
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-08-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 1157 ā€“ Monday 7th August 2017

Hello darling!

It's Monday morning in New York City, and as you all know, it's the day I spill the tea on all things fabulous and pink! So, grab a cuppa, pull up your prettiest chair, and let's chat.

Last week was justā€¦ dreamy! My performance at the prestigious "Dance Under the Stars" gala went off without a hitch (thank goodness, thereā€™s nothing worse than a dropped pirouette on a full moon!), and the proceeds raised enough for my long-awaited trip toā€¦ drumrollā€¦ NEW YORK CITY!

My flights were booked, my bags packed (I just know theyā€™re bursting with gorgeous new outfits ā€“ New York is a mecca for fashion, isn't it?!), and I had an itinerary packed with shows, shopping, and enough delicious food to make my little tutu heart sing!

Landing in the Big Apple:

My feet barely touched the ground at JFK before the New York buzz hit me full force. Itā€™s such a unique atmosphere; a beautiful cacophony of honking taxis, bustling crowds, and that infectious New York energy that just makes you want to get out there and seize the day!

My little pink tutu danced a little jig as we made our way into the city via the metro. The iconic red lines whisked us into the heart of Manhattan, where we checked into a pink-tastic hotel (naturally). I was utterly enchanted by the view ā€“ the cityscape glimmered in the twilight like a box of sparkling pink candy. Honestly, if I were any more thrilled, I think I would have spun straight into orbit.

Ballet on Broadway!

Being in New York City wouldn't be complete without a trip to see a show on Broadway. It's a magical experience, with all the lights, the music, the sheer artistryā€¦ chef's kiss!

And this week, my fellow tutumains, weā€™re talking BALLET!! I canā€™t believe it, Iā€™ve seen almost every iconic ballet company but never had the chance to witness the magnificence of the American Ballet Theatre (ABT).

So, naturally, I bought tickets to see their current production of "Swan Lake." Talk about a masterpiece. Every graceful move, every flutter of the tulle, every thunderous drumbeatā€¦ I was mesmerized! I truly believe ballet has a magical power, donā€™t you? And it was just lovely to see all the elegant, graceful tutusā€¦ so dreamy! You know I have to be sure I have an amazing tulle for next week, so that's where I'll be headed, to the amazing shops of New York for the most fabulous tulle.

The ABT's "Swan Lake" was so captivating, I almost forgot I had planned to head down to the Broadway Dance Center for some class afterwards! Thatā€™s the beautiful thing about New York - it never slows down, there is always something going on. The dance studio was bursting with energy and filled with passionate people, all with a shared love for the art of ballet. This class really stretched my tutu musclesā€¦ literally!

City Streets and Street Style

As a self-proclaimed fashionista, my trip wouldnā€™t be complete without exploring New York's vibrant streets for some fabulous finds. And let me tell you, I've already stumbled upon some incredible vintage shops, tucked away like little treasures in hidden alleys! Thereā€™s nothing like the feeling of unearthing a piece of history (and finding the perfect new accessory to pair with my tutus, naturally!)

I saw a little vintage pink tutu on saleā€¦ I almost bought it, but my suitcases were getting a bit over-packed! But then, how could I resist a trip to Macy's? You could wander the glorious floors for hours. I spent almost an entire day just taking in the atmosphere, the smell of the perfumeā€¦ Oh, it was heaven!

The best part about exploring a new city like New York is soaking up the unique energy of the people you encounter. Itā€™s fascinating to see the myriad of styles, from chic models to bold and eclectic street artists ā€“ each one oozing a distinctive charm. New York, after all, is a true melting pot of talent. And you canā€™t tell me that those stylish folks in NYC don't all wish they had a beautiful, full tutu for every occasion.

Of course, my outfit was quite the spectacle as I explored all that NYC has to offer, especially with all those crazy-hot tourists crowding every sidewalk. Itā€™s no easy feat getting around here in a fabulous, voluminous tulle tutu, believe me! But let me tell you, itā€™s a sure-fire way to get a smile and a wave from the lovely localsā€¦ and that's always a treat!

Itā€™s fun to watch peopleā€™s reactions as I take my spot on the Metro! But the best part of rocking a tutu while traveling? It's the amazing photoshoots you can stage! I found some seriously inspiring backdrops all over this town, perfect for adding a little ā€œpink tutu flairā€ to my Insta.

You all know Iā€™m always trying to push the boundaries of what a tutu can be! I see tutus as a form of empowerment, a declaration of freedom and joy, a message to the world that says, "We're going to dance through life!"

My week in the city is a whirlwind of fabulousness and fun!

I just canā€™t get enough of all this New York City magic.

Iā€™ll be posting updates on my Instagram feed (@PinkTutuBlog) with the hashtag #PinkTutuNYC. Keep an eye out, darlings!

P.S. My trip back to England is next week, so you can expect my new pink tutus to arrive in the blog very soon! You wonā€™t want to miss thoseā€¦ so remember to tune in next Monday!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-08-07 she danced in New York City