New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-01-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #1128 - Monday 16th January 2017: She Danced in New York City!

Hello my lovely tutu-wearers, and welcome back to another edition of my NYC adventure! This week's blog is bursting with pink-tastic experiences, from the sparkling lights of Broadway to the thrilling twirls of the city's best ballet schools. Buckle up, darlings, this one's a whirlwind!

The Journey Begins

As the saying goes, it’s always a good day to wear a tutu, but this Monday was particularly exciting, for it marked the start of my latest New York escapade. Armed with a freshly ironed, vibrant pink tutu and my trusty tote bag full of essentials – ballet shoes, a compact mirror, and an abundance of pink lipstick – I set off from my Derbyshire abode. My favourite Derbyshire train station - a quaint little thing, full of charming period features – became the gateway to my Big Apple dream. I had a slight moment of panic when I realised I’d forgotten my travel charger, but after a panicked phone call to my lovely Mum, I found out it was still plugged in back home ( bless her!) She always takes such good care of me!

The train journey was bliss – a time for catching up on emails and indulging in my beloved Ballet News magazine, which this week featured an exclusive interview with my favourite choreographer, Mr. Ashton. He's a bit of a legend you know, the only choreographer ever to have a ballet named after him - * Ashton’s Rhapsody*! It was all I could do not to stand up in my seat and attempt a grand jeté in the carriage. The conductor did shoot me a disapproving look, but that’s just how it goes when you live the pink tutu life!

New York, New York!

After a long journey - the best thing about taking the train from Derbyshire to London is a big glass of chilled Pinot on the train and a lovely, elegant lunch at The Savoy, in London, it felt incredible to be at Penn Station. The energy, the hum, the sheer enormity of it all was invigorating!

My taxi whisked me away to my beautiful apartment, right near Central Park – and don’t I love a view over Central Park! It is absolutely picture perfect – with a breathtaking, panoramic vista – my ‘view’ was a key consideration when I chose this apartment – so my New York adventures started beautifully. With my bags unpacked and my ballet shoes neatly arranged, it was time for the ultimate New York treat – a slice of pizza, with extra pepperoni! (it had to be pink-coloured of course – just how I love it - although in all honesty the pizza wasn't very pink!)

I had booked myself into a ballet class at The School of American Ballet on West 63rd street – one of New York’s most prestigious dance academies – and this class really got me back in the groove after the journey – it is so exciting to be back dancing and twirling again, after being back at my Mum’s for the Christmas and New Year.

Shopping Queen!

And when you’re in the city that never sleeps, it would be simply unpardonable to pass up a little bit of retail therapy. This week, I simply had to explore the amazing selection of tutu-tastic delights at Bergdorf Goodman! As soon as I stepped inside the beautiful store I was mesmerized - there was just so much beautiful things to look at and touch - I went a bit bonkers - but really, who could blame me! The fashion section was just dreamy, and the colours! oh my! It’s no secret that pink is my go-to hue, and they certainly had every shade imaginable! This store just never disappoints!

The perfect shopping experience, is always better when there's a delicious lunch and a cup of Earl Grey Tea ( the only real tea – everything else is just hot water really) at a proper tea shop to finish off! I had spotted a very fancy tea room called “Alice's Tea Cup”, near my hotel and couldn't resist! The staff were so friendly and the cakes just gorgeous!

The Magic of Broadway

My dear ballet enthusiast readers will already know that my greatest pleasure in life is attending the grandest of all productions – a captivating ballet.

As soon as I arrived, I booked tickets to see the latest production at the American Ballet Theatre. It's a big deal for me - I have actually attended ballet classes with some of these dancers in the past - they are incredibly talented – they work so incredibly hard - you'll find it is a tough life for dancers! But these amazing ballet professionals take the breath away each and every time - it’s simply the most spectacular and magical thing in the world. The set and costumes, of course, are always just heavenly.

The stage was awash in a sea of glittering pink, mirroring my own sartorial desires! As the curtains rose and the dancers took their positions, I felt my heart soar, swept away by the music, the movements, the sheer beauty and grace.

I had a great view from my seat! I did almost miss it as I arrived right at the last minute and then spent ages in the ladies, looking at myself in the mirror with my favourite little black makeup bag and trying out a few new pink lip colours - as you know - my lips never touch a lip colour unless it is pink! And how could I let a perfectly nice toilet trip, complete with fabulous marble tiles go to waste! - You have to admire those beautiful shiny marble bathroom floor and wall tiles. They always take my breath away, but that’s another blog altogether, dear tutu-wearers – maybe next week. The performance was magnificent – I was absolutely transported by the skill and grace, and left the theatre utterly enchanted.

After my theatre trip – (and how else to travel but by subway, of course - its such fun!), I decided I wanted to take in a live theatrical experience too – so I booked a ticket to a Broadway play - " The Lion King", which just happens to be a real masterpiece.

Time to Dream of More Tutus

You may ask, how can I possibly be running out of things to do in a city as exciting as New York – the place that never sleeps. That question may seem to you as incomprehensible as trying to pick the right pink dress for a Friday night.

Of course I’ll return to Derbyshire tomorrow with a heart overflowing with the joy of dance and a wardrobe brimming with more pink than ever.

My lovely friends - keep your tutus in prime condition - I will be back next Monday! And in the meantime - keep dreaming in pink!

Love and glitter,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-01-16 she danced in New York City