New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-03-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #1030: Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple!

Monday, 2nd March, 2015

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, bringing you the latest from the fabulous city that never sleeps!

Oh, New York, New York! What a whirlwind week it has been. As always, it feels like a dream come true being here - the buzz, the energy, the endless possibilities!

This week, I've been exploring everything this amazing city has to offer, and as usual, it’s all been a symphony of fashion, ballet and glorious pink tutus! I mean, what could be better? I think it’s time to spread the tutu-love! Everyone deserves a splash of pink in their lives, don’t you think?

A Dance-Filled Evening at the Met

To start the week with a bang, I made my way to the majestic Metropolitan Opera House. Oh my, what a glorious spectacle! The intricate, gold-gilded architecture alone took my breath away. It truly is a palace fit for royalty (or a tutu-wearing ballerina, at least!).

I’d managed to score tickets to see the legendary Swan Lake. Imagine, a legendary ballet, at one of the most renowned theatres in the world, with the most exquisite performance! It truly was a ballet lover's paradise! The delicate grace of the ballerinas, the power of the dancers, the beautiful costumes... every detail was perfect!

As the final notes faded into silence, the audience erupted in thunderous applause, and I confess, I had tears in my eyes! What a magical experience. The beauty, the drama, the sheer skill - it all made my heart soar.

My New York Fashion Fiesta

No trip to New York is complete without a little shopping therapy, and I didn't disappoint! I ventured to the glamorous Fifth Avenue, where I lost myself in a sartorial wonderland.

Imagine rows upon rows of stunning shoes, exquisitely crafted handbags, and vibrant silks and satins that would make any fashionista's heart sing! I practically waltzed through those doors, mesmerized by the colours and textures! I confess, I even had a little pirouette around the fitting rooms, much to the amusement of the sales assistant. (She really must have thought I was mad... but hey, who can resist a little ballet fun?)

Of course, I couldn’t resist indulging in a new pair of pink ballerina flats! These weren’t just any flats though! Oh no, they were adorned with tiny, sparkling pink gems. They twinkled and shimmered in the shop lighting. A girl can never have too many sparkly flats, can she?

Subway Symphony: The Rhythm of New York

For my inner-city explorations, I embraced the New York subway system – a maze of underground tunnels, where a vibrant soundtrack of honking taxis and chatting crowds creates a symphony all its own.

The subway cars themselves were fascinating – a cross-section of the city itself, with passengers of all shapes and sizes, dressed in everything from sleek business attire to artistic bohemian flair. And what's a ballerina's best friend, you ask? It’s the train. That’s right! It allows you to travel across the city effortlessly while still allowing time to daydream and practise a few jetés or chassé steps between stations. You just have to be sure you don’t bump into other commuters, and avoid getting a face full of subway dust from the brakes, that’s all!

And don't even get me started on the fashion! One of the first things I noticed when I arrived was the incredibly vibrant and dynamic fashion scene. It seems every street corner is a fashion runway, filled with a mix of edgy, eclectic style, chic minimalism, and bohemian charm. From the perfectly tailored suits of the business executives to the expressive, artfully distressed looks of the creatives, everyone puts their unique personal stamp on New York fashion! I think they are absolutely brilliant! You can see so much inspiration everywhere you look! It’s no wonder they say that New York City is the fashion capital of the world!

Ballet Street Performances: Dancing on the Sidewalk!

Oh, how I love New York’s spontaneous energy! You just never know what you might find! As I walked along Central Park, I stumbled upon a small, intimate ballet street performance.

A group of young dancers were taking turns showcasing their talent for a handful of spectators, a group of us who stopped to watch the show. They were truly inspiring – their talent shone so brightly! You could tell that they loved what they did. The passion and joy they shared with the audience was absolutely captivating. They reminded me why I fell in love with ballet in the first place. They really brought a little bit of magic into my day!

They were all dressed in different, very modern, bright colourful, costumes! I can’t even describe how much I wanted to jump in and dance alongside them. There were leaps and twirls, some incredibly complicated pirouette movements and an amazing selection of grand jetés! It was pure, unadulterated joy. I know, they probably didn't have fancy tutus like mine but hey, they looked great and danced beautifully!

I couldn't resist taking out my phone and filming their performance. I had to share this with my online followers. Everyone should experience the beauty and power of ballet!

The Pink Tutu Takeover Continues!

Of course, I'm never too far from a pink tutu, no matter where I go in the world! In the spirit of spreading tutu-love, I popped into a local fabric shop. You won’t believe this – I found the most beautiful pink tutu material - the colour of a perfectly ripe strawberry, but shimmery and shiny like a hundred tiny twinkling lights! I’m going to use this fabric to make my next tutu masterpiece! I've got a few grand ideas... but that’s top secret for now! I’m sure you’ll love it, so stay tuned!

I can't wait to see what else New York has in store for me this week! I'm heading to see the new The Phantom of the Opera show at the majestic Majestic Theatre! It’s been so popular, so it’s about time I took a look at what all the fuss is about. I hear the music is incredible!

Keep your eyes peeled for my next blog post! And in the meantime, let's all wear pink tutus and make the world a more whimsical and joyful place.

Sending lots of pink-tutu-tastic love,

Emma xoxo

About Emma: Emma is a ballerina, writer and passionate traveler in her early twenties. She hails from the Peak District of Derbyshire, England, where she began her dance training at a very young age. Emma started the Pink Tutu Blog to combine her passion for fashion, travel and ballet into something extraordinary.

Pink Tutu Blog has become a platform for Emma’s endless adventures, and a testament to her unwavering love for everything pink and twirly. Emma funds her travels by performing ballet in different cities around the world. She writes a new blog post every Monday on

Emma loves sharing her adventures and inspiring people to discover their own inner ballerina!

Follow Emma: @PinkTutuEmma on Instagram.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-03-02 she danced in New York City