New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-03-16 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-03-16 - Dancing in the Big Apple!

Dearest tutu-lovers!

This week's post, a bumper one at number 1032, is dedicated to the vibrant and exhilarating city that never sleeps, the glorious New York City! As a pink tutu-wearing ballerina from Derbyshire, I'm thrilled to share my latest adventures in this concrete jungle.

It's not a Monday without a bit of magic, right? So, I began the week, as I often do, by heading down to the Lincoln Center, that dazzling arts haven. After a particularly energetic ballet class at the School of American Ballet (let's just say those arabesques were feeling extra sassy), I grabbed a coffee and took a seat in the bustling cafe. The air hummed with a mixture of excitement, nervous anticipation, and that classic "only-in-New-York" buzz.

The real treat of the day was the exquisite performance by the New York City Ballet. The music swept me away, the dancers floated effortlessly across the stage, their costumes were a symphony of colour and movement. Each plié, each jeté, each grand allegro was a masterclass in precision and artistry. And of course, being in New York City, I knew there would be plenty of stylish spectators – think dazzling ballgowns, bold jewelry, and the odd fedora, all adding to the theatricality of the whole experience.

But what truly fuels my passion? It's seeing how much ballet moves people! It’s seeing young girls mesmerized by the stories unfolding onstage, seeing adults filled with joy and emotion. And in that moment, I can't help but think: "Everyone should try ballet, and even better, wear a pink tutu while they're at it!"

Following the ballet performance, it was time to indulge my other great love: shopping! Fifth Avenue, with its iconic stores and window displays, is a shopper's paradise. But my goal wasn't the usual designer labels. No, my hunt was for the perfect accessory: a fabulous new tutu! It had to be just the right shade of pink, with a playful twirl and enough volume to catch the eye in any New York crowd. Thankfully, a hidden treasure – a delightful little shop called "The Tutu Emporium" - filled my desire.

The rest of the week unfolded like a whirlwind - a romantic picnic in Central Park (of course, in my new pink tutu!), a delicious dinner in Little Italy (their pasta is seriously next-level), and a captivating show at the Broadway Theatre (that opening number was pure magic).

What is it about this city, this constant buzz of activity, this undeniable energy that gets me every time? Perhaps it’s the history that whispers from the old cobblestone streets, the way light dances on the skyscrapers at sunset, the stories waiting to be discovered in each street corner, each café, each subway carriage. New York truly feels alive, and I, for one, feel incredibly lucky to be dancing in its heart.

But the adventures don't end there.

On Wednesday, I took a detour from the usual ballet schedule, exploring the wonders of the American Ballet Theatre. From their awe-inspiring performances to the warm welcome I received, it felt like a real breath of fresh air. I even took a peek at their rehearsal rooms – let’s just say those dancers have an incredible dedication, working diligently on every detail, making every movement flawless.

It wouldn't be a trip to New York without experiencing the legendary Empire State Building. I couldn't resist hopping on the elevator and being whisked to the observation deck. From that dizzying height, the whole city laid out before me, glittering under the afternoon sun. A truly breathtaking experience!

The Metro journey? An adventure all on its own. The constant, melodic rumble of the train, the tapestry of people from all walks of life, a vibrant symphony of sounds, scents, and colours – it all felt incredibly invigorating! I even managed to snag a seat, a rare but welcomed sight in the busy rush hour.

And speaking of vibrant colours, the New York City subway has a charm all its own. The mosaic tile designs, the art installations adorning the station walls, it all paints a unique visual narrative, a story whispered on every platform. It’s hard to imagine a city without this intricate web of underground tunnels, this vital vein connecting everyone.

It’s important to acknowledge the fact that New York City can be quite expensive. However, there are plenty of free attractions and events to explore. Parks like Central Park and Bryant Park offer a peaceful escape from the bustling city, while museums often host free days and after-hours events. And remember, ballet itself is my ticket to travel, my source of funding for these adventures.

Friday was a particularly special day: It was a chance to witness the electrifying atmosphere of the Rockettes' annual Spring Spectacular show. The Rockettes, a symbol of New York's own captivating energy, took center stage with a whirlwind of music, dazzling costumes, and precision choreography. Their ability to perform their routine perfectly, their impeccable timing, the captivating choreography, the elaborate sets – it's a sight to behold. Every movement exuded a radiant, energetic magic, transforming the entire space into a vibrant stage.

After the show, I met up with a few fellow ballet enthusiasts in Greenwich Village. A group of dancers, passionate and talented, each with their own unique story. We spent the evening chatting over tea, sharing tales of auditions, competitions, and our mutual love for ballet. It's incredible how even in this sprawling metropolis, the love of dance brings people together.

*And on Saturday, it was back to the Lincoln Center, the home of the New York City Ballet. * I just couldn't resist a second dose of their breathtaking artistry. They weren't just dancers on stage, they were storytellers, painting a world of emotions and beauty through every pirouette and fouetté. The feeling I got watching those graceful forms gliding across the stage is hard to explain - it’s simply awe-inspiring, pure joy!

The evening wrapped up at a charming cafe in the Village, tucked away on a quiet cobbled street. As I sipped my steaming mug of chai, watching the cityscape light up around me, I couldn't help but think of how lucky I am to experience New York City with my tutu by my side. This city is a perfect blend of chaotic energy and timeless elegance. It pushes me creatively, it inspires me, and it makes me want to dance and twirl like there's no tomorrow.

Now, onto next week! I’ll be heading over to the Met Opera for a performance of “La Bohème”. Can’t wait to share my impressions! And don’t forget: wearing a pink tutu isn’t just about fashion, it’s about unleashing the magic that lies within us all! Stay tuned!

Love, Emma

P.S. Follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuNYC! Let's twirl together!

Remember: If you dream it, you can achieve it! Wear your pink tutu, unleash your inner dancer, and join me in spreading the love for ballet and everything beautiful!

See you next Monday!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-03-16 she danced in New York City