
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-12-31 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1230 - New Year's Eve in the City that Never Sleeps!

Hello my darling readers! Emma here, reporting live from the heart of New York City, where the concrete jungle hums with excitement, and the magic of New Year's Eve is in the air!

This past week has been a whirlwind, filled with glitter, sequins, and a whole lotta pink tutus! From waltzing across the stage to gracing the aisles of the most fashionable boutiques, my little tutu-clad self has been on a full-fledged New York adventure. Let's dive in, shall we?

From Stage to Street

This weekend was especially exciting because it was packed with performances! You see, dear readers, my passion for dance isn't limited to the hallowed halls of ballet studios - I also adore street and theatre productions! It's amazing to witness the pure joy of dance expressed in all its diverse forms. This Saturday, I had the pleasure of dancing with the New York Ballet Collective in a charming little off-Broadway production, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," complete with a beautiful backdrop of the twinkling skyline. Imagine my delight! My fellow dancers and I had everyone clapping along, especially with our rousing "Tutu Tango."

Speaking of street performances, I was lucky enough to stumble upon a stunning street ballerina right in the heart of Times Square. Imagine - right there, amongst the bustling crowds, a young lady in a bright pink tutu (pink, of course, because she must have been reading this blog!), effortlessly captivating the public with her graceful moves. It was simply enchanting!

A Ballet Feast in the City

As for theatre performances, I spent Friday night in the luxurious grandeur of the Metropolitan Opera House. The majestic architecture, the velvet seating, the rustling of silk gowns - it was an experience to treasure! I had a perfect view for the enchanting "The Nutcracker" production, filled with dazzling costumes and talented performers. Afterwards, I met some fellow tutu enthusiasts in the lobby for a spirited chat over steaming mugs of hot cocoa. The air was alive with the infectious buzz of shared passion for ballet and the intoxicating magic of New York City.

The Art of Finding the Perfect Tutu

Speaking of enchantment, I must tell you all about my absolutely amazing shopping expedition to "The Tutu Boutique" this week. You can just imagine my glee when I found it hidden away on a tiny side street in Greenwich Village, right near the famous Washington Square Park! A hidden treasure chest of delicate tulles, shimmering silks, and every imaginable colour! My new, sparkly lavender tutu (it has a matching bolero jacket!) is just the perfect piece to add a touch of whimsy to my New Year's Eve festivities.

Taking the Subway, In Style of Course

To navigate this fabulous city, you simply cannot live without the efficient and ever-present Metro system. And why should my sartorial choices be left behind just because I'm underground? I've learned the secret, darlings - you can totally wear your tutu on the subway! A little bit of sparkle adds some joy to those long commutes. It also acts as a magnet for conversation - I've been asked countless times if I'm off to a ballet class! You know what they say: โ€œIf you love your tutu, then let it show!โ€

Ringing in the New Year with a Pink Tutu Twirl

As I pen these words, New Year's Eve is fast approaching. And where will I be, you ask? Well, surrounded by good friends, wearing my newest lavender tutu, naturally, sipping sparkling cider as the clock strikes twelve, ready to celebrate with a twirl under the dazzling lights of Times Square! I plan to continue spreading the joy of tutus throughout the year, inspiring others to embrace the wonder and magic of dance and express themselves with vibrant creativity.

So, dear readers, if you're in New York City, I invite you to join me on this delightful journey. Let's dance, let's sparkle, and let's wear pink tutus! After all, life is too short to be anything but fabulous!

With a joyful twirl and a warm hug,

Emma, from Derbyshire, England, writing to you from New York City

P.S. You can find all the latest pink tutu-inspired fashion updates and more on my website: www.pink-tutu.com

See you next week for another exciting adventure in the City that Never Sleeps!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-12-31 she danced in New York City