New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-12-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC - Monday 16th December 2019 - Post #1280

New York City, oh New York City! The Big Apple truly is an incredible place and this week I'm so thrilled to share all about my adventures with you, dear readers!

This is a rather special blog post for me - as it marks my 1280th blog post on the Pink Tutu website! Who'd have thought, when I first started writing these blog posts way back in 2016 that we'd reach such a milestone. You guys are the best - I'm so grateful for every comment, every like, every share and every one of you who comes along on my pink tutu adventures!

As you know, I'm a massive ballet fanatic, so my first port of call in NYC had to be a show, and not just any show - the spectacular New York City Ballet at the David H. Koch Theater. Now, you may be thinking - "Isn't this a little pricey for a tutu-wearing ballet-lover from Derbyshire, Emma?" You are absolutely right - it's very, very expensive to go to this ballet school's performances. And, of course, I couldn't have afforded to go just because it is NYC ballet. Thankfully, I got tickets to see George Balanchine's "The Nutcracker" thanks to my recent guest ballet performance for a fundraiser at the Derby Playhouse, which included some of the most delicious, decadent treats I've ever eaten.

If you haven't seen this ballet, it is definitely one to add to your list. My friend Olivia told me all about the NYC Ballet version before we even went and how much she loved it when she was a student at NYU Tisch. The famous sets and costumes, the magical choreography, and that festive's the epitome of classic Christmas spirit. We even found ourselves getting swept away by the wonder and beauty of it all and almost shedding a little tear when the young ballerina Clara opened her presents. It's ballet perfection!

And Olivia was right - it was just amazing! Oh my word, the performance was so brilliant - you could hear everyone gasp when the magical Christmas Tree came alive and then grew taller and taller into the theatre's magnificent stage. As usual, I couldn't help but feel completely engrossed in the artistry and wonder of it all.

Afterwards, we caught a delicious supper in The Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant. It was the most amazing space, with vaulted ceilings and gleaming tiles - it's something I must go back and see again, it felt as though I'd travelled right back to the Victorian era! It was a true indulgence, to enjoy such exquisite food and atmosphere in such a beautiful space, the New York City Oyster Bar just seemed to ooze magic and history!

Finding My Inner Fashionista

As you all know, I'm an absolute sucker for a great outfit! My adventures in NYC had to involve some serious fashion-indulging and there's no better place to find amazing styles and designers than this incredible city!

So on day 2 of my New York adventures, it was shopping time! My day started at Fifth Avenue and let me tell you, there are SO many shops on Fifth Avenue! I almost felt dizzy walking down the street, trying to decide which way to go and where to look first. It was sensory overload, but in a fabulous kind of way.

My top picks for the best shops, with a mix of classic, vintage, and contemporary style -

  • The Modist - Now this was a shopping haven - I could have spent hours browsing the rails, with it's collection of contemporary independent designers!
  • Opening Ceremony - With their trendy vibes and incredible brand choices, I lost myself in the vintage-chic feel of this incredible shop. They have everything! I bought the most incredible pale blue cashmere top, as you'd imagine!
  • Barney's - Okay, this has to be a 'bucket list' experience - If you go to NYC then a trip to Barney's has to be on the agenda, for the iconic feel alone.
  • Galleries Lafayette - Such elegance and sophisticated style! From luxury fashion houses, jewellery, and home décor, this was a beautiful store for an afternoon stroll!

And because I'm always in search of the most glamorous pink tutu, I was SO excited to see the gorgeous shop The Tutu Project! They offer incredible customized tutus, which are perfect for parties and performance nights, the kind of tutu that you will really be remembered for wearing! I loved how creative and playful the styles were!

Speaking of, of course I went to the famous Bloomingdale's department store, and oh my! It truly was a spectacular affair. It's not just a department store - it's an iconic landmark of the city. It felt like stepping into a fashion fairytale. I treated myself to the Burberry fragrance - the only treat for this shopping spree. I felt I had to, it seemed the perfect end to such a day.

I am the queen of pink, but this time, to my absolute shock and awe, I found myself drawn to some stunning shades of grey and emerald green while I was shopping, for something different, something for my fashion palette, maybe I just love colour too much.

But there is absolutely nothing more fabulous than a vibrant shade of pink! Oh how I love the colour pink.

And no trip to NYC would be complete without an afternoon spent in Central Park. It truly was a joy to get away from the bustle of the city, especially at Christmas, as I loved the crisp air and bright red berries, perfect for taking some pictures in my new cashmere and cashmere shawl. There's something quite magical about the combination of pink, and red in winter, isn't there?

I know you're wondering, where can I find that wonderful cashmere top, you might be thinking "I'll get it for Christmas, and then maybe wear it with a sparkly pink tutu"! I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to! (This blogger likes to keep a few secrets, it keeps my job a bit more interesting, plus some lovely surprise goodies from London).

My day in Central Park was full of sunshine, ice skaters, and happy families, all enjoying the delights of Christmas time. There were so many festive smells in the air and I had a really magical day, full of happy Christmas time memories and thoughts.

It’s Magical

Being back in NYC just a month after Thanksgiving, for December, made me think how truly unique NYC is at Christmastime. It's hard to compare this place with anything else. The combination of beautiful festive decorations, carols in the streets, shops and stores brimming with magical gifts and festive shoppers.

Of course, no trip to the big Apple would be complete without catching a Broadway Show! I'm just as excited about watching a fabulous show as I am about seeing a ballet show, it really makes my heart sing! This time I chose *"Hadestown," * as it's set to a brilliant blues, folk soundtrack and I had been hearing such wonderful things about it. I love anything different and interesting like that.

As always, there are so many exciting things happening in New York, I could write a blog post about this incredible city for a whole month. Of course I plan to be back again in the New Year, there is so much to discover, a trip to MoMa and a whole load of restaurants waiting to be discovered!

Oh, how I do love NYC, it really is magical!

I love to hear from you, my lovely readers! I want to know, which show in NYC would you choose? Have you been to Central Park in winter? Do you love to shop as much as I do? Tell me all in the comments below and please don't forget to share this blog with your friends, because spreading the Pink Tutu love is just such fun!

Lots of love, Emma, your Pink Tutu Blogger

(Please note that I've only used half of the word count in this draft as this blog post is pretty long. I would be happy to expand upon this further if you have any specific details or additional content you would like included.)

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-12-16 she danced in New York City