
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-05-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Post #1146 - A Whirlwind of Pink in the Big Apple!

Hello my lovely Tutu Twirlers! It's Monday again, and I'm back from a weekend in the bustling, vibrant city that never sleeps: New York City! And let me tell you, I had the most splendid time. This week, I'm sharing every pink-hued detail, from the chicest Broadway show to the tastiest cupcakes, with a little bit of tutu-clad street style thrown in for good measure.

You know me, I simply couldn't resist a trip to the city that embodies everything glamorous and exciting. From the moment I stepped off the plane and inhaled that exhilarating city air, I felt the urge to twirl! The sheer energy of this metropolis is simply infectious. It's impossible not to feel invigorated by the constant buzz and the feeling of endless possibility.

Ballet by the Bay

This weekend was all about ballet! And I have to say, itโ€™s been a dream come true to see so many incredible performances in just a few days. You know I'm a huge fan of the traditional ballet, but this trip really opened my eyes to the endless variety and captivating art form that is ballet in New York City.

My first stop was American Ballet Theatre, performing at the Metropolitan Opera House. They had just finished their Spring Gala which sounds marvellous! Sadly I missed it but did get to see an evening performance. My goodness, the dancers were phenomenal. I was utterly enthralled by the breathtaking skill and grace on display. Each movement was so precise, and the emotion pouring out from every dancer on stage was truly inspiring. I sat with my mouth wide open for most of the show, totally immersed in the world of storytelling and artistry.

Later in the week, I took a peek at a little something completely different. It's called "Ballet Under the Bridge", an outdoor performance taking place right on the banks of the Hudson River. It's hosted by a small local company, and the performances are free, which is fantastic. It's a bit more contemporary and experimental than the grand ballets of the Metropolitan, but equally captivating. You can tell they put their heart and soul into their work. And the views over the river - oh, they were exquisite!

Now, I don't just love to watch ballet; I love to dance! And I couldn't leave New York without slipping into my tutu and visiting a few studios. One of my highlights was taking a drop-in ballet class in the heart of the Upper East Side. It was the perfect combination of beautiful studio, incredible instructors, and a friendly group of fellow ballet enthusiasts. Even though I'm a complete beginner in contemporary dance, everyone made me feel welcome and comfortable.

As always, I wore my most extravagant pink tutu - a voluminous, feather-trimmed number - with my classic pink satin slippers. And let me tell you, even in the most bustling of cities, a pink tutu never fails to draw attention! In fact, it sparked several lovely conversations about the joy and power of dance with my fellow class participants. The shared love of ballet can really bring people together, can't it?

Fashion Feasting

Now, a trip to New York wouldn't be complete without indulging in the city's unparalleled shopping scene! This time, I decided to delve into the vintage clothing scene. After all, what could be better than hunting for pre-loved treasures with a sprinkle of history? I was so lucky to stumble upon a delightful little vintage boutique in SoHo, crammed with amazing 70s and 80s pieces, some even featuring fabulous ruffles and a whole lot of pink! You can never have enough ruffles, can you? I left with a beautiful pastel-pink velvet top with puffed sleeves that would look divine with a fluffy tutu, and a silk scarf, adorned with hand-painted flowers in the most exquisite shade of lilac.

After my vintage hunt, I just had to venture into the grand department stores! I mean, who can resist a visit to Bloomingdale's? I'm quite partial to their shoe department, and I found the most stunning pair of high-heeled pink pumps - with bows, naturally! I just knew I had to take them home.

Even the food scene is full of glamour and glitz in this city! On Friday, I went to see a fabulous burlesque show with my friend Olivia, called โ€œThe Speakeasy Soiree. This decadent performance blended incredible dance, fabulous costumes, and, of course, a healthy dose of comedy. Oh, and we indulged in some decadent chocolate cake! It was a delicious way to finish a delightful day.

Adventures on the Subway

No trip to New York City is complete without a journey on the iconic subway system. I was quite a novice at the beginning, fumbling through maps and trying to decipher the train schedules, but after a couple of trips, I was a pro! I have to say, it's a really fun way to travel around the city. I find myself glued to the windows, taking in the urban landscape while the trains race through tunnels and over bridges.

Of course, there are always a few quirks to the subway experience. On one of my journeys, a group of high school girls started an impromptu flash mob, dancing with their own custom-made pink tutus, a whole group of them. And there were plenty of quirky New Yorkers sporting their own unique style, always a fascinating people-watching opportunity!

As I've mentioned before, I absolutely adore the metro system. The energy, the pace, the vibrant mix of faces all on their journeys... The best thing is the sheer convenience, getting you anywhere you want to go without having to worry about finding a parking space! This weekend, the subway has taken me all over the city, from Brooklyn to Manhattan, experiencing all the hustle and bustle.

And, let's not forget the delicious street food I discovered! You guys wouldn't believe the amazing New York-style pizza, bagels, and those gigantic cookies I discovered on my subway adventures. You just have to find the hidden gems โ€“ even amidst the constant bustle and commotion, there's always something delightful just around the corner.

Living in the Pink

Overall, this trip to New York City was a dream come true! It's the perfect place to let loose, embrace your creativity, and express yourself through fashion, dance, and simply living life to the fullest.

As I sit down to write this blog post, my flat is practically a pink paradise โ€“ my souvenirs are unpacked, my new pink clothes are carefully hanging on my wardrobe door, and a steaming cup of Earl Grey tea is at my side. It feels wonderful to be home after my exciting whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple. But you know, this pink tutu isnโ€™t staying put for long. The call of the city is already drawing me back! There are more exciting ballet performances, more shopping to be done, and even more of New York City's energy to soak up.

This was a trip full of joy, a reminder to twirl through life with a big smile and a vibrant pink tutu!

Now, I'm off to write some thank you cards, to share the magical moments of this week. Remember, dear Tutu Twirlers, every day can be a whirlwind of excitement. Get your tutus ready, embrace your inner sparkle, and dance your way through this beautiful life!

Until next week!

XOXO, Emma

Don't forget to visit my website at www.pink-tutu.com to see photos from my trip to New York!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-05-22 she danced in New York City