New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-01-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1231 - A Twirling Tale from the Big Apple!

Monday, 7th January 2019

Oh, darling, what a whirlwind weekend it's been! It's Monday again, which means it's time for a brand new post on Pink Tutu Blog NYC. Grab a cuppa, get comfy in your favourite fluffy pink robe, and join me for a twirl through the delights of New York City!

Remember, if you're not yet subscribed, pop over to to join the Pink Tutu family. We're a community of fabulous individuals who share a love for life, sparkle, and of course, a dash of pink.

From Derbyshire to the Big Apple:

Well, it seems my tutu and I are truly addicted to this concrete jungle. I left my beloved Derbyshire just three weeks ago, and already New York has woven its magic. Last weekend was simply divine! A cocktail of captivating ballet performances, dazzling fashion finds, and enchanting city adventures. I practically lived on the subway – a perfect blend of practicality and a chance to soak up the eclectic city atmosphere. The bustle, the characters, the ever-present hum of energy – it's truly exhilarating!

Dancing the Weekend Away:

Friday evening, after a long and exciting journey by train, found me tucked into a prime seat at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. The performance was a contemporary ballet adaptation of the iconic story Swan Lake. The music, the stunning costumes, the powerful movements - it all swept me away! My heart was bursting with inspiration, reminding me why ballet is such a powerful art form. You can practically smell the emotion in the air as the dancers express stories without a word. It's truly magical.

A Feast for the Senses:

After the show, a small group of fellow ballet enthusiasts and I decided to explore the charming streets around the Lincoln Center. It was an enchanting night, the air filled with the scent of roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate. We stumbled upon a charming French patisserie with glittering pastries and delectable treats - perfect for fuelling our late-night ballet discussions.

Saturday, I embarked on a serious shopping expedition! From the eclectic boutiques of Soho to the high-fashion giants of Fifth Avenue, my inner shopaholic was positively thriving. I treated myself to a few stunning new ballet shoes for my daily practice – every ballerina deserves to pamper their feet, don't you agree? Plus, I found the most glorious pink clutch with shimmering crystals that will be perfect for the grand ball I plan to host at my Derbyshire home later this year.

A Slice of Broadway:

My Saturday evening was truly a highlight. My friend Sarah and I secured some fantastic tickets for a dazzling musical. It was all the theatricality and glamour I had ever dreamed of. The sheer spectacle of Broadway never ceases to amaze me, and this show had me tapping my toes and grinning from ear to ear throughout. It really reminds me that we must always remember to enjoy life's little dramas, be it in ballet or in the spotlight of a glamorous theatre.

Sunday - Rest & Refuel:

Sunday morning, after a satisfying breakfast of fresh fruit and berries, I ventured out for a stroll in Central Park. It was the perfect way to recharge and soak in the peaceful beauty of nature in the midst of the bustling metropolis. The vibrant autumn leaves added a touch of romantic magic to my morning. And it goes without saying that a perfectly crisp morning calls for a chic outfit, wouldn’t you agree? I opted for my go-to combo: a delicate pink dress and my favourite tutu, which added a dash of whimsical charm to the scene.

The Importance of Ballet:

Sunday evening saw me back at the barre for a rigorous ballet class. Nothing clears the head and invigorates the soul like a challenging ballet workout! It's a true physical and mental discipline that keeps me grounded, centred, and endlessly motivated. Each move, every stretch, tells a silent story. It’s more than just dancing – it's an art form, a way of life, and it brings an immeasurable amount of joy to my heart.

Fueling my Passion:

Of course, I can’t forget to mention that all these fabulous adventures are made possible by my passion for ballet performance. As I’m sure you’ve heard before, being a ballet dancer requires dedication and relentless practice, but most of all, a little bit of entrepreneurial spirit.

Luckily, thanks to my dedicated efforts and the unwavering support of the Pink Tutu family (that’s you, lovely readers!), I manage to juggle my performances with my adventures in the big city. It's not always easy to balance a dancer’s life with a travel blogger's journey, but with the power of passion, anything is possible!

The Pink Tutu Message:

My aim in life, you see, is simple. It’s to spread a little bit of pink tutu magic all around the world. I believe that everyone deserves to feel happy, confident, and beautiful in their own skin. So, when I encourage everyone to wear a pink tutu, it’s about celebrating your inner sparkle and embracing the power of self-expression. A pink tutu is more than just an outfit – it's a statement! It’s a declaration of individuality, a reminder that we all have something unique and beautiful to offer the world.

From Pink Tutu to the Pink Tutu Family:

Whether it’s strutting down a Parisian boulevard, gliding through a New York ballet performance, or dancing barefoot in the countryside, I believe the pink tutu message has the power to inspire us all. So, my darlings, join me on this incredible adventure as I explore the world with my pink tutu by my side. I hope this post has sparked some inspiration in your heart and reminds you that the only limit to what you can achieve is your imagination. Now, go out there, embrace your individuality, and make a statement with a sprinkle of pink!

Don’t forget to catch me next Monday on Pink Tutu Blog NYC, for more adventures, fashion tips, and a dash of pink magic. Until then, keep twirling!

Love always,


Pink Tutu Blog NYC

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-01-07 she danced in New York City