New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-12-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #1278: A Whirlwind in the Big Apple!

Monday, 2nd December 2019

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, writing to you live from the vibrant heart of New York City! 🗽 As I type this, I can almost hear the rhythmic honking of taxis and the excited chatter of passersby swirling around me like a ballet performance. The Big Apple has definitely got a unique kind of magic.

It's been an exhilarating week already, and I've barely had time to catch my breath. The moment I landed at JFK, I knew I had to dive straight into the action. I don't do "settling in" when it comes to New York, darling. My itinerary? Let's just say it was bursting at the seams with fashion, theatre, and a sprinkle of ballet, naturally! 🩰

Stepping onto the Stage of Broadway

Before I could even unpack my pink tutu-clad luggage (yes, I do bring it with me EVERYWHERE! What can I say, it's a part of me), I had tickets to see “Hadestown”, the dazzling, Grammy Award-winning musical everyone is talking about. Talk about making a grand entrance! As the stage lit up, I found myself whisked away into the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, brought to life with stunning costumes, enchanting melodies, and breath-taking dance numbers. 🎭 I confess, there were even a few tears, and I certainly wasn't the only one feeling the magic.

Pink Tutu Shopping Therapy

Afterwards, the feeling of wonder just wouldn't leave me! It was the perfect inspiration for a little retail therapy, so I hopped on the iconic yellow subway (and yes, my tutu wasn't out of place amidst the fashion-forward crowd. You see, anything is possible in New York!) to head to Fifth Avenue, where dreams come true... for a girl who loves designer shoes, that is. 👠 The windows of Tiffany's were twinkling, Bergdorf Goodman had a festive spirit that could make anyone giddy, and even Saks Fifth Avenue seemed to have embraced my pink-tutu vibe with its flamboyant displays! There's truly a magical, almost storybook quality to this part of the city.

But my inner fashionista wouldn't be satisfied with just window shopping. I had to explore! With the scent of vintage Chanel in the air, I waltzed through Bergdorf Goodman's captivating halls. (It’s not a day trip if you haven’t visited, honestly!) My gaze drifted to the most exquisite silk blouses, sparkling jewellery, and decadent clutches – you know, just the essentials for a glamorous evening in the city! And while my bank account might not be thanking me for the purchase of a stunning silver clutch emblazoned with a delicate silver snowflake, my wardrobe sure is! 👛

The Joy of a Broadway Workshop

Of course, a girl like me can't be in New York City without dipping her toes, or perhaps more appropriately, her pointe shoes, into the city’s vibrant ballet scene. On Wednesday, I stumbled upon a fantastic Broadway workshop in the West Village! Can you believe I actually managed to slip a couple of hours of ballet training into my schedule? And trust me, it wasn't just any ordinary ballet class. I felt myself being pulled in by the powerful energy of the New York dance scene, with each plié, tendu, and arabesque, fuelled by the rhythm of the city! 💖

Afterward, there was time for another taste of New York's cultural charm. With my heart still thumping from the workshop, I joined the queue at a vintage book store tucked away on a cobbled street in Greenwich Village. 📚 My fingertips lingered on the worn pages of books on photography, history, and literature, eager to delve into tales spun by New York's captivating past.

Central Park Escapade

The weekend dawned clear and bright, the perfect opportunity for a jaunt to Central Park. As I strolled through its winding paths, my imagination took flight. I envisioned myself twirling through the iconic Bethesda Terrace, my pink tutu twirling in the autumn breeze. (I couldn't actually do it, dear readers, because a graceful ballerina requires the space, you see? It was just my imagination!).

And as I strolled, my mind danced with stories of bygone eras: children playing in the meadows where great American authors wrote their tales, the grand ballroom parties held in the grand hotels lining Central Park West. 🌳 The energy was undeniable, pulsating with a unique mix of elegance and playfulness.

From Midtown Manhattan to Brooklyn

As much as I loved exploring the iconic sights of Manhattan, my adventures took me further afield too. Brooklyn, with its bustling street art scene and its independent coffee shops with quirky décor and bohemian vibes, is like a totally different side to the city! I even tried my hand at creating my own latte art at a little cafe called "The Brooklyn Latte Co." – you’ll find pictures of my artistic triumphs (or lack thereof) on my Instagram! ☕

Dancing Through The Holidays

My lovelies, the countdown to Christmas is truly upon us! The streets are decked out with twinkling lights, there’s an air of joyful anticipation in the air, and even the city’s iconic yellow cabs seem to be driving with a bit more festive flair. ✨ New York's charm is just on a whole other level when it comes to Christmas!

New York’s Dance Scene: A Personal Favour

So, dear readers, this week, as I've twirled my way through the avenues of New York City, it occurred to me that something about the Big Apple makes it almost impossible to NOT move to its rhythm. And yes, that rhythm is just as contagious with ballet, theatre, and fashion as it is with the sound of the city's energy and its symphony of horns! It’s hard to explain this feeling. Perhaps it's the energy of the streets, the constant pulse of activity, or maybe it’s the infectious optimism and “can-do” spirit that makes this city feel truly alive. But whatever it is, it’s definitely got me feeling inspired, energized, and oh-so-ready for my next adventures!

And what could be better than the chance to spread the love of dance with a ballet show in a local school? My mission, dear readers, is to inspire everyone to tap into the inner ballerinas within. I will be spending this afternoon with local school children in New Jersey, offering them a fun and interactive dance workshop! They'll be learning some basic steps, stretching, and even getting the opportunity to showcase their creativity through an improvisation exercise. ✨

Because, darling, you don’t need to live in a fancy city or even own a pink tutu to enjoy the joy of movement. (Although, having a tutu certainly helps! And just imagine how much you'll stand out if you have one - I promise everyone will notice you, and with your charm, I’m sure you will inspire more people to discover their love for the magic of movement!

Until next Monday, stay sparkly, stay playful, and don't forget to unleash your inner ballerina! 💖

Remember, dear readers: Don’t forget to visit our website,, for my exclusive video series, featuring my very own ballerina tutorials and glimpses into my most glamorous moments in this big city. 🩰✨

Much love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-12-02 she danced in New York City