New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-11-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1276 - New York, New York!

Hello lovelies!

It's Monday, which means it's time for a new blog post from your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, straight from the Big Apple! New York, you are absolutely breathtaking and I am absolutely in love with you!

I touched down in the city that never sleeps a couple of days ago, and let me tell you, it's true – this place has a relentless energy that is intoxicating. I've barely slept, but who needs sleep when there's so much to explore!

And explore, I have! I've already strolled through Central Park, the lush green oasis amidst the towering skyscrapers. It was so peaceful, I felt like I was in a completely different world – even in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the city. I even had a picnic by the lake – the perfect spot to rest my little pink tutu-clad feet for a few minutes!

Of course, no trip to New York is complete without a visit to Times Square, and let me tell you, it's even more dazzling in real life than on TV! I wandered through the dazzling sea of lights and towering billboards, taking it all in with a huge, wide-eyed grin. The energy was palpable, and I could feel my heart beating in time with the rhythm of the city.

Tutu Tales: Shopping Extravaganza

A girl's gotta shop, right? Especially when you're in New York, where every corner seems to be brimming with fashion and style. I confess, I haven't been able to resist a few treats. I found the most incredible pink feathered boa in a little vintage store on Broadway. It's going to look simply divine paired with my favourite pink tutu, I can't wait to wear them both together on stage!

I also stumbled across a vintage dress shop tucked away on a charming cobbled side street. Imagine my joy when I discovered a stunning pink tulle gown - it practically begged to be twirled! I may not be a fashion icon, but in this gown, I definitely feel like one.

New York Ballet Scene: Where Passion Meets Performance

I knew New York was known for its exceptional ballet scene, and I wasn't disappointed. Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing a stunning performance by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. It was a masterclass in artistry and grace. The dancers moved with such precision and fluidity, each gesture a testament to their talent and dedication. It left me feeling inspired and eager to get back into my own ballet shoes and dance!

Speaking of ballet, I have been hitting some of the most fabulous ballet studios in the city! This week, I had a class at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, where the atmosphere was electrifying and the teachers are truly passionate. I managed to snag a spot in an intermediate level class (a little bit outside my comfort zone!) - It was tough but worth every drop of sweat. I have been doing so much walking that my ankles are starting to get a little sore but that isn't going to stop me, I am even planning to try a Broadway dance class soon. I will definitely keep you updated.

Adventures in the Subway

Let's talk about the New York Metro – a vibrant, sprawling, and frankly terrifying maze of tunnels. But let's be honest, you can't explore the city properly without experiencing it firsthand. I've even managed to figure out the different lines and learn a little bit of local slang (no, I won't use it in my blog, that would just be a tad too embarrassing!).

Remember, darlings, navigating the city subway is an art form in itself! For my first time navigating the New York metro I managed to get my bearings quite quickly (although I did find myself travelling in the wrong direction for a while!).

You might think the New York Metro would be pretty drab - but actually it is a riot of colours, lights and artwork. If you're looking to see the 'real New York', take the subway for your journey - you never know who you might meet.

My Tutu-tastic Goals

As many of you know, my dream is to get everyone in the world to wear a pink tutu! It might sound a little silly, but it’s more than just a fashion statement – it's about embracing our individuality, celebrating life, and a little dose of pure joy. And you know what, New York City seems to be a city where it’s absolutely acceptable to express yourself. Even the taxi drivers are wearing outrageous hats! Who knew? (And you bet I've taken pictures - so keep your eyes peeled on my Instagram!).

So far, I've seen a few tutu-inspired outfits here and there. It seems even the trendsetters of the city have taken notice. Maybe my little pink dream is getting closer!

New York Moments to Remember

So many of my Instagram posts have already been about the sights and sounds of New York. A special mention should go to the beautiful and awe-inspiring sight of the Empire State Building - so majestic when seen from the ground and the rooftop of Rockefeller Center! A top tip? You need to check out the sunset.

What's on for the rest of the week, you ask?

Well, a certain pink tutu-clad ballerina is going to be spending the next few days getting lost in museums and art galleries - the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a definite must for all the fashion and ballet lovers out there!

Plus, I hear there's a show happening at the Metropolitan Opera House (think elaborate costumes, enchanting melodies, and a night of pure theatrical bliss!), and I just might have a ticket waiting for me. Maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of my tutu-tastic outfit on my Instagram.

Sending You Pink Love!

From the neon-drenched streets of Times Square to the romantic Central Park strolls, I’m truly enchanted by New York! It’s truly a magical place where dreams take flight and inspiration flows freely.

I'll be back next week with another post full of pink tutu adventures!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, where I'll be posting photos and stories throughout my New York escapades.

Until next time, send lots of pink love and let your inner tutu sparkle!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-11-18 she danced in New York City