New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-09-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1267 – Dancing in the Big Apple! 🩰🍎

Hello darlings!

It's Monday, which means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Blog post! And guess what? This week I'm coming to you straight from the heart of New York City, where I've been frolicking and twirling in my very best pink tutus, taking in all the sights and sounds this incredible city has to offer.

This week's trip is all about combining my passion for ballet with my love of exploring new cities, and what better place to do that than in the Big Apple, where Broadway and ballet are woven into the fabric of the city.

As a Derbyshire girl through and through, NYC was always a dream. Now, I'm living the dream in all its glitzy glory! So buckle up, grab a pink cupcake (they are truly a must-have here!), and join me as I share all my NYC adventures!

Pink Tutu's NYC Subway Adventures

Right from the moment I arrived at JFK, I was smitten. This city has such a captivating energy – there's just something about the buzzing streets, the towering buildings, and the constant stream of people going about their day. And of course, there's no better way to experience this vibrant energy than by riding the subway. I swear, the subway system here is a character all its own.

The first time I hopped on the train, my eyes were wide, I felt like a giddy school girl on an adventure! It felt like every corner of the metro had something fascinating going on - people in fancy dress, families out for a day trip, businessmen catching up on calls. But here's the thing, even on the subway, you could still spot the pink tutu! I was absolutely thrilled to see several other ladies embracing their inner ballerinas. It makes me so happy to see other ladies embracing a bit of pink and twirl.

A New York State of Mind

New York really does feel like a melting pot of cultures and art. Every corner seems to be alive with something fascinating - a street performer breaking into a dazzling dance routine, a giant neon sign, a park filled with people picnicking. Honestly, it's just a total overload in the best way possible. I think the magic of NYC is all in the little moments. It's a city where you can truly feel alive, full of possibility, and maybe even inspired to dance in the street!

A Day at Lincoln Center:

Of course, no trip to NYC would be complete without a visit to Lincoln Center. The air is abuzz with the energy of dancers and art lovers. We walked into the majestic David H. Koch Theater and as soon as we entered the foyer, I could feel my heart thump with excitement! And, oh my goodness, the grandeur! The plush velvet seats, the towering chandeliers, the hushed anticipation in the air, I could tell I was in for a treat!

And the ballet performance, oh, it was breathtaking! I won't spoil the details (but it was all about the magical world of a fantastical ballet, with a cast of dancers so graceful they almost seemed to defy gravity). The energy in the theatre was electrifying – people were totally captivated, transported to this different world by the beauty of ballet. I was even inspired to take some notes for my next blog post.

Fashion Finds at The Garment District:

Let’s face it: NYC is a fashion lover’s paradise! After my trip to Lincoln Centre, it was off to explore the legendary Garment District. Every store had its own vibe and energy. I spent hours in the chic boutiques with beautiful dresses and delicate details, and browsed through vintage clothing stores, feeling the layers of history swirling around me. Even amidst all the sleek, modern shops, my pink tutu definitely stood out and added a touch of whimsy.

Finding the Perfect Tutu

Speaking of tutus, my search for the perfect NYC-worthy pink tutu was certainly a memorable experience! It started at a little vintage shop hidden down a side street in Greenwich Village. It had that authentic vintage feel - layers of dusty fabrics and vintage treasures crammed into every nook and cranny. And buried in a corner, amidst silk scarves and feather boas, I found it! The perfect, sparkly, hot-pink tutu for my NYC adventure. It was slightly longer than my usual style, which added a touch of drama and perfectly embodied the bold spirit of this city.

My New York City Ballet Dream:

You know how much I love ballet and dance. And what better way to immerse myself in the city's dance scene than to visit the legendary New York City Ballet. This is an experience I’ve dreamed about since I was a little girl, twirling around in my living room in Derbyshire! And it exceeded all expectations.

As we stepped into the studio, I was in awe of the elegant space, the towering windows, the sheer dedication in the eyes of the dancers. Seeing their artistry and skill up close made my own little ballerina heart swell with excitement and joy.

A Farewell to the Big Apple (For Now)

My New York adventure, filled with pink tutus, subway rides, Broadway shows and the magical world of ballet, is coming to an end. But I'm leaving with a heart overflowing with happiness. It’s amazing how a city can feel like a thousand stories swirling together, a constant tapestry of moments. The sheer energy, the cultural richness, the unexpected joys and even the hustle and bustle, it’s something I can’t wait to explore again.

Of course, I’ll never forget my tutu adventures in NYC - each twirl, every laugh, every breathtaking performance will stay with me forever! And that reminds me: Let’s spread the love of twirling and wear those pink tutus wherever life takes you. You never know when a pink tutu moment is waiting around the corner!

Until next time, New York City!

Yours always,

Emma 💕🩰

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-09-16 she danced in New York City