New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-07-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #891: She Danced in New York City 🩰

Hello, darling readers! It's Monday again, and you know what that means: it's time for another dose of pink tutu-tastic adventures from your favourite ballerina blogger, straight from the heart of the Big Apple!

This week, my dear friends, has been nothing short of extraordinary. It feels like just yesterday I was boarding the plane, a swirl of pink tulle billowing around me, and saying goodbye to the familiar green hills of Derbyshire. But, oh, what a week it has been!

First things first: let's talk about the metro. As a proper city-dwelling ballerina, I’ve mastered the art of gracefully hopping on and off this marvel of engineering. In fact, I dare say my pirouettes are becoming quite impressive on the platforms! Just yesterday, I caught a glimpse of myself reflected in one of the sleek, steel-grey carriages, and oh, my dear, it was truly a sight to behold: pink tutu swishing against the stark white subway backdrop. A moment of absolute fashion-forward magic!

And the shows, my dears! You won’t believe the breathtaking performances I've seen. On Wednesday, I was mesmerized by the elegance and athleticism of the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. They flew across the stage with such lightness and grace, their movements like liquid poetry. I almost found myself tapping my feet along to the captivating rhythms, a touch of tutu-tastic excitement coursing through me.

But it's not just the big shows that have me spellbound. This city is teeming with talented artists, expressing themselves through the magical world of ballet. Last night, I watched a captivating performance by a small ballet company in a tiny Greenwich Village theatre. The stage was a canvas of emotions, a story woven through intricate steps and fluid movements. The intimate atmosphere allowed me to truly connect with the performers, and their dedication was truly inspiring.

Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without indulging in the city's incredible shopping scene. From the vintage treasures tucked away on charming side streets to the bustling flagship stores on Fifth Avenue, every corner is an opportunity for fashion discovery. I confess, I've already treated myself to a new pair of sparkling pink ballet flats - oh, they are the most exquisite shade! And let's not forget a dazzling, sequined pink tutu for my performance later this week, because you just can’t have enough tulle, darling!

I’ve even ventured outside of my usual Manhattan haunts, discovering the hidden beauty of Brooklyn. From the cobblestone streets of DUMBO to the vibrant murals of Bushwick, this borough is bursting with creativity and a distinct artistic vibe. The people are friendly, the energy electric, and I could easily imagine myself taking up residence here, donning a pink tutu for a spontaneous street ballet performance in front of the Brooklyn Bridge.

But wait, my dears! I almost forgot to tell you the absolute highlight of my trip: a breathtaking performance at Radio City Music Hall. Those dazzling Rockettes! Their precision, their synchronicity - it was utterly phenomenal. They danced with such precision and joy, each movement a perfect echo of the other, forming living pictures on stage that captivated the audience. And oh, those costumes! An absolute feast for the eyes. Imagine my delight when I noticed a flash of shimmering pink tulle in their dazzling array!

And it's not just the Rockettes who bring the glamour. The city itself, with its iconic skyline, bustling avenues, and charming corners, is a performance in itself. Every step I take feels like a new scene unfolds, and each experience fills me with inspiration.

I'm not going to lie: walking through these concrete jungles in a swirling pink tutu sometimes raises eyebrows and elicits smiles. It’s a little bit rebellious, a little bit whimsical, but mostly, it’s an invitation to see the world differently, to embrace the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to live with a little bit of tutu-tastic sparkle.

My dears, I truly believe that everyone should experience the magic of New York, and I, of course, recommend everyone add a pink tutu to their wardrobe. It’s a way to add a little bit of your own personal style to this wonderful city, to bring your inner ballerina to the streets. So, grab a pink tutu, book a plane ticket to New York, and get ready for an unforgettable experience. Because, remember: every day is a new adventure, a new chance to express yourself, and to dance your way through life!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must dash off to another ballet class. I wouldn't dream of letting my dancing fade. And you know what? This weekend, I'm going to see a beautiful new production of The Nutcracker and of course, I'll be sure to share my experience in next week’s blog post.

Until then, darling readers, keep shining and never forget: in a world full of grays, it’s time to bring back a splash of pink!

💖 Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-07-02 she danced in New York City