New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-08-04 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC, Monday 4th August 2014 – Post #1000!

Hey darlings!

It’s Emma here, and guess what?! This week marks a massive milestone in my New York blogging adventure – a whopping 1000 posts! Can you believe it? It feels like just yesterday I was nervously clutching my pink tutu as I stepped off the plane in this magical city, ready to share my love of all things girly, graceful and glamorous.

Oh, the memories! Remember when I was a wee little ballerina in Derbyshire, dreaming of twirling on a grand stage in New York City? Well, now I get to do it (kind of!), all thanks to my fabulous, tutu-clad escapades and your enthusiastic support.

Today's post is dedicated to you, my dear readers! I wouldn't be here, sharing all my glittery, ballet-loving adventures without your sweet and encouraging comments. I always read them, every single one, and it's the best feeling knowing that I've found a community of like-minded, pink-loving ladies (and maybe even a few dashing gentlemen!) all over the world.

So, what’s happening this week in my fabulous life?

First things first, a trip to the theatre is an absolute must! Tonight I’m off to see “Cats”. Can you believe it? It's one of those iconic, all-singing-all-dancing musicals that never goes out of style. I hear the costumes are phenomenal, and let's face it, I simply can't resist a good furry cat tail (especially if it comes in a sassy pink hue, wink). I just have to capture it all for you! My phone camera is charged, my glitter is prepped, and I've even found a perfect pink tutu for the occasion! I may even attempt to “catwalk” a little during the intermission, just for fun!

The best part of all this, you ask? Well, funding my theatrical adventures in the city that never sleeps is all thanks to the graceful magic of ballet! I absolutely love sharing my love of dance through performance. It allows me to explore different themes, move with the most gorgeous music and express myself through movement. It truly is a joy!

But first things first, let’s grab a coffee and take a little walk. This is the city that's got it all: fabulous boutiques brimming with chic delights, dreamy tea rooms with mouthwatering cakes, and, of course, endless inspiration for all things fashionable and pink. It's just so exciting to be here!

Subway Symphony:

The underground, my dear readers, is an absolute marvel. From the bustling platforms to the endless avenues, the metro system in New York City is a masterpiece in its own right. The symphony of movement, the colourful murals and posters, and the endless hum of conversation – it's a feast for the senses!

This week I’ve been noticing the extraordinary artwork featured in many subway stations, each one a piece of street art just waiting to be discovered. My latest favourite is a breathtaking mural of ballerinas twirling with grace and elegance at the Lexington Avenue Station! I took a million photos (maybe not quite a million, but you get the idea), of course.

I know some people find the underground a bit overwhelming, but I actually find it really inspiring. This is where New York truly comes alive - a whirlwind of energy, creativity and style that keeps you wanting to explore more! It's truly a world of wonder on its own.

Ballet Beauty

Now, for the crème de la crème – Ballet. There's nothing like a night spent at the ballet to lift my spirits and make my heart skip a beat! This week, I'm planning on taking a ballet class at a studio in Greenwich Village, an iconic neighbourhood known for its charming cobblestone streets and eclectic mix of creatives. It's the perfect setting for my weekly ballet routine – a mix of elegant stretches, graceful leaps, and a few graceful pirouettes to perfect those pink-tutu-worthy twirls!

It's no secret I absolutely adore ballet, but not just as a dance form. It's also an art, a philosophy, and, to me, a way of life. It brings together grace, precision and storytelling in ways that make you simply want to rise and twirl with joy! If you’re a fellow ballerina (or if you're thinking about giving it a try!) check out the website "Dance NYC". There’s something for everyone there!

I think ballet really helps bring balance to my busy life. The moment I step onto the stage, all the outside chaos fades away, and I'm lost in a world of rhythm, expression, and pure joy. And as much as I adore the beautiful and refined world of traditional ballet, I also absolutely love exploring street ballet - and that's where my love affair with the city truly comes alive.

Street Ballet Stars

Let’s be honest, the New York streets are the perfect place to showcase your ballet moves! You'll see everything from elegant contemporary ballets, to bold and daring street hip-hop routines and expressive jazz, and a kaleidoscope of other wonderful styles. Every week, I always make sure to set aside a little time for "Street Ballet Spotting", which basically means just wandering through the city and soaking up all the inspiring street dance energy. There's so much creativity out there! I’ve met some incredible artists doing just that, sharing their passion with the world through the vibrant streets of this incredible city. It truly inspires me.

As the evening unfolds, the streets of New York turn into a ballet stage. Think bright city lights twinkling like millions of tiny stars, street lamps casting enchanting shadows and the hypnotic rhythm of a distant jazz melody echoing through the cobblestone streets. It's the perfect setting to find your inner ballerina (whether you're wearing a pink tutu or not!).

The Pink Power

Speaking of pink tutus, darling! I'm on a mission: to get every single person in New York City to embrace the pink tutu! It's a symbol of confidence, fun and fearless expression. Let's be honest, what's not to love? Imagine the delightful sight of a hundred tutus twirling and swaying in Central Park, all those dazzling shades of pink, reflecting off the city's golden skyline!

It’s my life's ambition! Now, maybe you’re thinking, “Emma, surely this is a tad extreme.” But hear me out! This pink-tutu revolution goes beyond fashion. It’s about empowerment. It's about letting go, feeling the rhythm and owning that fabulous inner ballerina - regardless of age, shape, size, or your background! I want the world to see the strength, beauty and spirit that we all have, just waiting to come out and shine. After all, if I can rock my pink tutu in a city as fabulous and diverse as New York, then you can too!

NYC: My Ballet Paradise

You know, this beautiful city really is a magical playground for a ballerina-at-heart. Whether it's watching a dazzling performance at the ballet, getting my fashion fix, soaking in the inspiration on the streets, or just simply dancing along to a joyful tune, it's a city bursting with joy, energy and elegance – and let's be honest, that's everything I’ve ever wanted.

Well, darlings, I've got to dash now – gotta catch my train to "Cats"! But I'll be back next Monday, with even more glamorous insights into the dazzling world of ballet and pink tutus.

Until next time, stay fabulous, and always remember to unleash your inner ballerina!

With love and a twirl,


P.S: Don't forget to subscribe to my blog, leave a comment and share your adventures with the pink tutu world! You can find my blog at:

And remember, life is meant to be danced through, not just lived! Let's get this pink-tutu revolution rolling, my loves!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-08-04 she danced in New York City