New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-09-10 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 1214 - She Danced in New York City!

Hello darlings!

It's Monday again, which means a brand new post for Pink Tutu Blog NYC! I’m bursting with excitement to share my adventures from last week in the Big Apple – and let me tell you, it was an absolute whirlwind of tutu-spinning joy!

This week, I feel like a different person entirely! After all, I was just a country lass from Derbyshire a mere few months ago, with dreams of dancing under the twinkling lights of Broadway. But thanks to a little hard work and a whole lot of tutus, here I am, a New Yorker by adoption, and absolutely in love with this city!

And what a way to kick off the week than with a dazzling ballet performance, right?! Let me tell you, New York City ballet is a force of nature! Imagine swirling pirouettes that would make a sugar plum dream, leaps so graceful they make your heart soar, and the energy of a room filled with passion – that’s what you get when you enter a NYC ballet performance! It was absolute magic!

The theatre itself was like stepping into another world - all red velvet and gilded detail, like something out of a fairytale! I swear I felt like Cinderella as I skipped up the stairs, my pink tutu whispering in the breeze like a promise of enchantment. And it was, darlings! The show itself was truly incredible. The story unfolded beautifully with stunning costumes and powerful movements, leaving me breathless by the time the final curtain fell.

Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without a little retail therapy! I've always been a firm believer that a good outfit can make you feel unstoppable - especially when you're wearing a statement-making pink tutu! I found the most amazing new collection at Saks Fifth Avenue, all soft pastels and silky textures, the kind of stuff that makes a girl's heart flutter!

But you know what else truly gets me going? New York’s subway! It’s a kaleidoscope of colour, personality, and that iconic New York grit – it’s an exhilarating way to get around. You might catch me whipping my phone out for a quick selfie (always with the tutu, of course!), or eavesdropping on fascinating conversations (trust me, you never know what gem you’ll hear on the subway). I might even try a spontaneous ballet sequence, but only in the moments when the carriage is pretty empty. After all, a girl has to maintain her flair!

Now, speaking of maintaining my flair – let's talk about this week's theme: embracing your inner ballerina. No matter your age, your size, your background - anyone can unleash their inner ballerina. It’s about owning that sense of elegance, that strength and grace. You might not be pirouetting across a grand stage, but you can be swirling with confidence wherever you go. So go on, darlings! Get that pink tutu on, and let your inner ballerina shine!

Remember, my ultimate goal is to see a world filled with pink tutus! You might find me handing out sparkly tutus on the subway, sharing the power of the pirouette, or simply encouraging you to embrace the grace that’s already within you.

But what about the specifics, you ask? Well, dear reader, this past week saw me attend the New York City Ballet’s season opening, an enchanting performance featuring a brand new adaptation of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ that I'm still daydreaming about! Imagine it: classic ballet meets Shakespearean romance – pure poetry in motion! And let me tell you, the music alone was enough to sweep me off my feet!

This was followed by an evening at the legendary MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), a treat for both the eyes and the mind! It's hard to express how captivating their modern art collection is. Of course, no MoMA visit is complete without a stop at the gift shop, and my eyes were particularly drawn to the vibrant art prints – a wonderful addition to my collection, and perfect for adding a splash of color to my little Pink Tutu flat!

Of course, no New York City experience is complete without a bit of street performance! This week, I caught a captivating show at the Washington Square Park, with a street artist mimicking the graceful movements of a ballerina with remarkable precision! It’s these little bursts of art that remind us that beauty exists in every corner of this magnificent city!

As always, darlings, it’s not just the events that make a week in New York truly special, but also the memories I create! A quick trip to the delightful Alice’s Tea Cup, nestled amongst charming cobbled streets, was the perfect spot to relax over a spot of tea with a friend, sipping on a cuppa while exchanging stories and secrets – oh the joy!

And finally, let’s not forget about the spectacular autumnal colors bursting to life throughout Central Park – nature at its absolute finest. It's amazing how this city breathes a fresh breath of vibrancy every single season. And with that, I think it's time to sign off!

Stay tuned for my next post next Monday, darlings, and remember to be brave, be bold, and embrace your inner ballerina!

With all my love,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-09-10 she danced in New York City