everyday life!

Yours in sparkle, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-06-25 she danced in New York City