New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-09-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #956 - A Tutu-tastic Trip Through the Big Apple!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, and it's Monday again! Can you believe it's already the 30th of September? Feels like yesterday I was stuffing my face with Wimbledon strawberries and cream and getting lost in the world of the Bolshoi! But this week, it's New York City baby, the city that never sleeps, and frankly, I'm never tired!

I've just stepped off the metro (did you know the subway's a thing in the US?! They actually do travel underground, mind you, very posh!), and I'm sitting here at the cutest little café in Greenwich Village. They even had a whole counter full of pink cupcakes, I tell you! And you just know I couldn't resist one.

Now, you might be wondering how I manage to travel all around the globe while living in a pink tutu! Well, darling, it's a little bit of a secret. I perform! gasp You see, I'm a ballerina. Not a world-famous one, mind you, though you never know, a little pink tutu can go a long way! But, I use my talent to earn enough to follow my dreams! And this dream, my lovelies, is to visit every single place in the world in a pink tutu and share my adventures with you!

I landed in New York yesterday, and already I'm swept up in the whirlwind that is the city. Just imagine a melting pot of dreams, culture, music, fashion, and...well, honestly, everything. I swear, the energy just vibrates through you the minute you step out onto those buzzing streets.

Speaking of energy, my lovelies, let's talk dance! Tonight, I'm heading to see a performance by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Now, I'm not talking about stuffy old classical ballet here. The Ailey dancers bring something special, something truly vibrant and modern, something full of emotion. Just like, well, me in a pink tutu, darling! 😉

But before we get lost in the magical world of the stage, let's explore what New York City has to offer! We can't go without visiting the Metropolitan Opera House for a good dose of traditional ballet, or taking in a Broadway show for some good old-fashioned theatre magic!

Of course, it wouldn't be a New York City trip without a little retail therapy. I mean, how can we forget all those fabulous boutiques? Maybe a little window-shopping on Fifth Avenue will be just the inspiration for our next tutu creation. You just wait and see, darlings, it's going to be something absolutely fantastic.

New York is such an inspiring place. You really feel like you can do anything here. From art to music to fashion to…tutu-wearing! Who knows, maybe this week I'll even be lucky enough to see someone else sporting a pink tutu around the city! After all, the more the merrier, wouldn't you say? And darling, just remember, my aim in life is to spread the love of pink tutus around the world. Just one pink tutu at a time!

Stay tuned, my loves. It's going to be a tutu-licious week.

Now, off I go, time for some serious New York City exploring, and maybe a pink cupcake or two!

Stay stylish and fabulous!

Lots of love,


P.S. I forgot to tell you all about the deliciousness that was today! For lunch, I enjoyed the most decadent hot dog I have ever had in my life. It was served in this amazing stand, called a cart, with a giant pretzel and was oh so delicious. And what did I choose for my tea time? Well, nothing short of the best chocolate chip cookie I have ever tasted! drools And let me tell you, these two things made my day just fabulous! Oh, and you know I went to an antique store to pick up some wonderful souvenirs for you all, but we’ll save that for another post! Stay tuned for the next week's adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-09-30 she danced in New York City