
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-02-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition - Post #1078

Monday 1st February 2016

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, and I'm positively buzzing to share all about my first few days in the Big Apple! ๐Ÿ—ฝ

It's no secret that I adore New York City. There's just something magical about the energy, the culture, the endless possibilities...and the amazing ballet scene, of course! This week I've been twirling around in a flurry of tutus, performances, and fabulous finds, all of which I'm itching to tell you about!

Before I get carried away with all the excitement, let me take you back to how I got here. You see, dear readers, my love of dance has taken me all over the globe! This trip, however, was funded by the joy of ballet. I managed to snag a series of stunning performances with some wonderful dance companies in my home county of Derbyshire, England. All those pirouettes and arabesques, coupled with the warmth of the audiences, gave me the means to live out my New York City dreams! โœจ

So, here's a little peek into my New York adventure so far...

Subway Symphony:

My first journey from the airport was a whirlwind! It wasn't all about ballet just yet, I confess, it was more about mastering the magical labyrinth of the New York subway! I have to say, despite my initial nerves, the whole experience felt almost cinematic. People darting everywhere, the cacophony of announcements and the occasional whiff of something interesting (I'll let your imagination fill in the blanks!). I felt utterly transported into a world that was equal parts overwhelming and utterly thrilling.

It also reminded me of a ballet itself - each carriage its own stage with a kaleidoscope of personalities: the young artist sketching in their notepad, the businessman tapping away on their phone, the grandma holding a tiny teddy bear - all of them, like dancers in their own little ballets, gliding across the subway platform. I just love that about New York; it's always a spectacle!

The City that Never Sleeps - But Does Dance:

My very first night was spent at a stunning ballet performance in a theatre so elegant, it practically shimmered. The stage was alive with stories spun through graceful movement, each pose an artful tableau, each pirouette a burst of sheer delight. You know I had my pink tutu on, naturally! I may have attracted a few stares but let's be honest, what's a trip to New York without a touch of whimsy?

The piece we saw explored themes of dreams, wishes, and a little bit of magic - much like the city itself. You could feel the heart and soul of the performers flowing onto the stage, captivating the audience.

A Fashion Extravaganza:

Speaking of the city, have you ever experienced the sheer delight of New York fashion? This place is a haven for the sartorially inclined! I had the chance to visit the famed Macy's department store - a veritable paradise of colours, textures, and dazzling designs!

Every corner you turn was a new adventure for the eyes! The shoe department alone was enough to induce a blissful trance! I did, of course, treat myself to a few special additions to my wardrobe, including a pair of exquisitely crafted dance shoes - a lovely pink pair, obviously. They're a must for my street performance, I'm just waiting for the right spot!

Ballet for Everyone:

After that, I was off to experience a different side of ballet - one that blends elegance with an edgy street vibe! New York City has such a vibrant scene for street dance and ballet - I saw a street performance in a little square, where dancers flowed through their routines with the same intensity and grace you find on the stage, but with a captivating, free-spirited twist.

The way the street transformed into a mini-stage, the energy, the audience clapping and cheering - it was like a burst of raw artistic passion and energy! You wouldn't expect such beauty in the middle of a bustling metropolis, but there it was, a reminder that art can thrive anywhere.

A Day Out with the Tutu:

Sunday dawned bright and I decided to enjoy some classic New York sightseeing, but with a playful twist! I found myself hopping aboard a double-decker bus, taking in the sights, while wearing a fabulous bright pink tutu that twirled and fluttered with the wind! It was a true pink tutu symphony, attracting curious stares, genuine smiles and even a few thumbs up from fellow tourists! It was definitely a conversation starter. I got chatting with a lady from Texas, who, I'm pretty sure, told her grandchildren all about me later - she said she'd seen "the pink ballerina of New York" and that she just had to share it with everyone!

My favorite moment of the day was probably walking through Central Park, the golden light illuminating the trees like a soft spotlight on my pink tutu.

And so, my fellow ballet-lovers and tutu enthusiasts, my adventure has just begun. My little pink tutu is taking me on the most wonderful adventure, and I can't wait to share all the adventures ahead with you. I'll be sure to post some amazing pictures later in the week. So stay tuned!

Until then, keep twirling, keep shining, and never be afraid to let your inner ballerina shine! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-02-01 she danced in New York City