New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-06-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1150: Twirling Through the Big Apple!

Hello, darlings! It's Monday again, and you know what that means… it's time for another fabulous installment of my Pink Tutu Blog! This week, I'm back from a whirlwind trip to the magical city that never sleeps - New York City! Oh, how I adore that place. It's a dream come true for a girl like me who loves a bit of sparkle, a dash of theatre, and the chance to see amazing ballet shows. And, of course, no trip to New York is complete without a plethora of pink tutus, isn't it? 😉

This time around, my adventure was all about exploring the city through a tutu-tinted lens. I mean, you can't go to New York and not take the opportunity to wear a fluffy pink tutu for the world to see, can you?

I packed my suitcase with an assortment of my favourite pink tutus – a classic tulle confection for dancing around Central Park, a glamorous sequined tutu for an evening at the theatre, and a sassy little pink tutu for a day of shopping on Fifth Avenue. You've got to be prepared for every eventuality, right?

My journey started bright and early on a Thursday morning. As a Derbyshire lass, the only way to travel is by train! I can't resist the charm of an old-fashioned steam engine chugging through the countryside. It’s a quintessentially British experience that always puts me in a dreamy, twirly mood. It makes arriving at the airport for the big flight across the pond so much more exciting, too!

NYC, here I come!

Arriving at JFK airport, it was all a blur of cabs and the iconic yellow taxi scene! I hopped in my chariot and headed straight to my hotel. It was a lovely boutique hotel in the East Village – think vintage chic meets modern minimalism with a dash of Broadway flair. I practically pirouetted into my room, its floor-to-ceiling windows giving a magnificent view of the city. I had to resist the urge to twirl with the utmost gusto right there and then. A pink tutu-wearing ballerina simply cannot help herself, right?

After I'd settled in, it was time to grab some lunch! Oh my, what an adventure in culinary delight that proved to be. You could call me a bit of a foodie, and NYC is just a smorgasbord of taste and flavours. I tried everything from artisanal burgers at a quirky Brooklyn eatery to authentic Italian pizza in Little Italy. The only way to choose what to eat, I’ve discovered, is by going with your heart!

Central Park… and Tutu Dreams

After lunch, it was time to head to Central Park – the ultimate backdrop for my pink tutu escapades. The park was alive with people picnicking, families enjoying their day, and, of course, plenty of artists and street performers. I found myself near a group of children, and their eyes lit up as I joined their game of tag, wearing a perfectly pink tutu, of course. My inner child came out, giggling as I twirled amongst them.

But what I was really yearning for was a dance. So, under the watchful gaze of the towering skyscrapers, I started to practice. I was soon surrounded by a small crowd, their faces filled with curiosity and appreciation. My pink tutu danced in the sunlight, a silent ballet under the big blue sky.

As I was doing my final pirouette, a lovely couple came up to me. The woman said, “I used to dance too! It's been years, but you've rekindled something in me.” She actually told me all about her love for ballet as a child! That, darling, is what I love about my little tutu crusade. Spreading joy and encouraging people to unleash their inner dancer – that’s what it’s all about!

A Night at the Theatre…and More Pink Tutues

The evening brought a grand finale – a performance by the New York City Ballet. This was my true passion! I put on a stunning pink sequined tutu that made me feel like a real ballerina. You simply cannot underestimate the magic of a little glitz and glamour in the world of ballet!

Oh, the artistry! I was transported by the beauty and skill of the dancers. I took it all in – the delicate footwork, the captivating stories told through movement, the beautiful costumes, the energy emanating from the stage. I could not have wished for a better night, darling. The show just reinforced my passion for this incredible art form, and I felt a thrill running right through my toes, let me tell you. It's almost like magic!

Of course, what happens in NYC, stays in NYC. We danced till dawn, darling. My shoes were a tad worn out by the time I returned to my hotel, and let's just say my tutu was feeling the after-effects of a whirlwind dance adventure!


You simply cannot visit NYC and not indulge in a bit of retail therapy. And darling, I am here to tell you, you have to do some shopping! Shopping in NYC was such an exciting adventure, exploring independent boutiques to flagship stores. The city is a shopper's paradise, you just have to find the time! The best part, of course, was picking up a couple of fabulous new pink tutus to add to my ever-growing collection. My collection is constantly growing and the more colourful, sparkly and sassy tutus I own, the happier I feel. I really cannot resist, my dears!

I picked up a stunning silk pink tutu, delicate and ethereal, perfect for a balletic picnic. And another one made from fluffy pink feathers, oh darling, it was so dramatic and flamboyant. The only way to describe it is to say that I practically had to waddle through the stores it was so huge, and I even managed to buy myself a lovely pink sequin cape – imagine, a sequin cape that could transform me into a magical fairytale princess.

Back to Derbyshire

Returning to England with a suitcase overflowing with tutus, shoes, and stories, I felt so inspired by all that NYC has to offer. It is definitely a place where dreams take flight! The magic and the dynamism of the city still inspires me every time I think about it, especially when I wear my new tutu treasures, my dear friends.

But no matter how far I travel, my heart will always be with my dear Derbyshire home. Nothing beats the green rolling hills, quaint villages and the friendly faces that greet you at every turn. It's the perfect setting to start writing about my NYC adventures, and as always, to spread the pink tutu message!

Love, Emma

What is on for Emma to see on 19th June?

As you’ve just heard, dear reader, my fabulous travels took place a bit earlier than the date you mentioned, but never fear! New York is so packed with events you can guarantee a delightful experience just around every corner on 19th June, 2017! The City That Never Sleeps is just a wonderland of performance and entertainment. There are always amazing events going on, and this is especially true in June. You just have to have your fingers on the pulse of this thrilling city, and you can't miss out on all the wonderful offerings! I do, after all, keep up with my calendar of shows, events, and performance, especially if it involves pink tutus.

It is very likely, however, that on 19th June, I could have been dancing the night away with friends, savoring the thrill of a ballet show in a theatre right in the heart of the city, or even grabbing some pre-show dinner in Little Italy. Now, wouldn't that be a delightful evening out?

Pink Tutu Goals!

I truly hope that my Pink Tutu Blog NYC has given you some inspiration to find your own inner sparkle! Don't be afraid to embrace the bold, the bright, and the downright flamboyant. I'm still striving towards my goal – to inspire everyone, every day, to dance and to wear a pink tutu with pride and joy. Just picture it – an ocean of pink tulle swishing across the globe! We could do it! Don't forget, darling, there's always room for more pink in the world, don't you agree?

And, in the words of the wise Judy Garland: “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” So darling, go out there and make your own pink tutu dreams come true! You’ve got this. Don’t be shy about it, dear.

See you next Monday, darlings!

XOXO, Emma

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I can't wait to hear your pink tutu stories! Let me know your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog to stay in the loop for all the latest pink tutu adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-06-19 she danced in New York City