
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-05-30 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: A Whirlwind Week in the Big Apple (Post #1095)

Hello my darling tutu twirlers! It's Monday, and that means a new #PinkTutuBlogNYC post is up! Can you believe it's already the end of May? This past week flew by like a pirouette on pointe - oh, the adventures I had in this fabulous city!

I touched down in New York City on Thursday, buzzing with excitement like a bee in a flowerbed. The energy in the air is electric! I even managed to sneak in a little street ballet during my train ride to my hotel. Let me tell you, the tourists loved it! They seemed to appreciate my graceful leaps over the unsuspecting travellers' feet... well, mostly. There were a couple of "Are you okay, love?" queries but all was forgiven with a flourish of my tutu.

This time, I'm staying in a cute little hotel near Times Square - right in the heart of all the action. Imagine, every night the billboards light up and illuminate the skyline like a magical dream. You wouldn't believe the view from my window!

The Shopping Extravaganza

Of course, I couldn't resist hitting the shops right away! New York is a fashionista's paradise, a vibrant kaleidoscope of styles and trends. This trip, I fell in love with the vintage clothing scene. Think silk scarves, floral dresses, and stunning vintage shoes that would make even Cinderella envious.

I snagged myself a stunning scarlet dress with a little peplum detail - perfect for a glamorous night out. And for a bit of "Emma-ness", a bright pink handbag that's sure to turn heads wherever I go. Speaking of turning heads, I even picked up a few new tutus! One is a luxurious lavender, with tiers and tiers of tulle - absolutely divine. The other is a bold, fuchsia masterpiece, the kind that demands attention, much like the city itself.

The Theatre Beckons

On Friday, I indulged in a theatre extravaganza! I saw a breathtaking rendition of "Swan Lake", the costumes were simply exquisite, and the dancers' movements were as light as air. Oh, to be able to dance like that! I can practically feel the twinkle of fairy lights and the delicious smell of popcorn, just reminiscing about it. I spent the whole journey back to the hotel giggling over my own attempts at "The Swan's Dying Swan" in the back of the cab - much to the amusement of my cab driver, I'm sure!

Exploring the Big Apple's Soul

One thing I love about New York is the incredible variety of cultural experiences it offers. I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art, with its world-famous art collection, a feast for the eyes and a haven for the soul. I wandered through Central Park, feeling the peaceful aura of nature, even surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city. I sat on a bench, watched children laughing and families picnicking, and felt a deep sense of joy and contentment.

I also had a truly unforgettable afternoon at a traditional afternoon tea. There was nothing better than the sound of dainty clinking cups, delicate finger sandwiches, and warm scones with clotted cream, as we all gathered for this quintessential British tradition. I felt right at home, and everyone kept asking about my lovely pink tutu - they all seemed to be a bit fascinated by it, but then again, what's not to love?!

Food for the Soul

And, of course, New York is renowned for its culinary delights. The food here is simply phenomenal. One night I enjoyed the freshest sushi ever - so fresh that it tasted like it was still swimming! Another night, I devoured a giant, melt-in-your-mouth brownie, drizzled with chocolate sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. My diet will need a bit of a recovery from this!

A Bit of a Balancing Act

On Saturday, I put on my most comfortable ballet shoes and ventured out to the famous Ballet Academy in the city. I had a wonderful time joining the "Drop-In" ballet class with all the lovely ladies from the local dance scene. The studio felt so warm and welcoming. All my fellow ballet lovers seemed excited to hear that I was from Derbyshire, you wouldn't believe all the lovely stories we shared.

They were so amazed to see someone from "across the pond" living their dream, just as I am living mine, by performing in beautiful tutu dresses and pink ensembles, while trying to inspire others to join me! My only regret was that we couldn't take photos while we were doing our steps โ€“ but, as you all know, a girl's gotta maintain that sense of elegance and mystery!

Time for Reflection

I can't believe it's been a full week already - I'm flying home to the UK this afternoon! But, just thinking about the memories I've made already makes me smile.

New York is truly a city that captivates your senses. It's full of energy, excitement, and unexpected encounters. Every day is a new adventure! This city, with all its diverse cultures and its undeniable love for everything colourful and sparkly, has ignited a fresh sense of wonder within me.

As always, I want to remind you all that anything is possible, if you dare to dream. You, my darling tutu twirlers, have the power to chase your passions, no matter where you are. I've been doing just that, exploring this incredible world one pirouette at a time. Iโ€™m so thankful for all the lovely followers on my website. And it wouldn't be possible without you.

Until next week, keep twirling and dreaming, my dears. And remember: you can always find me at www.pink-tutu.com #PinkTutuBlogNYC. See you next Monday, lovelies! xx

This week's highlights:

  • Thursday:

    • Flew in from England, ballet-ing on the metro for everyone to enjoy!
    • Checked into a hotel overlooking Times Square - just breathtaking!
    • Indulged in some fabulous window shopping.
  • Friday:

    • Swan Lake - the absolute perfect way to start my weekend!
      • Dinner with friends in the most incredible uptown chic restaurant - more details soon.
  • Saturday:

    • Took a ballet class in Manhattan. The city really is full of wonderful people.
    • Shopped til I dropped, in all my favourite places.
  • Sunday:

    • A truly beautiful walk in Central Park.
      • Relaxed at a traditional British afternoon tea, in all my pinkest attire - and you guessed it, got some admiring stares and compliments!
      • A fabulous late lunch at one of the best Italian restaurants in town - yum!
  • Monday:
    • Farewell to NYC.
      • Heading back to my beautiful Derbyshire for another exciting week.

P.S. This week's #PinkTutuInspiration comes from the most delightful, twirling, sparkly tutu-inspired look -
[insert link to your chosen image, either from a famous ballerina or your own work]
* What do you think about my inspiration this week, darlings?

Don't forget to share your thoughts with me, on my website at www.pink-tutu.com or find me on instagram - #PinkTutuBlogNYC.

Remember - keep spinning, keep dreaming! And keep twirling your way to happiness, wherever you may be.

Big love and endless twirls,

Emma. xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-05-30 she danced in New York City