New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-09-22 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Post #1007: Dancing in the Big Apple! 🍎

Hello darlings!

It’s Monday, so it’s time for my #PinkTutuBlogNYC update, and oh my, what a weekend I've had! I am so delighted to be writing this from a cute little café in New York City. It really does feel like a dream!

This week marks a rather special milestone for me: It's my 100th New York City blog post! It seems only yesterday I was twirling around the fountains in Derbyshire, my very own tiny, little, pink tutu company just a glimmer in my eyes. How time flies when you're busy following your dreams, wouldn’t you say?

Now, as you know, my trips are funded by my performances - it's quite a juggling act sometimes. My last show, back in Derbyshire, was a fundraiser for the local animal shelter and went down a storm! And here I am, having just enjoyed the most fabulous trip to the Big Apple.

You might be wondering how I managed to travel this far in a week! Well, let’s just say, my good old friend the Tube came in handy once again! This is no ordinary travel system, dear readers, it’s the heartbeat of the city. You just slip on a comfy little dress, throw a lovely, fluffy pink tutu over it, jump on the train and bam! You're off on an adventure, and all for less than a few quid!

Of course, I can't neglect my wardrobe on my trips. Shopping for new pieces is a non-negotiable! Yesterday, I even got a little bit daring, trying on a bold new tutu in that luscious hot pink, which you know is just perfect with a bit of metallic gold for a statement piece. It might not be my usual choice of colours, but honestly, it’s just so fabulous.

And speaking of fabulous, the highlight of my weekend was definitely attending a ballet performance at Lincoln Center! The music was breathtaking, the dancing mesmerizing - my toes are still tapping! And there wasn't a single pink tutu in the whole audience! Oh, how I yearn for the day we all dance together in a flurry of pink! 🩰💖

Oh! How exciting! I've just been reminded that my very own favourite pink tutu - the one I call 'Ruby' because it's the same shade as a perfect rose, - has arrived! I just picked it up and my heart soared! The delicate, soft pink silk is truly magnificent. This will be the tutu to make a splash in New York City! I simply have to share pictures later, of course.

Right then, darlings, it’s time to hit the streets and try to soak up the city. I'm so lucky to be able to experience all these amazing things - it truly feels like I'm living in a dream.

Oh, and just to be sure everyone knows about today, here’s a bit of New York trivia: Today is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, so it's a lovely day to raise awareness and to celebrate diversity and inclusion.

Well, as I've rambled on for long enough, it's time for me to head back to my cute little café and have a scrumptious scone with a pot of English Breakfast Tea - oh how I love my British traditions even when I’m abroad.

Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled on the #PinkTutuBlogNYC this week. I promise you a whole host of fun things, like some amazing outfits, lots of new pink tutus, and, of course, a sprinkle of pink magic, New York-style!

Until next Monday, darlings!

Sending love,

Emma. 💕🩰✨

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-09-22 she danced in New York City