New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-09-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #1215

Monday, 17th September 2018

Hello lovelies!

It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to New York City! My latest adventure in the Big Apple was a dream come true, a pink-tutu filled whirlwind of ballet, Broadway, and oh, so much shopping! I truly believe that if you haven’t visited New York City, then you haven’t really lived, especially if you’re a ballerina at heart!

It was a bit of a hectic trip – I had performances to do, shows to catch, and of course, a very specific schedule of ballet classes to attend. You can’t simply wear a pink tutu and float about the city, even though I certainly would have loved to try! But hey, who doesn’t like a challenge, eh?

Speaking of tutus, let me tell you, you wouldn’t believe the amazing pink tutus I found in NYC! The city just pulsates with colour, fashion, and sheer sartorial inspiration. Every corner of Manhattan is like stepping onto a different runway – I simply couldn’t resist. My new favourite one is a soft blush pink, with a hint of sparkle and a layer of tulle that whispers "prima ballerina" with every twirl. Oh, to be a prima ballerina! It even came with a matching pink beret, because, why not?! It's so stylish and oh so Parisian chic! I can just imagine myself twirling on a stage, basking in the warm glow of the spotlight! But for now, it's the streets of New York I'm dancing down!

But it wasn't all tutus and glamour, this trip was all about ballet and Broadway, You guys know how much I love ballet! There’s just something about the grace, the artistry, the dedication that brings tears to my eyes every time. Oh, to be a dancer! So, I did what I always do – I basked in the glory of world-class performances.

New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center

One of my absolute highlights was watching the New York City Ballet perform at the breathtaking Lincoln Center. Seeing these graceful artists glide across the stage, every movement a testament to their years of training, left me breathless. My heart skipped a beat, especially during Swan Lake, their performance of the swan theme was mesmerizing. You can truly see their love for the artform. They put every ounce of themselves into every single performance. Watching those elegant swans soar across the stage, it was a perfect blend of artistry and athleticism – utterly magnificent.

Stepping into the Shoes of a Ballerina at Steps on Broadway

Of course, I couldn’t go to New York City without visiting Steps on Broadway. Oh, my goodness! You guys know that my obsession with dance spills over into taking ballet class wherever I go! So, of course, I had to immerse myself in the world of New York’s best. It was so inspiring to be among such passionate and dedicated dancers. My muscles are aching, but my soul is soaring – and don’t even get me started on the ballet shoes! A girl can never have too many shoes! I snagged myself the cutest little pair – think bright pink leather, adorned with tiny pearls. They’re absolutely adorable. I might even wear them to class. It was definitely a class with a difference. My fellow ballerinas wore some interesting fashion choices too – one dancer wore a pink-striped leotard and another had a sparkling sequined ballet skirt. But hey, that's New York for you! Anything goes here and I have to say, it's all perfectly inspiring!

The Enchantment of Broadway - a Dream Come True

And Broadway! You know it’s been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. Let’s just say, it was everything I dreamed of, and more. I was mesmerized by the elaborate costumes, the phenomenal voices, the passion on the stage, and of course, the amazing stories told. You simply cannot understand what Broadway is really like unless you've seen it live! I just had to make sure that I caught The Phantom of the Opera - oh my word! Those dramatic costumes and the way he sang his heart out, I thought it would be hard to top, But then I saw 'Wicked', The Wicked Witch’s outfits, the costumes, and Elphaba’s powerful voice, my eyes were just wide open with wonder the entire time! You could tell all the actors and singers put their whole heart and soul into every performance. There's such magic in the atmosphere, it's truly captivating. The energy in those theaters – I mean, they were electric! Honestly, even the costumes and makeup! It was an amazing display of talent! The costumes alone would be worth a trip to see!

From the Metropolitan Museum of Art to Times Square - An Art and Fashion Odyssey

I must confess, I did venture outside the world of ballet, I wanted to immerse myself in the art and fashion scene! The Metropolitan Museum of Art, I have to say, is breathtaking. I must go back, there was simply so much to take in – especially the exquisite fashion displays! The galleries showcasing vintage fashion and costume design had me completely spellbound, I’ve started dreaming of my own fashion empire – I think I might just turn my tutu obsession into a collection, “Emma’s Pink Tutu Collections” - watch this space! The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the way they weave art, fashion, history - it was the ultimate trip down memory lane for a budding fashionista! I really had a moment of clarity - I felt truly at home!

And let's not forget Times Square! The sheer brightness and intensity of the bright lights and flashing neon signs are something else! I even snapped a photo with one of the amazing costumed characters – It wasn't exactly high fashion, but I did manage to pair a pink tutu and my sparkly pink beret with a costumed character. You never know where the magic will lead you. This wasn't exactly a ballet performance but this city just exudes style. I really believe I was wearing a tutu at the perfect place! The magic of Times Square - it just embodies everything about NYC - energy, creativity, and endless possibilities.

Riding the Waves of the New York Subway - Pink Tutu Style

My trips would be no fun at all without exploring New York City’s public transport - the New York Subway, of course! The iconic metro system! You can truly experience the essence of the city down in the subway – you really see a true cross section of humanity there - the characters, the sounds! And just for the record, my pink tutu really does attract a crowd. It’s all fun and games!

I remember one particularly amusing instance, I was headed to a show – I forget which one now – when I struck up a conversation with this very friendly local lady wearing a pink feathered hat – she even gave me a complimentary pink feather to attach to my pink tutu! Honestly, where else in the world can you experience such a random, exciting encounter on the subway? This was more fun than any ballet performance, except of course, the shows and dance class - oh I do love dance. I truly feel that in New York City, everyone's got a story. I’ll try my best to wear my pink tutu on the next trip to see how far my love of this city can take me!

A Little Pink Tutu Magic

I know what you are thinking, you must be thinking: Why a pink tutu? Well, you could call it my little touch of whimsy. It is the perfect way to bring a touch of magic and wonder wherever I go, It reminds me of childhood dreams, ballet, grace, elegance - I mean how can you not smile when you see a tutu! There's just something about it that’s inherently joyous and celebratory, a little reminder to have fun and embrace the world.

But honestly, it's more than just a piece of clothing. It's about embracing your individuality, being bold and embracing who you are, that's why I've made it my mission in life – to inspire the world to embrace their inner pink tutu! It’s a statement that whispers, “I am unafraid to shine, to be seen, to dance my heart out.” I truly believe that life is best enjoyed with a sprinkle of magic, a dash of joy, and of course, a magnificent pink tutu.

And if you happen to see me twirling around New York City, be sure to say hi! I’d love to share my pink tutu love with you.

Until next time, Emma


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-09-17 she danced in New York City