New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-10-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 5th October 2015 – Post Number 1061

Hello, my lovelies! Welcome back to another week of Pink Tutu Blog NYC! I'm back from another whirlwind weekend, brimming with memories, and of course, gorgeous photos, because a weekend without capturing it on camera simply wouldn’t do!

As you know, dear readers, I adore New York City, with its bustling energy, its glamour and grit, and oh, the tutus! Oh, yes, I've found my own little pink tutu haven here. From the classic tutus at the New York City Ballet to the quirky creations I spot at the theatre and even in the streets, this city simply knows how to wear a tutu!

This week's post is all about that intoxicating blend of fashion and dance that I've been completely immersed in. Think high-end fashion, a gorgeous ballet performance at Lincoln Center, and the most decadent shopping experience I've had in ages! And of course, we’ll be dipping our toes into the delicious offerings of the city, with a trip to that ever-so-pink pastry shop I've been telling you about!

So grab a cup of your favourite pink-hued beverage (mine is a sparkling strawberry lemonade, of course!) and get ready to join me on this magical, whimsical adventure through the city that never sleeps!

Ballet at the Lincoln Center

Now, I'm not going to lie, I felt like a proper ballerina heading to the Lincoln Center this week! And not just because of the dazzling new tutu I’d picked up for the occasion! The moment I stepped inside the gorgeous New York State Theater, I felt the thrill of anticipation rise in me. There’s a certain aura around a theatre before a show, you know? The excitement of the audience, the hushed anticipation before the curtain goes up... Pure magic!

This week I was lucky enough to see the New York City Ballet perform their season opener: George Balanchine’s “Serenade”, accompanied by Jerome Robbins’ “Afternoon of a Faun” and Christopher Wheeldon’s "Carnival of the Animals" with a dash of Robert Binet’s “Fancy Free" sprinkled on top.

Honestly, it was absolutely incredible! It felt as though I was witnessing history being made. The precision of the dancers was mind-blowing, the beauty of their movements – well, it was a sensory overload of elegance and pure joy! My own tutu (a sparkling pink number with delicate pink rose embellishments, of course!), felt right at home amongst all that dancing grace!

And yes, the dancers absolutely radiated grace! Those gorgeous, strong bodies, the fluidity of their movement... it just takes my breath away! If only my pointe shoes had been that graceful, hey! Sadly, they often like to announce their presence with a good old creaking noise, much to the amusement of the ladies on the stage! I'll admit, when those notes from Tchaikovsky’s “Serenade” began to play and the dancers, each a vision of flowing elegance in their graceful white tutus, swirled across the stage, I was overcome with an intense feeling of wanting to be a ballerina all over again.

You know, a bit like Alice, I suppose, but with fewer bunnies. You wouldn't catch me down that rabbit hole, not when I have a tutu to wear! And, believe it or not, I do have one or two bunnies myself
but let's just say, it's all part of my own unique brand of "fairy-tale chaos," that I bring to life, thanks to the magic of this tutu.

But anyway, I digress. It’s back to that glorious performance. Seeing the graceful movement of the New York City Ballet reminded me why I’m so passionate about this art form. I believe every performance, every step, is like a painting come to life! I'm going to spend some time delving deeper into these gorgeous choreographies and I'll share some of my discoveries in next week’s blog. So, watch this space, darlings!

Shopping! And pink, oh so much pink!

Following my magical journey at the Lincoln Center, I embarked on a journey of my own. This, my friends, involved much more sparkly footwear than I usually sport
no, this time, my dance shoes took the backseat to a pair of pink kitten heels, just perfect for a whirlwind of Manhattan's fashionable delights! And of course, every single outfit choice is made even better with my trusty tutu! After all, who needs a Cinderella moment, when you can simply slip into your very own tutu magic, any day of the week!

My first stop was at Bloomingdales, an absolute haven for fashionistas like myself! The bright lights, the curated displays of every designer label you can think of, the scent of leather, and a healthy dose of pure sartorial heaven!

I took my time, as always, and, as much as I adore trying on dresses, I couldn’t resist a pair of shoes, those adorable ballet pumps, so pink and delicate, and the perfect compliment to my tutu! And I mean, can a girl really ever have enough shoes, eh? Especially when they look like this:

[Image: Emma is holding a pair of pink ballet shoes. The shoes are delicately embroidered with pink flowers and lace. They have small, crystal pink buttons adorning the top of the shoe.]

Now, I'm a firm believer in indulging in a bit of retail therapy from time to time. Not because I need new clothes, oh no! Because it's simply one of the most enjoyable things to do in New York, after, of course, attending a stunning performance. Shopping, it gives you a chance to browse the newest trends, get inspired, and simply revel in the beauty of things made well. After all, even a ballerina needs her time in the limelight. So, consider it a treat!

As a fashion blogger, a big part of my trip to New York is spotting all the gorgeous looks on the streets, and honestly, this city never disappoints. There's a style on every corner, so many creative looks, so much individuality. Every single time I step out into the city, it's a kaleidoscope of colour and texture! And let me tell you, pink is my colour this season, and I am loving the pops of pink I'm spotting all over!

Speaking of pink, and who can really ever say enough about this gorgeous hue, I had to make my way to Ladurée, this oh-so-chic patisserie in the heart of the city!

[Image: Emma is in the shop at Ladurée and looking at a display of macaroons on a stand, many of which are pink.]

From the outside, LadurĂ©e screams “pink and delightful”. I was greeted by walls adorned in a pale pink and pastel blue and a scent of sugar that would have a baker’s mouth watering. Inside, rows and rows of pastel macarons tempt you with their pastel sweetness and of course, there were plenty of pinks. There’s something undeniably elegant and utterly delicious about a perfect LadurĂ©e macaron! So naturally, I treated myself. It was simply the perfect complement to the day's ballet performance!

Oh, how I love my tutus and New York City! If I could get everyone in the whole world to slip on a tutu and dance around town, I would!

Travelling the Subway, the pink way

Another aspect of life in the big city is a good dose of metropolitan transportation, and, like any true ballerina in the city, I adore my morning commute! Nothing beats hopping on the subway, especially with the knowledge that I have a pink tutu ready to be unleashed at any moment! It might sound strange to you, dear readers, but I’ve always loved that mix of everyday bustle and the elegance of the tutu, a stark contrast of two worlds!

For you see, I can travel around this bustling city, get lost in its energy and at the same time, always maintain my own unique sense of style, a style that's as unique as it is

I know many people find it an odd juxtaposition - pink tutus in the underground, that’s something I like about it. Because I've always enjoyed stepping outside my comfort zone. A bit like taking that solo leap on stage, it gives me the same kind of buzz. And when that first step in a new city is with my beloved tutu
well, let's just say, it brings out the inner child in me, a child who just wants to twirl!

Derbyshire Girl in New York

It may come as a surprise to some, but I am actually from the picturesque, quaint, and decidedly less glamorous county of Derbyshire in England. Yes, the home of Peak District beauty, rolling hills, and those quaint stone villages. In other words, the absolute antithesis of New York City!

Honestly, I love those sleepy lanes, those cobbled streets, the way you know every neighbour's name. But honestly, I get bored. The countryside, although lovely, can feel a bit static, don't you think? While, for me, New York City is about moving forward, pushing those boundaries. You know, embracing those dreams, finding new inspirations. And yes, perhaps it is my pink tutu, always at my side, reminding me that it's okay to embrace all those big dreams!

This big city is the ideal stage for a Derbyshire girl to bloom! It's the perfect place for my dreams to unfurl, and of course, I always do it with a smile on my face and a pink tutu on my bottom. It reminds me of all the things that are precious in life, the beauty of a shared experience, the thrill of embracing the unknown, and the freedom to express your true self, tutu and all!

So, to sum it up

So there you have it, dear readers! My adventures in pink-hued New York. A weekend filled with ballet bliss, glamorous shopping and just the right amount of sugary delights, all wrapped in that ever-so-perfect pink tutu!

New York is indeed the city that never sleeps, and that's exactly the way I like it! But enough about me and my exciting adventures, tell me about yours! What’s your most unforgettable trip to New York like? What do you do to embrace your unique sense of style? And would you ever wear a pink tutu out on the town? Do share your stories with me in the comments below, dear readers, as always I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

And don’t forget to follow my journey! Come back next week for more of my Pink Tutu adventures and until then, keep on dreaming!

And remember: Always twirl!

Lots of pink love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-10-05 she danced in New York City