New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-12-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1333 - A Dance Under the Big Apple 🍎🩰

Hey darlings!

It’s Monday again, and you know what that means… Time for another Pink Tutu Blog NYC post! 🎀✨ I'm feeling extra sparkly this week because I just got back from the most magical weekend in the Big Apple – and yes, I wore my pink tutu.

You see, darling, sometimes even a seasoned ballerina needs a bit of magic in her life, and this weekend certainly delivered. It wasn’t just a visit to the greatest city in the world, it was a full-on fairy tale come true! My week has been brimming with inspiration, so let me tell you all about it...

A Little Derbyshire Lass in the Big City

So, I hopped on the plane from ol’ Derbyshire (missing my lovely Mum's shepherd's pie, let me tell you!) and landed right in the heart of New York City. And you know what, darling, I had my trusty pink tutu with me, ready for some big city dancing.

It felt so exciting stepping off the plane. Everything was new and sparkly. It truly is the city that never sleeps! From the moment I landed, the hustle and bustle got my heart racing with anticipation. You wouldn't believe the colours, the people, the sheer vibrancy – I felt like a little butterfly fluttering into a vibrant flower garden.

The Ballet is Always Calling

Of course, my trip wouldn’t be complete without seeing some truly incredible ballet performances. And you won't believe where I landed: right in the heart of Lincoln Center! The sheer magnificence of that place! It's just breath-taking, isn't it?

My first stop was the New York City Ballet, and oh my, they were utterly divine! Such grace, such power! Every movement was a piece of art. I could barely breathe! I got a backstage tour and chatted with some of the dancers – truly lovely, talented people, and such inspiring dedication! That energy is infectious, isn't it? You just want to move, to spin, to fly, too!

A Metro Dance with Fashion & Flair

One of my favourite things about NYC is the metro system – the underground trains. The sheer convenience, the speed! But you know what's most incredible? It's a real melting pot of cultures, darling. Just like a vibrant, bustling ballet studio. You have every imaginable type of person whizzing by. And everyone's on their own unique journey, all coming together in this magnificent, subterranean city beneath the streets. I actually love watching the people in the metro; it’s like observing a dance without them even knowing it!

I mean, imagine, darling, just the costumes alone – from sleek business suits to the most fabulous outfits! It's a sartorial masterpiece every time I ride the subway! I try to soak it all up, like a ballerina soaking up the energy before a grand performance! You know I'm already brainstorming what fab looks I can wear to blend right into the city.

And talking of fashion, what a haven for any true clothes lover! So many amazing boutiques to explore, darling. Oh, and those shoes! It's a dancer's paradise in a whole new way, don't you think? It's just a dream to shop around those little boutiques and department stores! My little pink tutu was absolutely feeling the New York vibe. It’s amazing to see so much confidence in the way people dress, their own individual styles. I love to take inspiration for my own unique fashion choices from all the style icons of the city.

The Theatre Lights Up

Speaking of dreams, no visit to NYC is complete without seeing a Broadway show. This time, it was "Hamilton", the hip-hop musical about America's founding father! You'd think it wouldn't be my cuppa tea, but it really blew me away, darling!

It's like they've taken historical events and woven them into a breathtaking, modern-day ballet with songs, dialogue and even rap! Imagine – ballet infused with a little bit of rap and theatre? It's quite magical! You could really see the passion on those actors’ faces and feel the energy through their performance. Such a unique blend of artistry. I swear, I got so lost in the show I actually thought I was a character in it for a while!

Eating like a Princess

You wouldn't believe how many delightful little bakeries there are in New York. It's practically a second home to every baker in the world! I got a warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven at this little cafe in Brooklyn – so yummy!

It’s been a delightful combination of high fashion, vibrant culture, and of course, yummy treats, like a perfectly curated ballet programme! You just feel the excitement everywhere you go – in the shops, the streets, and even on the metro!

The Magic of the Pink Tutu in the Big Apple

Now, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Blog NYC without me wearing my pink tutu. Darling, you know it's an integral part of my New York adventures. Honestly, it adds a touch of whimsy and glamour to every street I stroll!

It's true what they say, darling: New York City never sleeps, but it's also a place where you can let your inner ballerina shine. That's the amazing thing about this place – you can be whoever you want to be, wear whatever you want, and just go with the flow!

So, while it’s not always possible for all of you to pack a pink tutu for every trip to NYC, don't forget, there's a little bit of ballerina in us all! You can embrace your own inner ballerina anywhere, even if it's just putting on your favourite dance shoes and spinning around in your own living room!

What’s Next for Pink Tutu?

My next post will be a roundup of my favourite ballet shops and dance stores in the city. That’s what’s happening on 28th December, so stay tuned!

If you’ve been in NYC, share your favourite experiences!

Have a fabulous week!

Emma xx


Remember, I’m now taking booking for ballet performances and choreography workshops. You can find my latest schedule at Get in touch and let’s bring some sparkle to your world! ✨🩰

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-12-21 she danced in New York City