New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-09-23 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition #955 - A Dance Under the Big Apple Lights

Monday, 23rd September, 2013

Good morning, my darling tutu-ettes! The crisp autumn air is whispering promises of pumpkin spice lattes and twinkling lights, and here I am, in the Big Apple, a tutu-ed whirlwind of excitement! New York City always sweeps me off my feet, and this trip is no exception.

This week, I've traded my Derbyshire fields for the bustling streets of Manhattan, and let me tell you, it's a total sensory overload in the best way possible. I've been swirling around the city in my latest pink tutu creation (this one is a fabulous explosion of tulle and sequins!), taking in all the sights, sounds, and – of course – shopping opportunities.

A Day in the Life of a Tutu-ed Tourist

Yesterday was an absolute dream! After a hearty breakfast at a charming little café on Bleecker Street (you HAVE to try their banana bread, it's divine!), I headed straight for the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. I simply couldn't resist catching a matinee performance of "Swan Lake," and let me tell you, it was absolutely breathtaking. The artistry, the elegance, the raw emotion – it left me speechless. My tutu (which, by the way, perfectly matched the ballet shoes of the dancers) twirled along with the performers. You can practically picture it now, can't you? The graceful movements, the ethereal costumes, and a sprinkle of pink magic!

Later, I indulged in a little bit of retail therapy, exploring the labyrinthine streets of Soho. The vibrant energy of this neighbourhood is so contagious! I found some absolute gems - a vintage brooch for my tutu, and a silk scarf with a stunning, swirling pattern (so perfect for those windy New York nights!). And just so you know, pink was definitely the colour of the day.

But the highlight of my day was undoubtedly the walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. The sun was setting, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and purple, and the city skyline looked magical bathed in the golden light. I spun around, feeling the wind through my tutu, the fabric a perfect, billowing curtain against the cityscape. It was a moment of pure joy, a perfect reflection of why I love New York City so much.

Adventures in Subway Style

Now, let's talk about something absolutely essential to any NYC experience: the subway! Honestly, the New York City metro is an art form in itself. And it's amazing to see how seamlessly it brings people from all walks of life together, a testament to the diverse heart of this city. This week, I've even spotted a couple of fellow tutu enthusiasts – one with a black tutu with rainbow sequins and another with a vibrant emerald green tulle number – so perhaps my "pink tutu for everyone" dream is slowly starting to take shape!

I even spotted a man sporting a custom-made pink tutu! He told me he was inspired by his niece, who wore a pink tutu to her dance recital last year. Now, how sweet is that? This city truly embraces its individuality, and it's just wonderful.

Tonight’s Entertainment

Tonight, I'm planning on checking out a Broadway show – "The Phantom of the Opera," because how could I come to New York City without experiencing this iconic masterpiece? And of course, I'll be donning a showstopping pink tutu to truly make the occasion special!

So, darling tutu-ettes, that’s my NYC story for this week. As I prepare for the show tonight, I’m already brainstorming new outfits for my future NYC adventures! What’s your favourite ballet show or performance, and have you ever seen a Broadway show? Tell me all about your tutu-tastic experiences in the comments!

Until next Monday,

Your Pink Tutu Princess,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-09-23 she danced in New York City