New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-11-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC - Monday 21st November 2016 (Post 1121)

New York, New York! The city that never sleeps. And honestly, neither do I. Especially when I'm in a city brimming with so much creativity, sparkle, and possibility! I've been here for just over a week, and I'm already completely enchanted.

This trip, as usual, is fuelled by my love for ballet. I'm currently performing as a guest artist in a delightful little production of The Nutcracker at the New York City Ballet. It's a bit of a whirlwind of rehearsals and performances, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And honestly, what better excuse to be in the city that never sleeps?!

Now, I've always dreamt of visiting New York. The skyscrapers, the yellow cabs, the Broadway shows, the street style - it's all been the subject of daydreams for as long as I can remember. But actually being here, surrounded by it all, is just incredible. Every corner holds a new discovery, and it's utterly intoxicating.

My pink tutu, of course, has become a welcome companion for my explorations. Everywhere I go, heads turn and smiles break out. New Yorkers are such friendly souls - especially when they see a bit of pink tutu magic flitting around. It seems everyone loves a bit of playful flair.

So, let's dive into what I've been up to!

Adventures in Balletland

My time at the New York City Ballet has been a true highlight. Stepping onto the stage at Lincoln Center has been an absolute dream. The theatre is a beauty, and the audience is filled with such passionate ballet lovers. Performing alongside some of the most incredible dancers I've ever seen has been an inspiring experience, and it's definitely made me push myself to become a better ballerina.

I've had a chance to see several other ballet performances as well, including Swan Lake and Giselle. I have to say, watching world-class dancers perform these classics really makes me want to get back in the studio and practice even harder!

And then there's the fashion... oh my! I have to say, the costumes in the productions have been divine! There's a real blend of classic ballet beauty and modern edge that's incredibly captivating. You wouldn't believe some of the feathers, sequins, and tulle! I can't wait to see more when the next season kicks off.

Shopping Spree on the Upper East Side

After my ballet rehearsals and performances, I make it a mission to explore the city. Last week, I found myself indulging in a bit of retail therapy on the Upper East Side. It's a real paradise for anyone who loves clothes, shoes, and accessories. From luxury boutiques to vintage gems, the Upper East Side offers something for everyone.

And of course, no trip to New York is complete without a visit to the legendary department store, Bloomingdale's. I must confess, I spent an afternoon in absolute awe. The displays were incredible, and the fashion selection was a dream come true. They even have a dedicated ballet shop!

Of course, my pink tutu and I have become local celebrities. People stopped me in the street for photos. Honestly, it's been quite fun to witness New York's embrace of my little pink flair. It’s given me more confidence to bring the magic of tutus to even the most fashion-forward city!

Broadway Bound and City Sights

No trip to New York would be complete without a Broadway show. This weekend I finally managed to get tickets to the iconic Wicked, and let me tell you, it was a visual and musical masterpiece. The costumes were phenomenal, the acting superb, and the story had me glued to my seat. After the performance, I met up with some fellow dancers for dinner at a tiny but absolutely charming restaurant. We sat and chatted for hours, sharing stories of life on stage and in the city that never sleeps.

Beyond ballet and Broadway, I've taken in all the sights. One of my favourite things about New York is how easy it is to hop on the metro. It’s an underground world all of its own, bustling with life. I’ve taken it everywhere – from the bustling Times Square to the quiet parks of Central Park.

Of course, Central Park itself is a must-see. The endless green expanse, the charming bridges, the joggers, the picnickers - it's a wonderful escape from the city's hustle and bustle. It reminds me of home, actually. We have some lovely parks in Derbyshire too.

The Magic of the Pink Tutu

Being in New York has definitely reinforced my passion for spreading the magic of the pink tutu. This city celebrates creativity, style, and self-expression. I feel more empowered than ever to embrace the joy that comes with a little bit of twirling in life.

So, if you're ever in New York City and happen to see a girl in a pink tutu dancing her way through the streets, it just might be me! I’ll be spreading pink tutu cheer, encouraging people to dance a little bit, and inspiring everyone to find the inner joy that lies within.

Stay tuned for my next post where I share more about my adventures in New York and maybe some special tips for finding the perfect pink tutu.

Until then, keep twirling, keep smiling, and keep letting your inner ballerina shine!

Emma, xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-11-28 she danced in New York City