New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-03-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1031 – Twirling through the Big Apple!

Hello my lovely tutu-loving readers! It’s Emma, back from another whirlwind week in the concrete jungle, New York City! I know it feels like ages since we last met (although it’s really only been a week – time flies when you’re twirling through the city!), but trust me, I’ve got lots to tell you about. It’s been a week overflowing with ballet, fashion, and a whole lot of pink, as usual.

Let’s get this pink-tastic party started!

The Magic of the Met: A Dance Through Time

This week began with a little dose of Met magic! That’s the Metropolitan Opera House, darlings. You see, I’m not just about wearing tutus; I live and breathe all things ballet. And this week, the Metropolitan Opera House was hosting a ballet spectacular, “The Royal Ballet: A Celebration”.

From the moment I stepped into that grand building, it was a symphony of artistry. The elegant lobby, shimmering with gold and marble, had me dreaming of grand balls and sparkling soirées.

And the performance? Pure magic! The Royal Ballet, known for their flawless technique and captivating storytelling, delivered an unforgettable experience. They twirled, leapt, and pirouetted with an artistry that left me speechless. It was a true testament to the power and elegance of ballet, and I’m already planning my next Met visit.

Oh, and did I mention the tutus?! Honestly, they were absolutely glorious. I even spotted a few in shades of blush and flamingo pink, which of course delighted my tutu-loving heart!

Fashion Frenzy: Bloomingdale’s Bliss

But my ballet adventure didn’t end there. You know me – a girl can never have too much pink, and what better place to find the perfect pink shade than the legendary Bloomingdale’s!

Walking into that flagship store felt like stepping into a chic dreamland. My senses were overloaded with the aromas of perfume, the shimmer of sparkling handbags, and the vibrant hues of dazzling clothes. And, of course, I found myself drawn to the pinkest corner of the entire store. It’s like they knew I was coming.

I emerged with a bag full of delights: a silky pink blouse for a night at the opera, a pair of adorable pink ballet flats for my street-dancing adventures, and – can you believe it – a shimmering pink tutu, the perfect colour to add a touch of magic to my upcoming show in Central Park!

Broadway’s Big Beats: Stomp’s Powerful Rhythms

Next up on my New York agenda? Broadway, darling! I love to experience the full breadth of performing arts in this incredible city, and this week’s performance was “Stomp”. Now, I don't normally gravitate towards a percussive show, but something about the title “Stomp” drew me in.

Imagine a mix of acrobatics, dance, and pure raw rhythm. “Stomp” is truly a unique experience – a celebration of human ingenuity and creativity. The performers used everyday objects to create an amazing sonic landscape – buckets, brooms, even bins – transforming them into instruments that pulsed with life.

The whole experience left me exhilarated and wanting to grab a trashcan and start beatboxing! I could definitely see the "Stomp" influence finding its way into my future performances – perhaps a rhythmic beat for my upcoming street-ballet dance. Who knows!

A Metro Adventure: The City's Subway Serenade

Of course, a trip to New York City isn’t complete without experiencing its iconic subway. I’m a true fan of underground transportation – it’s like a hidden world with its own special magic.

As I navigated the subway network, dodging rush-hour crowds, I was mesmerized by the fast-paced energy of the city. People whizzing by, commuters clutching their lattes, everyone on their own mission. It’s truly a vibrant melting pot of cultures and personalities.

The best part? Seeing people react to my tutu. Some people giggled, some gave a thumbs-up, some even took pictures – everyone seemed to have their own reaction, which made it a fun social experiment! I even struck up a conversation with a young man wearing a cool leather jacket, who admitted he loved the vibrant pink! It’s always great to see that my little tutu initiative is catching on.

Central Park Promenade: Street Ballet in the City

No trip to NYC would be complete without a walk through the sprawling greenery of Central Park! It's a breath of fresh air amongst the towering skyscrapers and bustling avenues.

I had a little surprise planned this time. I decided to turn Central Park into my personal dance floor, to the delight of several excited children. A group of giggling kids even joined me for a spontaneous "pink tutu ballet class"!

The highlight of the afternoon? The adorable little boy in a red baseball cap, mimicking my every twirl and leap with perfect accuracy. You can bet that little fellow's parents will be adding some pink tutus to his wardrobe very soon.

The Pink Tutu Project: Spreading Joy, One Tutu at a Time

So there you have it, my dear tutu-loving readers! Another amazing week in New York City. I can't wait to share more adventures with you next week. And remember: pink is always a good idea, so don't be afraid to embrace your inner ballerina! Go forth and twirl!

And a little reminder – I'm funding my adventures through ballet performances. So if you want to support my "Pink Tutu Project," come and see me perform! Check my website for upcoming show details – you might just find me twirling in your neighbourhood soon!

Love and pink tutus,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-03-09 she danced in New York City