New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-07-29 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Week 947 - Tutu-ing Around the Big Apple! 🍎🩰

Hello my darling tutu-lovers! It's Monday, which means it's time for a fresh #PinkTutuBlogNYC post, straight from the heart of the Big Apple! I'm Emma, and this week, I'm absolutely buzzing to share my adventures with you from the wonderful city of New York!

This city never fails to amaze me with its endless energy, its vibrant art scene, and its sheer awe-inspiring beauty. But you know what's even more amazing? Getting to wear a pink tutu in all these fantastic places!

This week was particularly special, because on this very date, July 29th, I took a trip down memory lane, revisiting one of my favourite New York institutions: the legendary The Metropolitan Museum of Art! Now, you can imagine, wearing my favourite pink tutu and twirling amongst all those incredible masterpieces… pure bliss! It was a total dance through art history, let me tell you.

(But before we delve into the Met, let me just give you a sneak peek into the latest pink-tastic things going on in my world!)

A New York Minute of Fashion!

Remember how I mentioned I'm obsessed with New York fashion? Well, this past week, I found myself wandering the magical streets of SoHo, my trusty pink tutu flowing behind me (naturally!). I absolutely fell head over heels with the window displays at a darling little boutique called "The Pink Flamingo" – talk about a haven for any pink tutu enthusiast! I managed to resist a new sparkly ballet-inspired cardigan (it would have looked amazing with my tutu, you see) but instead, I snagged a pair of the most glorious pink patent leather shoes you've ever seen! (Pictures are coming soon!)

I even managed to squeeze in a trip to the iconic Tiffany & Co. on Fifth Avenue, just to gawk at the breathtaking jewelry, of course. Ahem, and to indulge in a slice of their famous strawberry-rhubarb pie! After all, even pink tutu princesses need a little indulgence. 🍰

Ballet Brilliance!

But speaking of indulgences, I wouldn't be Emma without sharing some ballet-related excitement! This week, I took a masterclass with one of New York's most renowned ballet instructors, Mr. Frederick Von Hilsendorf. You might have heard of him; he was a principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre! Let's just say, it was truly inspiring. He reminded me, "It's not just about the steps, darling. It's about feeling the music and expressing yourself with every move!" Now, who wouldn't want to have that engraved on their heart? I even picked up a few pointers that I just had to share with my fellow dancers back in Derbyshire!

(And oh, by the way, a little birdie told me about a special ballet-themed performance taking place in Central Park next week – you just know I'll be there, front row, tutu ready! Be sure to check back next Monday for all the glittery details.)

The Art of Being a Pink Tutu Princess

Now, onto my big day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art! Remember I told you, it was all about art and tutu twirling? Well, here's the full story...

Firstly, you simply can't step foot in this extraordinary building without feeling the sheer weight of history and artistry that surrounds you. From the Ancient Egyptian artifacts to the European Renaissance masterpieces, it's simply an unforgettable sensory experience!

And what better way to experience it all than with a bit of pink tutu magic? Imagine waltzing past Michelangelo's "David" and twirling in front of Degas' famous "La Classe de Danse"! Talk about taking a journey back in time.

A Tutu-ing Dream!

I started my day in the Medieval and Renaissance art sections, my pink tutu twirling beautifully in front of the tapestries and portraits. I found myself particularly enchanted by Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus." The image of a nude female figure being carried by a giant seashell and surrounded by the ethereal air of a swirling wind seemed to speak directly to my tutu-loving soul!

(Yes, yes, I know. "The Birth of Venus" is not really a "ballet-themed" artwork, you might think, but I like to interpret things creatively, alright? And let's face it, a pink tutu could only enhance such an iconic piece!)

Moving on to the 19th-century French paintings, I had a blast mimicking Degas' dancers. He truly captured the essence of movement in his paintings, didn't he? It almost felt as if I was a part of those ballets painted onto canvas! And as if it was meant to be, I spotted a rather adorable pink tutu-wearing ballet dancer painted in the background of one of the Degas pieces! The artist obviously had a knack for finding beauty in even the most unexpected places – very much like yours truly.

A Royal Reception

Next, I ventured into the majestic halls of the Costume Institute. There I was surrounded by breathtaking haute couture and historical fashion garments – an absolute pink tutu lover's paradise! I stood in awe of the meticulous detail, the exquisite fabrics, and the sheer artistic genius behind each creation.

I even found myself lost in the enchanting world of ballet history, immersed in the beautiful designs of costumes worn by famous ballerinas throughout the centuries! You know, that real tutu magic that never gets old!

(Side note: I am now on the hunt for a vintage pink tutu that might just give even the Met Costume Institute a run for its money. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated on this adventure!)

Dancing the Night Away!

Finally, after an unforgettable day of exploring the depths of artistic wonders, I concluded my Met journey with a special treat. It's a tradition for the museum to host incredible live music events in its Great Hall on Friday evenings. It's the perfect setting for a good old-fashioned ballets and bites!

As I waltzed through the hallway, with its grand vaulted ceilings and shimmering chandeliers, I could practically hear the rhythmic beat of music. It was as if the walls themselves were alive with the spirit of a thousand artistic souls, eager to unleash their creativity on the world.

(It was, however, rather difficult to gracefully pirouette past the rather sturdy looking security guards. You'd think they would be more familiar with ballet dancers after all those years, wouldn't you?)

Taking a Spin in the City That Never Sleeps!

This city has a truly magical way of inspiring people to chase their dreams. It doesn't matter whether you're an aspiring ballerina, a budding fashion designer, or just someone who's searching for their next big adventure.

Now, tell me, what's your dream, my darling readers? What makes your heart sing and your soul dance?

Remember to follow #PinkTutuBlogNYC for all my upcoming adventures and don't forget to check out to catch up on past posts!

I hope this post brought a bit of pink tutu magic into your week, darlings! And if you ever find yourself in New York City, be sure to let me know. We'll grab a slice of that delicious strawberry-rhubarb pie at Tiffany's and dance our way through the streets together, tutus in tow!

(PS. I just noticed it's 5 p.m. here, which means it's time for a cheeky cup of tea and a scone! Be sure to stay tuned for an exciting photo-shoot tomorrow at Central Park, and keep an eye out for my next blog post on Monday! I can't wait to share my New York escapades with you all. Happy tutu-ing!)

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-07-29 she danced in New York City