
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-07-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #892: Dancing in the Big Apple! šŸŽšŸ©°

Hello, my lovely tutu-loving friends! Itā€™s Monday again, and that means it's time for another dazzling instalment of Pink Tutu Blog NYC!

This week, I'm brimming with excitement after a whirlwind trip to the Big Apple - New York City! I finally took the plunge and booked my flight, a bit spontaneously, I must admit, after a particularly inspiring performance at the Royal Opera House. (My friend Amelia always says my performances are 'unimaginably fabulous' - bless her).

You know I love to travel, but New York had always been on my "one day" list, tucked away alongside those other impossible dreams like learning to juggle fire and understanding how those intricate ballet tutus are made (donā€™t get me started on the sheer weight of some of them!).

As always, my dear friend Lily helped me put together the most fabulous itinerary - all crammed into a weekend, because even tutus can't help me levitate, I still need to budget my time (and money - my performance earnings go surprisingly fast, particularly in this city of fashion!), so getting to New York involved a few compromises.

The journey, from my quaint home in Derbyshire, involved a flurry of trains and a bumpy bus ride (who knew those things could shake like that?!). It was almost as thrilling as a final arabesque during a solo performance, but I promise, the effort was absolutely worth it!

New York - From Tutu-Wearing to the Big Apple!

Once I stepped onto the streets of New York, I could barely contain my excitement! It was everything I imagined: towering skyscrapers, a frenetic energy, and a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds that overwhelmed my senses in the best way possible! And it was incredibly hot, thank goodness for that fluffy pink tutu (which, by the way, was perfect for dodging all those yellow cabs and taxis - much easier to see me!), and it meant I could slip into a gorgeous silky sundress for a couple of the nights, a true girly dream!

From the moment I stepped off the train at Grand Central Terminal, it was all tutus, tutus, tutus! Okay, I may have been a bit too enthusiastic, but everything about New York seemed to speak to my inner ballerina.

Just think, this was where Fred Astaire first graced a stage! And of course, Baryshnikovā€™s glorious performances! (I do like to imagine a dashing ballerina in a pink tutu walking down those grand avenues. What a sight that would be! Perhaps I will try that when I'm back in Derby. It would surely brighten my day!)

First things first, I was on a mission. I was on a pink tutu pilgrimage! To that grand, legendary, iconic venue, that home of all that is spectacular - The Metropolitan Opera! Oh, my! The sheer beauty of that place took my breath away! As I stood there gazing at the faƧade, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I was surrounded by history, and by all those who dreamed before me.

Even the ticket counter at the Metropolitan Opera was full of excitement for a true ballerina! It seems that there was an 'Open Stage' programme for talented young dancers to showcase their work! Can you believe it?! My inner ballerina was doing somersaults (without my actual body because you see that tutu... it wouldn't really help in this situation) as I thought to myself, ā€œthis is exactly where I belong!ā€. And even though I didnā€™t get to see any actual performances during my stay in NYC, I did buy myself an opera-inspired souvenir - a lovely porcelain figurine of a graceful ballerina!

Next, it was off to another of the city's must-see locations: The New York City Ballet, and I finally understood what it means to be part of a community. The students and the young professionals were a riot of enthusiasm, and it really made me want to take a ballet class (alas, I'm on the road, and finding a studio suitable for my delicate pointe shoes (don't you just hate it when the heel goes snap? I once almost ended up on my bum in the middle of a solo, luckily for me the audience was so rapt that no-one even noticed - the lighting was rather low. I'd tell you exactly where but... professional secrets, I can't divulge any details) was no easy feat). But it didn't stop me from picking up some ballet books from the bookstore. There are so many exciting ballet stories in this book (that would be The Dance - a novel set in the 18th century by a famous novelist... forget the name!).

Then, it was onto Times Square. You have to understand, even though I travel a lot and my heart still belongs to ballet, the true excitement in NYC was not at the ballet theatres (as delightful as they were!), it was about the spectacle, the energy. It was, for me, the quintessential "Pink Tutu in New York City" experience.

As the city began to pulsate after dark, with all those bright flashing lights, I realised, with a burst of inspiration, that New York is so very much about performance. Each billboard, each ad, every restaurant or shop, they are all performers! Each striving to capture the eye, each telling a story, each competing for your attention! Thatā€™s why we always go to the best restaurants on Broadway - because their performance in bringing you fabulous food is just as captivating as a Broadway show!

And yes, that leads me toā€¦ the theatre! Ah, Broadway, the birthplace of those beautiful and lavish musicals. You know, the ones that have an ensemble of dancers in fabulous feather boas (I was so very tempted to buy some from a vintage costume shop!)

Of course, we had to indulge in a few hours of Broadway bliss, watching one of those stunning shows. The set, the lighting, the music and the costumes. Everything about that evening was magical, the actors truly brought their characters to life on stage, but what truly captivated my heart, though, was the dancing! I may have had a slight 'I want to get up there and twirl' urge during some of the show-stopping numbers. I was especially moved by one of the leads' beautiful pirouettes and arabesques - you could practically see every ripple in her elegant, light tutu!

New York was an overload of fashion and creativity. I even stumbled across the world-famous Bergdorf Goodman. A shop for those seeking to truly step out in the most fashionable way, (did I mention those fabulous shoes they had on display?) and even if youā€™re not buying a new tutu ( I just bought the pinkest cashmere wrap for my ballet studio!) it's definitely worth a look, just to absorb the artistry! My darling friend Amelia bought me the cutest little ballet shoes keyring from there! And if you go, don't forget to check out their beautiful cafĆ© for a glass of prosecco (that's champagne in US speak... it sounds less fancy!), I found it such a lovely way to finish my day of exploring!

Speaking of lovely things... the other amazing thing about NYC are the places that showcase fashion (there are just so many! you can spend an entire week just exploring shops), such as those vintage costume and dress stores - thereā€™s something about seeing how people dressed in the past, how fashion has changed, and even finding some true gems to add to my collection of stage and street style dresses! The vintage shop, aptly called "Fabulous Frocks" - it couldnā€™t have been better if I'd planned it! - was a goldmine for me to find a brand new, vintage, gorgeous powder-pink tutu (now who would have thought? I donā€™t usually buy tutus off the rack, they are just too pink for my tastes sometimes!), with the cutest ruffles, and even some pearl-white ribbons (which were so so elegant I bought five!). A little trip to Bloomingdale's is always worth it too. It was almost overwhelming because I was overwhelmed with excitement when I entered - you get to see what all the real fashionistas are buying, what is in vogue right now, and it really makes you want to experiment with fashion!

The Metropolitan Museum of Art - An Artful Delight šŸŽØ

But as much as I love to shop and I admire the beautiful displays and artistry found in fashion boutiques and museums (yes, I do count them among the fine art! They do deserve a museum just for fashion!) my ultimate New York experience involved stepping into the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Hereā€™s the thing... the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a grand, stunning museum with a fascinating selection of paintings, and of course - the costumes! A true inspiration, but you must make time for the amazing sculptures! Even though I've been to many of the grand, famous museums around the world - from the V&A (the Victoria and Albert Museum, a must-see for any tutu-lover!) to the Louvre (itā€™s a little bit of a drag as they have the Mona Lisa under so much glass. The poor thing looks bored. A ballerina would never!), the Metropolitan Museum of Art just sits there, a grand and dignified lady with a lovely little secret, a whole world of amazing treasures waiting to be uncovered by all who want to see them. As you wander through the halls you just have to appreciate the details of each beautiful, inspiring work of art!

The museums in NYC really did blow me away with the amount of inspiring art and architecture! I am forever grateful that I get to see the beauty in the world and to feel inspired to continue my artistic and creative journey. I do love being a ballerina, you get to be a part of so much - you learn from every show, every class, and it allows you to discover new things, like New York city! But honestly, after all that exploration, the grand and the small - even though it was so busy and frantic - I missed my quiet time, I really missed home and those peaceful walks through our little market in Derby.

However, all that travel does give you a little bit of time to reflect and consider all the amazing, incredible and fascinating things weā€™ve seen over the course of our journey so far... there's just so much more to learn, so many new experiences to have - and of course, so many pink tutus to wear (it is the ultimate expression of girly fun, right? Thatā€™s my motto!)

So, whatā€™s next? Where will my pink tutu lead me next week? Who knows? Weā€™ll find out when I update this very special, inspiring blog. I always want to know what you are up to, so let me know in the comments where your tutu has taken you, and I'll share your stories!

I have one more big dream (besides travelling in my pink tutu, naturally), I dream of creating my very own pink tutu fashion collection to share my love of dance and fashion with the world! But for now, itā€™s back to reality, back to Derbyshire, to practice and to dream, until we meet again in this lovely, lovely world.

Love and twirls,

Emma šŸ©°šŸ’–

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-07-09 she danced in New York City